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Kingdom Hearts: Breaking the Door(Signups and OOC)

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Hero of Lhant
Apr 25, 2009
You know what I really don't know lol
{A rp created by a collaboration of NightmareZero, Tenyas and Chaos.}

The Worlds haven't always had Walls.

The Legends haven't always been Myth.

Light and Dark once worked together, bound by Neutrality.

Three of us stand tall in this time of peace, behind us the fruit of our generation. But, these days seem to force from us our all. There are fewer and fewer keybladers in a land where, once, each world boasted their own heroes. Now we are lucky to find as many as we do before they fall to... darker means. And to further our pupil's training, our hands are forced to take with us wielders of different weapons just to ensure the safety of the worlds.

This is the tale of many things. The Keyblade and those who weild its different forms, the Masters among those few, and the encroaching Darkness the likes of which we've never seen. It begins in the Land of Departure and ends with what may well be one of the most groundshaking events of our time. We will be forgotten, our faces vanish and our names disappear. But, never shall anything be the same.

This is, of course, in the Kingdom Hearts Universe but, an alternate continuem from the actual series. None of the characters you know are in this setting, in their place plenty of new faces and drama. The Land of Departure is still in existence, Radiant Garden hasn't been taken over by ol' Maleficent, and Twilight Town has yet to have Diz take over the mansion. Relative to the games, this would be taking place just before Birth by Sleep, only, due to the nature of there being many critical characters missing, the history is going to end up very different.

As such, there are still keybladers. Just not as many as there once were prior the infamous War. There are also three Masters to guide them, each a representive of one of the three major factions in these worlds. The eldest of them in terms of both duty and age is Tenebrae, an experienced Keyblade Master who uses his strength and knowledge of the Darkness for the aims of good. Or, at least, as much as he can. Who knows, with someone like him. Next, there is Phos, the representative of the Light and a middle-ground in age but, no more weak than Tenebrae. He weilds his knowledge of the arcane arts along with the Light to maintain order. Strong in commands but soft in companionship, the man is not one to be crossed. Finally, there is Equeis, the youngest and most recently chosen of the Masters who acts as the middle-ground between the sharpness of Black and White. Her speed is mighty, as is her sympathy, but still learning compared to her elder companions.

These three rule as a form of inter-planetary police, teaching lines of other Keyblade wielders to do good for the worlds at large and responsible use of their weapons. Their home of operations; The Land of Departure, called such for two reasons. Firstly, most of those who go there are there because they long ago left their old homes to train and learn. Secondly, many of them leave the world soon enough for other places after completing their training, rarely returning.

But, even though the Keyblade War has been over for years, the numbers of remaining weilders is decreasing, resulting in a lowering number of pupils and a raising amount of disrest in some worlds...


Basically, you get to choose to be a Keyblader or a weilder of some other form of weapon who trains along with Keybladers underneath the watchful eyes of one of our three Masters. To avoid biased teams and awkward numbers in sides, you don't get to choose in your template who you train under. Instead, one of us three [Nightmarezero, Chaos, Tenyas] will choose who will be journeying with who going by your templates and what your character is like. Keep in mind, even if you purposefully set yourself up to be on the 'Dark side', you may still end up being picked by, say, the Master of Twilight/Neutrality/Dawn/Dusk instead. This is also to honestly judge your character because, sometimes, when a writer thinks they're 'neutral' they may actually sound more like the goody sort.

Once chosen, you and your Master will go on a nice little journey to another world to learn some of your first lessons on maintaining order and peace. Funnily enough, like all good stories, something will go wrong. When something goes wrong, you know something even better is waiting around the corner. And when you find out what that something is, Kingdom Hearts save your soul.

No Powerplaying or God-modding. If you must ask, this means having an overpowered character that can do fifty attacks in one post and take a billion hits without falling as well as the ability to mind-control the opponent. Yeah, no go.
Here, there be no half-breeds. Unless, of course, you're from Atlantica and that's conductive to the whole breathing underwater thing. I doubt there are any Keyblade weilding lions that naturally occur in the Pridelands, though.
Respect thy neighbor and do not willy-nilly slice their heads off. Ask politely first.
Some cussing is allowed [I myself have a foul-mouthed character] but, for the sake of the site, censor it somewhat.
Even though all the Masters are taken and they're in charge, don't think that this means you're not going to be allowed to do anything. Quite the contrary, you all play your own part in the story and can decide how this ship floats.
Be semi-literate with your posts. I don't mind if they're short just so long as you're actually getting something done. Machine-gunning, on the other hand, is only okay when things would otherwise be slow.
If any questions ask Either Tenyas, Nightmarezero, or Chaos.
Lastly, have fun. Really. If you stop having fun, then what's the point?

Important things on the Keyblades:

The size and shape of your keyblade is important for a lot of things. It represents your affinity in most cases, reflects some history, and limits what it can do.
A small keyblade cannot turn into an unseemly gigantic vehicle, just as a gigantic keyblade cannot turn into a tiny bicycle. The shape of the blade controls the style of the vehicle.
If you have a character that specializes in magic, they're likely to have a more ornate weapon. Likewise, if you are more power based the keyblade will reflect this in appearances.
Keyblades can be broken, it's just exceedingly hard to do so since it's a reflection of the user's own emotional status and most Keybladers have strong wills. Once their will is broken, however...
Every Keyblade can lock or unlock things but, more powerful locks require either well trained apprentices or several weilders to be manipulated. Masters, for example, can open or block most anything but, even they have issues when trying to summon something as huge as Kingdom Hearts [a taboo act in of itself].
Your keyblade is able to turn into a vehicle. Again, dependant on both your character and the keyblade's style. It can ALSO turn into another weapon in some cases, this still follows the same rules as everything else though.

