True KH1 handled the worlds and story better so it would be preferable if it were KH1+flowmotion+desk commands.I much preferred KH1 to KH2 so I would rather have KH1 + Flowmotion. KH2 had a lot of problems that people on these forums have pointed out and disliked, so I'm really hoping they do something along the lines of what at least fixing those parts (AKA Disney worlds being pointless, Reaction Commands being too easy, among other things...)
This will definitely happen for a majority of the people. I'm almost waiting for those great comments on forums like "That's it! I'm done with Square Enix! They kept me waiting over 21 years for KH3 and now the game sucks! I can't stand them! I'm so mad right now that I'm gonna go burn my disc and instead go buy a copy of Final Fantasy!!! Yeah, that'll teach Square Enix!!!"
Haha. Oh man, I can totally see posts things like this being posted here.