Guh, I must not stare. I must not stare. *staring anyways*
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I think not.
How butt hurt you are about David not continuing to voice YMX
Right, Ben Diskin totally isn't YMX.I'd be, if that were true.
Riku on a Lightcycle. Neeerrrrr neeerrrrr. So making motorbike noises when I'm doing that game
Look at it this way~
all we're missing are the cards 8D
I listed The voice actors of Terra and Aqua when that person said if I have a problem bringing in new voice actors. I just listed a few that I didn't like to prove why it can sometimes be a bad thing. Ok I'll give you Terra's voice actor getting better throughout the game, but Aqua's I just hated cuz it was phoned in... And as for me saying I don't like Epcar, it's because Billy Zane's voice was great and natural, and comparing the voices, you can just tell how hard Epacr is TRYING to (and failing) to match Zane's voice.
Look at it this way~
all we're missing are the cards 8D
As for Richard, fun little fact, he had never heard Zane's lines when he first recorded his lines in KH2. It's kind of hard to try and sound like someone when you don't even know what they sound like...
I'm not used to seeing animations so intricate on portable system, it's impressive.
Go play with a PS Vita and say that again
I can read, when I said that I'm aware the look alike I was referring to Sora and Vanitas. There is only one thing that makes people say YMX does not look like Riku, and that'll the hair style. If Vanitas had a different hairstyle, people would be saying he looks nothing like sora.
I'll settle this once and for all, I have NO problem with Ben Diskin as YMX, unlike most of you I can see the resemblance between YMX and Riku and just said it would have made sense to continue the trend. That is all.
I listed The voice actors of Terra and Aqua when that person said if I have a problem bringing in new voice actors. I just listed a few that I didn't like to prove why it can sometimes be a bad thing. Ok I'll give you Terra's voice actor getting better throughout the game, but Aqua's I just hated cuz it was phoned in...
And as for me saying I don't like Epcar, it's because Billy Zane's voice was great and natural, and comparing the voices, you can just tell how hard Epacr is TRYING to (and failing) to match Zane's voice.
I'm sure the PSV has lovely graphics, but I don't have a PS Vita. Nor will I purchase one, because I made a decision between the new Sony and Nintendo handhelds. Either way, my statement still stands, the graphics are impressive for a handheld, so I don't know what you're trying to refute.
I think I just gave out a little fangirl squeal. Dang, that man is hot! so strong.... Must not sta-