Important things on "other" weapons:

They can be more varied, anything from needles to guns, so long as they line up somewhat with your history. Also, I want them to match what you put for specialties somewhat.
A speedy character won't be lugging around a giant sword nor will a magic character be using some form of science-tech mecha [unless, you explain it as magic-powered or sometin', but, you get the point].
They can be special but, don't make story-breakers, a'ight? Lasers are awesome-sauce, but, I don't want peeps shoop-da-whoopin' entire planets willy nilly.


Character Summary:
[sum up your lil' fellow in a paragraph]


[I don't expect to see anything older than twenty or younger than ten]

[female, shemale, male...]

[Keyblade or a different kind of weapon. If its a keyblade than add in what vehicle it turns into and what weapon it turns into to. If its a weapon do not go over board. Pictures are nice, but writing also would be best to. Remember the rules people]

[light, dark, neutral?]

Most proficient in:
[speed, strength, or magic. "If you're going to be good in something, you're going to be bad at something [unless you're some kind of Stu/Sue, ew]. So, have a weakness as well as a strength." And one you did not choose your average in. IN OTHER WORDS CHOOSE ONE YOUR GOOD AT, ONE YOUR BAD AT AND ONE YOUR AVERAGE AT. Simple as that. ]

[pics are nice, just don't think you'll get away without writing anything]

[simple, really]

[place here your homeworld {can be Disney/Pixar/animation related} and some backstory on your character]

[anything you feel like; music, likes, dislikes, etc.]

The Masters:
Nightmarezero-Phos [editing]
Tenyas- Equeis
Chaos- Tenebrae

The Students:
Chaos- Raido Madera Nightwell
Silent Trinity- Viscus
King Wolfe- Mio Chikako
Silent Trinity- Joshua
ThePromise- Van
Jozi- Pheres
Sparks- Alice Indigo Karo
Silverside- Tonitrus
Trukybldemstr2- Lexxais Allen Smith
PiecringLight- Kyoko
MangaCrazy101- Jobii Ryan
TheProfessor-Raaquis du Sade
Lumine-Fleur Clement
AxelYoYo- Lex B. Rovain
Von83194-Von Lancer
AxelYoYo-Olivia J. Rovain
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New member
Nov 13, 2010
My secret lair, the COMMON SENSE base of justice,
here's mine




weapon:crush of the earths:a keyblade that specilazes in attack and speed only does attacks and magics with ease is 3'2 turns into a motercycle and turns into a sword


proffent in strenth speed magic weak in defense and crictal rate

apperance:it's in the link http://media.photobucket.com/image/...gdom20%hearts20%/terrasummoningkeyblade.jpg?o

personalty:quick fierce and serious.has wondered why the worlds exist and have keyholes.wondered what has happeed to every keyblade master and makes sure to heal allies in battle

history:surrived a great blow to the head before has learened countless abilities that scare people alot learned that freiendship is the key for everything and was born on Raident garden

summary add all of those things up i don't feel like writeing i've had my fill today


Master of the ECKKK
Apr 30, 2009
In the world of Change.
Character Summary: Viscus, an apprentice of the darkness, one who stays in the shadows, has the strength to follow his heart yet, his power may be too strong. Viscus is the type of Key Bearer who tends to stay quiet, yet posses the ability to speak up when necessary.

Name: Viscus


Gender: Male

Weapon: Keyblade: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080519184013/kingdomhearts/images/4/4e/OneWingedSmall.jpg

Vehicle: A small hover board that extends only a bit farther than the actual keyblade's length.

Affinity: Dark

Most proficient in: Speed. Weak in Magic. Average in Strength.

Viscus stands at around five feet, seven inches. He has bright white hair, that is brushed to cover his forehead and down the sides of his head. He weighs at around one hundred and forty pounds. He has dark blue eyes, a thin mouth that when closed looks like a line, and thin eye brows.

His appearance is clean, no wrinkles in any of it. He wears a long drench coat, with red on the inside and brown on the outside. Under this he wears a black t-shirt, black jeans, bright red shoes, and a extra pocket on the outside of his right leg.

Viscus keeps to himself most of the time, even when with the masters he tends to keep quiet. Only when he is asked of his opinion will he ever respond, or if he thinks of something that others didn't.

Though that doesn't mean he's anti social, just awkward due to his shyness. He likes people, and being around them its just that he was never given the chance to speak up.

Viscus has a good heart, helping people in need, feeding a stranded puppy on the street, destroying a creature that is attacking a person. But Viscus does have an anger deep inside which is why he has an affinity to the darkness.

Viscus was born in Twilight Town, but was raised in the Twilight Town's orphanage. His parents had abandoned him for unknown reasons, but left a message on his basket.
"Find the Key." The owner of the orphanage, a nice lady by the name of Lisa, gave Viscus this message at the age of ten, and asked him if he knew what it meant.

