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  • AAAAAAAAH SPARKS. RAP! I really only listen to Ocean Eyes and all things bright and beautiful. Good stuff, I think.
    AAAAASSAAAAAAH YOU LISTEN TO RAP NOW? SPARKS THE BONDS WE ARE FORMING. What kind of rap? Yeah I didnt bother with his new stuff I figured I wouldnt like it.
    I think everyone in Montana dislikes Butte, it's kind of the armpit of the state, haha
    It's been two dayssss I hope they do too. Did working at gamestop make you play games more? I remember you telling me you didn't play many.
    Anything really. I went around today and got my SOUL CRUSHED lmao like no one was hiring. BUT THERE IS HOPE. A friend gave me a tip about a local pizza place that needed workers and I went in, gave them my info, and now I'm just waiting for a call. I even called gamestop too but they were like "aha like nopez not hiring"
    That's not GOOOD you gotta take care of yourself first. But yeah growing up is apparently inherent to me lol like tommorow I have to go job hunting.
    KALISPELL! But I go to school in Missoula, so I believe we are sworn enemies... That's cool though, I also never knew of anyone from Montana on here!
    Yeah ditto. I really dont want to grow grow up though. It just isnt a part of my personality. Also Amber you need to get rest gurl.
    Nah its fine lmao I'm tired too. You just seemed kind of mellow usually you're alot more energetic lol

    Why ya not sleeping?
    I'm nervous about what happens next. The real world. I'm just nervous/scared that I'm not ready for it.
    Sorry it seems like i was getting nosy aha

    Life has been great! Ive been growing mentally and getting comfy in my skin. Doing school shit making friends all the typical 90s sitcom crap. Also my graduation is around the corner so there is that.
    Its great that youre stress free. Its better for you lol. Whats up with the 22 yr old tho? Thats a decent leap o.o
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