He had answered that he had heard of something as a key, but didn't know much of it. After that he began to study up on the history of a Key, to no avail. But at his fifteenth birthday, he decided to go live on his own. So he ran away from the orphanage and never looked back.

Living on the streets was harder on Viscus, he had to do odd jobs just to eat, and lived in an alley, and when it rain he stayed under a building's awning. He had thought of all the things he had left behind, and the thought of his parents leaving him made it worse.

That's when his keyblade appeared. All the pain he felt suddenly left his body, and as he looked up he saw his keyblade in his hand. He stared at it for a moment before realizing that this might of been what that message meant, "Find the Key."

Getting up from his life on the street's he began to search for a place that might have more knowledge of this strange Key, and found out that a place called The Land of Departure, had three Masters of this Knowledge. This is where Viscus starts, appearing in the LoD.

Theme Song: YouTube - Before I'm Dead - Kidney Thieves

Dramatic Theme: YouTube - Star Wars III - Battle of the Heroes

Battle Theme: YouTube - Star Wars: Episode 1 - Duel of Fates (Darth Maul's Theme)


Let's Get Down To Business
Dec 5, 2009
here's mine




weapon:crush of the earths:a keyblade that specilazes in attack and speed only does attacks and magics with ease is 3'2 turns into a motercycle and turns into a sword


proffent in strenth speed magic weak in defense and crictal rate

apperance:it's in the link Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket

personalty:quick fierce and serious.has wondered why the worlds exist and have keyholes.wondered what has happeed to every keyblade master and makes sure to heal allies in battle

history:surrived a great blow to the head before has learened countless abilities that scare people alot learned that freiendship is the key for everything and was born on Raident garden

summary add all of those things up i don't feel like writeing i've had my fill today

Alright. A LOT to say about this one. Where to I begin?

So like it was stated above if you read the rules, NO CANON CHARACTERS. Also along with the proficient/I suck at part, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SELECT ALL THREE! Say for instance, you select Strength as your proficiency. Then you would select Speed or Magic as the one that you suck at, and the one you left alone you would be average in. Defense and critical rate and all of that is not a part of the RP. We would probably also like at least a minimum of one paragraph. Not three grammar-less sentences and one whole run-on.

Oh, and the character summary part. If you want to come in here and be a little shit saying that you had your fill of writing and tell us to add all of that shit up, then you can get the FUCK out of here and not waste our time. Thank you.


Let's Get Down To Business
Dec 5, 2009
really just curse me out too m any people have been doing that
1.i will edit it tomorw i'm tired my dog causes trouble
3.I have writen 20 replies today don't make me kill you for stupisity

Excuse me? Kill ME for MY stupidity?

Bitch get the fluff out. Don't let the door hit you in the ass.
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RE: +"T!red"+
Aug 10, 2009
gallivanting about
*pats Nightmare*
There there, no need to waste language on a single person.

Anyway, Roarin', if you don't want to bother reading EVERYTHING in the thread, don't write a template. It says in the second sentence of the SETTING section that this is an alternate coninuity, meaning Terra, Aqua, Ventus, and everyone else don't exist. ^w^;

Also, snapping at a person who's in charge of the roleplay is not a good idea if you want to join. If you need help, just ask me. I'm a nice tutor-lady. But, if you don't wanna fix things, then I won't bother. Just know that Nightmare has his name for a reason.
[<3 No hard feelin's]
Jul 21, 2008
lol I'm surprised Roaringflames hasn't pissed off a mod and been banned yet.

Anyway I'm working on a temp.


Master of the ECKKK
Apr 30, 2009
In the world of Change.
Character Summary:
Joshua, the Swordsman, man of a few tales, a man filled with a story of sadness, a story filled with revenge. This man, Joshua is a man of honor and strength, as well as sadness. He will fight to his last breath, though if he was defeated he would probably still be breathing, cause someone would cause him to get away. Joshua, the swordsman is a cocky, over confident bastard, but man his sword fighting is quiet amazing!

Name: Joshua

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Weapon: http://swords.com/images/manufacturers/kit-rae-page.jpg

Affinity: Light

Most proficient in: Strength. Weak in Speed. Average in Magic.

Appearance: Joshua stands at about five feet, eleven inches. Has dirty blonde hair brushed in spikes,(like Sora's no relationship) ice blue eyes, a round face, with no flaws such as scars, blemishes etc.

His outfit consists of an overcoat that is black on the outside and bright red on the inside. This is where he hides his sword so his attackers think he is weaponless. He has combat boots, also black in color, green jeans, a white undershirt that's tucked into his pants, and a black belt with a skull with red eyes.

Some might think Joshua cocky, over confident, or just down right idiotic. But only two of those things are true, and they are that Joshua is confident in his abilities and won't hesitate to tell other wise.

Though because of these attributes, Joshua is one tough fighter, tending to not give up on a fight even when its hopeless. Only when forced by someone, does he ever run away from a fight.

Even more so, Joshua tends to take losing very hard, disappearing for days at a time. When found he's moping in a corner, and mumbles how he should of been stronger. Though after this period of time, Joshua tends to train non-stop for a week. Sometimes if he lost really badly, he'll train somewhere for months. Though this doesn't happen often.

History: Joshua was born into a middle-class family in Radiant Gardens, with his mother and alcoholic father. This made his early years hard to remember til he was at least five years old, when he remembered that he never saw his father at all, due to his mother taking him and moving to a different part of Radiant Gardens and had the guards put his father in jail, and whenever he asked his mother about him, she would say that he died in a fire.

Well when he got to the age of ten, Joshua began to be picked on by kids because he didn't have a dad and they would say how his father was a drunk and etc. This caused Joshua to hate people, so much so that he began to learn how to fight with a sword from one of his mother's family friends.

His master said he was very proficient with a sword and could defeat anyone if he so wished. On the last day of his training, his master told him to never use this on people for revenge. With that he sent Joshua on his way. He was fourteen years old.

Though he followed his masters advice, he was still picked on by the same kids til one day Joshua took a small overcoat that his mother had bought him for his last birthday, and hid his sword inside the coat's pocket. Of course this was a wooden sword, since he was not old enough to wield a real one yet. Anyway the same kids began to pick on him til he brought out the wooden sword.

They laughed at him before realizing that he was dead serious, how they knew this? He had knocked out one of the kids after they began laughing. One after the other the bullies began to try to stop Joshua with no success.

Joshua headed home, feeling better than he had in a long time. But as he reached home he saw the door to his home wide open and off its hinges. He ran inside, everything destroyed or thrown across the room. He couldn't find his mother, and began to dread what he would find upstairs.

He climbed the staircase to his mothers bedroom, seeing red drops on the carpet. He opened her door and soon closed it and ran out crying.

She had been murdered.

Ever since then, Joshua has been wandering around the worlds, with a star-stone,a device he obtained from a merchant of mystical devices, trying to find the person who murdered his mother while at the same time getting stronger so he can protect those close to him.

Theme Song: YouTube - Code Geass R2 Opening 1 O2

Fight theme: YouTube - Code Geass R2 OST Track 19 "All-out Attacks"

Serious Theme: YouTube - Code Geass R2 OST Track 2 "Sensibility"


Hero of Lhant
Apr 25, 2009
You know what I really don't know lol
Summary: Raido is a young man who realizes his life is not his own. Even though it belongs to him, it also belongs to those who sacrifice their lives just to save him. A young man driven to protect others and realize his true purpose. He strives to carve out his own path.

Name: Raido Madera Nightwell

Age: Turning 17 soon yeah 16 still.

Gender: Yeah he is a guy XD

Weapon: Keyblade: Forward unto Dawn. A keyblade that is wielded by Raido. It was the first keyblade he had summoned at age 14. The keyblade is pretty easy to carry and is not to big. It transform into a sword that is a bit longer than its original form. It transforms into a hover board when use for transportation.

Affinity: Darkness

Most proficient in: Speed is what Raido is good at. What he is good in quickness he lacks in power. He is pretty average in magic, but nothing to big just the basics.

Appearance:(The guy on the right) This is what he looks like

Raido has short silver hair that is mostly down and trimmed so not to cover his eyes. He is green eyes and his skin color is a bit of tan color. Raido stands at 5'10 feet and his a average size built, he works out here and their. He has small scar above his left eyebrow.

He wears a blue scarf around his neck. A white sleveeless shirt that is white on the front, but blue on the back. Raido has dark blue pants and two white belts securing his pants. A armband on his left arm and wears a dark blue fingerless glove wore on his right hand. A sleeve arm pad is wore on his right arm near the glove. He wears blue and white shoes.

Raido is pretty easy going and laid back at times. He tries his best and always up to make a new friend. He gets nervous when it comes to crowds a bit, but if close by friends and family he can stand tall. He acts mature for his age and always tries to be kind.

He would risk his own limb to protect those. Even though Raido is kind he does have a jealous competition side. He tends to like a challenge, but dislike losing at times. What can you do right?

Raido was raise along side with his older brother Vincent and younger twin sister Rose. He was born in the world called Traverse Town with a loving mother and father. They were happy family and he loved each moment he spent with them. Be they the good times or bad. Sadly when Raido was at the age of 5 his entire life changed.

His brother had summon his keyblade at age 6 and it seemed to attract strange creatures. These creatures seem to have been drawn to the weapon his brother wield and even they went after him. But tragically two lives were lost that day. Raido's mother and father were both killed by the creatures and Raido, Vincent and Rose were left to take care of each other.

Raido did not blame his brother for the incident he blamed himself for not being strong enough. The next years seemed tough each pasting day. It was at the age of 8 that things seemed to change. A man who was able to wield the same weapon as Vincent found the three and took them to a different world. The man name was Phos and felt that three needed to be raise in a different environment, and also because Vincent wielded the keyblade.

Even with the new change of serene, Raido still felt regret from the death of his parents. Raido just wanted to give up and felt it was pointless and one day standing in front of the fountain at Land of Departure(the world they were brought to by Phos). At the time he was 10, but as he looked at his reflection he remembered his younger twin sister and brother knowing if he ended himself their they would last to long either. It was their Master Tenebrae spoke to him for the first time and gave him words of encouragement, well at least in his own ways. "The life you own does not only belong to you. Someone lost their life just to save you and yet you would just waste it here? Think before you do things."

It was their he knew that this life he was given did not only belong to him. It also belonged to his brother and sister and his late parents. It was that exact change of heart and words that was able for him to summon his own keyblade. Just like his brother he to could wield a keyblade. Raido had than been raise by Phos and along with the other masters. Each pasting day was a new experience.

He likes spicy food and favors water over sugary drinks. Raido is able to do alot of push-ups and usually does them when either upset about something or wanting to get stronger. His scarf and armband was gifts from his twin sister and older brother and treats them like treasures.
Raido is able to play the piano and carries with him a flute a instrument given to him by Phos on his 12th birthday.
The on his above his eyebrow is said to be a reminder from that day. Raido rarely likes to talk about it.

Theme Song: Avengers Earth's mightiest Heroes

Fight theme/Never giving up Theme: Fury Sparks

Dramatic Theme/ Remembrance theme: Unexchanged Feelings

Character Summary:
Tenebrae is a keyblade master of the dark arts. Unlike most dark users he uses his dark powers to help others. He may come off cold-hearted at times, but in truth he does care for the well being of others. Being the eldest of masters does not mean he is the weakest. Appearances can not totally judge person's skill.

Name: Birthname: Adrian[The Latin name of Dark One] Falkner; Present name: Tenebrae[The Latin name of Darkness] Last name is unknown

Age: early 60s

Gender: male

Weapon: Necromancer- A keyblade from the realm of darkness. Tenebrae had journey to that hell hole during his youth and gain this keyblade. A pretty long story why he went their and such, but he got a keyblade at the end and some other things best left unsaid. His keyblade is enrich with dark magic, and is pretty long as well, when transform to a weapon it turns into a long dark blade.
As for Transportation transformation it turns into a motorbike.
[Keyblade or a different kind of weapon. If its a keyblade than add in what vehicle it turns into and what weapon it turns into to. If its a weapon do not go over board. Pictures are nice, but writing also would be best to. Remember the rules people]

Affinity: Dark

Most proficient in: Strong in Power, horrible in speed, but is average in magic.

Appearance: This is what he looks like.
A old man with long hair that seems to be graying each pasting day. He stands at 6'5(yes a tall old man) Tenebrae has a scar on his right eye, but his still able to open them. Speaking of his eyes they are color yellow showing his mastery of the darkness. His skin is kinda pale, but a bit tan. He has a beard that seem to be growing back.

He wears a long black cloak that covers him well. Under it is reveal to be silver jacket. A black shirt inside. Black pants and dark black boots. He must get all the girls with that cheery wardrobe.
[pics are nice, just don't think you'll get away without writing anything]

Personality: A dark man who at first seems like a bad guy, but in truth has a good heart. He puts up a cold front so to focus at the task at hand. He dislikes those who would give up and clown around. Such foolish things belong outside of the battle field.

Being the oldest of the masters, he tends to distant himself from the students and other masters and usually keeps to himself. He shows no sense of human or rarely any emotions.

History: Tenebrae was born in world call Joda. A place in which it sun rises only few times. Tenebrae birth name at the time was Adrian Falkner. His parents were nice people, but were usually busy. Tenebrae had few friends and much of his childhood he rather forget. He felt his world was nothing more, but a swirling pool of nothingness and felt he could do much more. At age 15 while up at the mountains one day, he wanted to leave this world. Sadly it would come true, but not the way he wanted it to be.

His world was attack by dark creatures. By the time Tenebrae could reach his parents it was too late. They were kill and he was the next target. But a strange light came before him and soon enough a weapon shaped like a key was at his side. The instinct to fight kicked in and he fought back the creatures. But he knew he could not destroy them all by himself. The next part was still confusing for him because soon enough, he was in a world cover with darkness. Unlike his home this darkness was dangerous yet felt safe. Since he had always live in the dark, he did not fear it, but accepted it. Soon enough he was branded a man of the "darkness."

He would later be set free from the realm of darkness and be in a new world called Land of Departure. Their he met his future partner Phos and together they trained with their master. Days past by and Tenebrae wanted to see more worlds and wanted to help in his own way. He would later leave the comfort of LOD to search for his purpose. He travel to different worlds and each one gave him different. Some promising others best left alone. When Tenebrae turned age 40, he would journey back into the realm of darkness and search for a keyblade that would help him complete his dark powers.

Once he had gotten Necromancer, he went back to the realm of Light and soon enough returned to his friend Phos's side. Later years he would aid his friend to search for new keybladers and stop the upcoming enemy of the worlds.
[place here your homeworld {can be Disney/Pixar/animation related} and some backstory on your character]

Tenebrae had changed his name to Tenebrae after his second journey to the Realm of Darkness. His reason for doing so was because he left his old self in that world and became a new man.
Phos and Equeis are the only one that know his true name the same went for his Master.
Tenebrae has many scars on his chest and back, most are from his journey to the realm of darkness.
He likes to drink tea and play chess.
He would never run into a fight without a plan.

Theme Song- Duke

Fight Theme- Dark Ambitions

Dramatic Theme- Wandering Skeleton
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Apr 11, 2009
Oh hi there all you lovely people of the roleplaying section! :D and...roaring flames.... *coughgetoutbeforeicallthecopscough*......anyways!!!

Oh John, you know I'll have a temp up by tomorrow, or maybe this morning, if I'm having the same insomniatic phases as every other night xP This will be fun though since I'm kinda in love with the roleplaying section as of the past November~ whheeeeeeeeee~!!!! <3

King Wolfe

Basically... Run
Nov 30, 2006
Pressing F5
Character Summary -

A bit of an odd person if you closely examine her. Though despite her kindhearted nature you would probably not get a chance to analyze the girl, she sorta just fades in the background. She possesses leadership characteristics but her disinterested and detached personality doesn't allow them to surface.

She is kind, and sweet by nature, she isn't the type to hog the limelight and would rather remain in the shadows silently providing support to her friends; popularity isn't her forte

Name - Mio Chikako
Age - 16 and 3/4 (She is a stickler for things like that)
Gender - Female
Affinity - Light the way to salvation and cupcakes
Most proficient in - Magic (Curse you Silent stole Speed ^^), average in speed, rather terrible with strength; she can barely do one push up.

Weapon -


A small puny keyblade not worthy of a second glance, it seems so pathetically inadequate it is laughable to think of this as an actual weapon. It is about 4 feet in length, embodied with a sad pale lavender paint job it looks faded from a distance. The weapon doesn't have any flashy ornaments, it looks more blunt than sharp (ironic considering it is a blade) and it seems to weigh heavily considering how Mio carries it. The keychain is small iconic emblem of a purple flower.

It has one spike at the end that could probably pass for a point that would give someone a chicken-scratch.

One would wonder why this weapon is tied to Mio in the first place.

Dimittendi is an exceptionally powerful medium for magic, dispelling powerful incantations with relative ease.

The only real use for this keyblade, other than unlocking things that's the whole reason these teenagers are carrying around obscenely large keys, is to act as a magical medium for Mio. It wasn't really meant for close-quarters combat but it can hold well in a sword fight, I just wouldn't trust it to carve the turkey.

It transforms into roller-blades, purple, dull, and quite possibly useless. Though it moves without a sound walking wouldn't have been a bad option either way.

Appearance -

Mio is 5'7'' with a rather petite figure. She has a rather tanned oriental complexion, a kind of appearance that one would want to stop and simply stare because of its simplicity and beauty. She has black hair that sweeps a few inches underneath her shoulders, it seemingly shines and glows with radiant power. Her thin lankly body is that of an experienced runner, ironic considering her lack of speed and grace. Mio's most distasteful feature would have to be her hands. She has a complex against her hands and finds them unattractive, large, and unladylike, whenever someone mentions her hands - whether this is positive or negative - she falls into a depression for a while.

Her facial features are sharp and hawkish, with cold gray unsettling eyes she tends to scare off any potential friend. With her tall and graceful appearance people see her as a mature, beautiful type of girl, while this may be true she certainly doesn't see it that way.

Her thin legs are appropriate for long-distance running and her thin arms would be very appropriate for attempted flying (trust me on this she has tried to no avail).

She wears thin naturally faded blue jeans with white/Grey sneakers, a thin black windbreaker underneath a silvery camouflaged parka. Under that she wears a black top.

Despite all this she is certainly a silent beauty. Not one to perhaps boast or flaunt her beautiful nature, she is mostly the type to simply fade into the scenery and is more or less indifferent to attention.

Personality -

Inwardly she is kindhearted, willing to help others with a strong sense of justice. She has leadership qualities that would make a General salute until his arm fell off. Well, not really but she can lead her way out of a paper bag so I suppose she can be qualified as a decent leader.

She isn't very good with attention, that is to say she wouldn't really know what to do with all of that attention.

This may seem contradictory to her leadership qualities but leaders exist out of the limelight you know. She can certainly coordinate a charge but if all eyes were on her she wouldn't really know how to go about it.

Ok, let's say at first she wanted Person A to go to Rock A and Person B to flank Enemy A at Rock B while Person A draws Enemy A's attention. A fairly decent plan right?

Well if all eyes were on her she wouldn't know who to tell the directions first, and in the midst of her confusion she would probably mix up her orders by saying Person A flank Person B while Person B throws a rock at Enemy A getting shot by both Person A and Enemy A.

I wouldn't exactly say she crumbles under pressure she just isn't used to getting attention.

Due to this lack of attention she tends to examine people more often. She likes to watch people from afar and note their social activity, others often see this as creepy or stalker-ish but she can't help it. People are interesting I suppose. When it comes to one-on-one's that 'stalker-ish' persona I mentioned earlier comes into play her.

She generally will make extended and awkward eye-contact with whomever she is talking to, with her cold gray eyes and expressionless face she more than often creeps the recipient out. When in reality she is inwardly fumbling over what she should say next.


Born in a relatively wealthy family in Radiant Gardens Mio always had it easy. You know, high class aristocratic life-style is never really troubling for anyone. Granted she was never really the type to flaunt her money but she wasn't the cliched "rebellious girl who despises her social status and longs for a simpler life" type of person, she just generally didn't care about social status.

She used her family's expenses to whatever extent she wanted, sure she showed humility and gratefulness every now and then but that message never got across to the lower level. They saw her as a terrifying girl. With her mother's cold intelligent eyes and her father's last name she basically controlled the peasants at age 6.

That may not seem much to debilitate a child, I mean for psychopaths and the antisocial controlling a small mass of people may seem like a candy store! But for us 'normies' she didn't like this lack of social contact.

People didn't talk to her, people just automatically bowed down and gave her respect. After a while she inquired as to why people literally kissed the heel of her shoe after a rather unpleasant walk in the swamp, her parents merely said "This is the way of the world, accept it or join the rabble."

Lovely conversation for an 8 year old hm?

Later in life that silent respect she had gotten from the people slowly turned into contempt, they then saw her as a snotty little brat unworthy of her wealth.

Then here comes the cliched part. People started to attack her. On the street, in school, in church, in church school, everywhere! These attacks become more frequent and violent soon resulting in the death of her 6 year old little brother.

Lo and behold she acquires the keyblade!

Of course at 10 years old the first thing that came to mind at that moment wasn't, "Why do I need a giant key?" it was, "Oh my goodness my little brother is dead." There wasn't any act of heroism but instead fear.

The attackers ran off, they were never prosecuted either (Radiant Garden needs a judicial system not SeaSalt Ice Cream), and Mio was left to mourn.

In her depressed state she figured leaving was the best option.

Yes, a 10 year old being literally the richest in the entire world decided to leave.

Along the way she came across an obscure boss-lady who offers to help. Concerned with her well-being she of course agreed blindly. With a simple push of a button her magical abilities were awakened, through training and patience was she able to truly master the dark arts.

Mio quickly thanked the lady, for well doing nothing but unlocking magic, but she quickly revealed herself to be Equeis.

Mio, being 10 at the time, didn't really care too much since she was going to collapse from starvation quickly trudged off to a nearby Inn until Equeis offered her food.

Mio quickly started to care about Equeis at this point.

After sometime Equeis more or less drags Mio to the Land of Departure, well I wouldn't say drag since Mio partially consented.

And since then she has spent her time on that little world living happily ever af-

Oh wait this isn't done.
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RE: +"T!red"+
Aug 10, 2009
gallivanting about
You're accepted, Wolfe. Welcome to the awesome-sauce brigade, take your helmet. You shall need it.

And it's good to see ya, Sparks. ^w^ You too, Peirce. I look forward to readin' up your temps.

King Wolfe

Basically... Run
Nov 30, 2006
Pressing F5
*takes helmet*

My helmet has a whole in it with dried bloodstains :/

But I look forward to this RP! ^^


Du-dun-dananana Calibrations!
Jan 11, 2008

Character Summary:
Pheres is a young adult who has recently discovered that he is able to wield the keyblade. Though instead of this subject opening new doors for him, it just creates more confusion. Pheres is the last of his civilization, a race of non-magic users who made it up with high-tech. engineering. He contradicts this however, by wanting to be a professional Blitzball player. So now he is given three paths; to be an incredible engineer, to take a risk to be a Blitball idol, or to resist the limelight to become a keyblade wielder. But the question is not if he is able to succeed, but it is whether he is mature enough to take such tasks.




Photon Debugger
Pheres's main weapon: His Keyblade utilizes swift combos, while also giving him some miner control over machines. It has also a good strength status, even though it is considered light.
Blitz Form
This is the weapons 'casual form,' even though it doesn't make much of any damage. It makes it easier to carry around, and faster to summon into battle.
Vehicle Form
Unlike other vehicle forms, where they actually look like vehicles. The Photon Debugger changes into a mechanical armor suit. In this suit Pheres can move in both space and underwater. It also changes form based on the Worlds theme.


Most proficient in:
Being an engineer, Pheres needs some strength for manipulating machines. While he also needs speed for Blitzball. This means he is a natural at having strength, while he is average his speed. On the other hand he has no proficiency with magic.

Spoiler Spoiler Show

Pheres is a soft spoken, but brave boy who is willing to accomplish his goals through whatever it takes. Even though he may seem shy, his mind is often thinking of bashful & un-innocent things. It may seem as though he is paying attention to a conversation, but he is really judging everybody in the room. Though this doesn't mean he looks down at people, in-fact there are many who he admires. Elders, and other quite types included.

The origin of Pheres began on a World called Atlantis. The civilization on this world was once tribal, but thanks to a modern inventor the world had started to modernize. But because for some odd reason, the civilization could use magic. Because this they seemed weak to society, in-which society had started to wage war against Atlantis.

So they had decided to fight back using their ancient, and advanced technology. At first they had started to win all of the battles and had almost declared victory upon the war. But they had soon met defeat by the disease of the invaders. Pheres was the only one who had survived, only because he was a decadent of the inventor, who had a modern resisting immune system.

Pheres was eventually found, & was adopted by a famous engineer by the name of Kain Highwind. Kain was surprised to see how much a natural Pheres was at building software, and using hardware that he had taken only him as an apprentice. Pheres was taught everything Kain had known and more. Though this natural ability meant nothing to him, his true aspiration was to be a Blitzball player...

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Let's Get Down To Business
Dec 5, 2009

Character Summary:
Pheres is a young adult who has recently discovered that he is able to wield the keyblade. Though instead of this subject opening new doors for him, it just creates more confusion. Pheres is the last of his civilization, a race of non-magic users who made it up with high-tech. engineering. He contradicts this however, by wanting to be a professional Blitzball player. So now he is given three paths; to be an incredible engineer, to take a risk to be a Blitball idol, or to resist the limelight to become a keyblade wielder. But the question is not if he is able to succeed, but it is whether he is mature enough to take such tasks.




Photon Debugger
Pheres's main weapon: His Keyblade utilizes swift combos, while also giving him some miner control over machines. It has also a good strength status, even though it is considered light.
Blitz Form
This is the weapons 'casual form,' even though it doesn't make much of any damage. It makes it easier to carry around, and faster to summon into battle.
Vehicle Form
Unlike other vehicle forms, where they actually look like vehicles. The Photon Debugger changes into a mechanical armor suit. In this suit Pheres can move in both space and underwater. It also changes form based on the Worlds theme.


Most proficient in:
Being an engineer, Pheres needs some strength for manipulating machines. While he also needs speed for Blitzball. This means his speed, & strength are slightly above average. But this means he has no proficiency in magic.

Spoiler Spoiler Show

Pheres is a soft spoken, but brave boy who is willing to accomplish his goals through whatever it takes. Even though he may seem shy, his mind is often thinking of bashful & un-innocent things. It may seem as though he is paying attention to a conversation, but he is really judging everybody in the room. Though this doesn't mean he looks down at people, in-fact there are many who he admires. Elders, and other quite types included.

The origin of Pheres began on a World called Atlantis. The civilization on this world was once tribal, but thanks to a modern inventor the world had started to modernize. But because for some odd reason, the civilization could use magic. Because this they seemed weak to society, in-which society had started to wage war against Atlantis.

So they had decided to fight back using their ancient, and advanced technology. At first they had started to win all of the battles and had almost declared victory upon the war. But they had soon met defeat by the disease of the invaders. Pheres was the only one who had survived, only because he was a decadent of the inventor, who had a modern resisting immune system.

Pheres was eventually found, & was adopted by a famous engineer by the name of Kain Highwind. Kain was surprised to see how much a natural Pheres was at building software, and using hardware that he had taken only him as an apprentice. Pheres was taught everything Kain had known and more. Though this natural ability meant nothing to him, his true aspiration was to be a Blitzball player...

Everything about your temp is nice, but with the proficiency part you must elaborate. Seeing as you chose Magic as your "I suck at it" ability, choose either between Strength or Speed to be your proficient stat, and one to be your average one. After you get that squared you are set.


Du-dun-dananana Calibrations!
Jan 11, 2008
Okay I just edited it, I chose strength as my above average stat.


Mar 23, 2010
Character Summary-
Olivia, or "Livi", dreams of being a great keyblade weilder, whatever the cost. But her dreams are contradicted by her brother wanting to ruin her dreams because of his jealousy. She and her brother have never been on good turns, but she hopes, that one day, he won't hate her as much as he does now. She is torn between wanting to destroy her brother and wanting to just kill him off or trying to be nice to him and getting him to stop being such a brat.

Olivia J. Rovain

Deathly Petal: Olivia's keyblade is quite long, about 4'3. Or at least what she's been told. It is colored black, silver, and a pale red, almost pink. The handle is in the shape of a oval and is black with silver lines on the side of the handle. The "key" part is shaped like a rather sharp rose petal and is pale red in color with black parts. Right below is another rather sharp rose petal shape, but the colors are switched around. At the bottom of the key chain is a small black rose. (Such a gothic like theme!)

Vehicle Form: Since she's very scared of bikes, which are more safer than her flying skateboard, which is her vehicle. Her skateboard is the same size as her keyblade with the same colors. Her keychain is still attached to the back.


Most proficient in-
She's mostly proficent in speed, average in magic, but is verrrrry weak in strength.

Olivia surpasses her brother, Lex, by four inches. She is 5'4, tallest in her house. She has a heart shaped face with slightly chubby cheeks which she has never been able to burn off. Her eyes are a golden hazel color with some hints of blue and her hair is a light brown with dark black highlights. It is styled into a fashion where it's in a loose braid and lightly placed on her shoulder. She has a small scar on her left cheek from when her stupid brother scratched her.

She has lightly tanned skin because she's always outside either working or just hanging out in the sun. When she smiles, her whole face lights up. But she has one death glare though. WHen she's mad she'll just glare at you and think evil thoughts of what to do to you (sounds weird). Sooo... careful!

Olivia wears a long black tank top over one thin white tank-top. On her neck, Olivia has a locket with her brother's face in it, which he doesn't know about. Her tank top says "Black Sky" and on both arms she has gold and black bracelts that jingle when she walks. She also wears gray and black shorts with a gray belt that has stars on it. She wears a size 9 Converse.

Olivia is a happy-yay-go lucky girl. She is outgoing and likes to talk to EVERYONE. Sometimes she wonders when she will ever shut up ad just sit still and quite for jut ten minutes. She may seen gothic because of the several cut marks on her arms, but that was only from her brother trying to scratch her all over. She has anger problems, tending to hurt close to her while being nice to total strangers. She doesn't like to make decisions and will usually go with whatever majority rules. No, she's not a pushover either.

Olivia and her brother, Lex, were born one the same day, but diferent times. Since she was born first, it seemed as if her parents like Olivia even more then Lex. They had a bt of a point. Growing up, Lex made it his life mission to make his sister's life miserable and steal the spotlight. He ruined her ife, so to say. But still, Olivia's parents still chose her over her brother.

When she found out she had a keyblade and Lex didn't, he finally blew up. All he had was a stupid sword that wasn't even half as special to what Olivia had. His jealousy grew and he refused to even look or speak of his sister because of that.

'll post a temp for Lex soon.
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