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Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni: Sedai (A Murder Mystery)

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imp of the perverse
May 12, 2007
Waiting on you, dear.
" I'm done!"

Entering the room for the second time, Ryo glanced at the bullet wound. Though it hadn't been long enough for the wound to become infected, it definitely wasn't a pretty sight.

"Let's get you patched up then," she said as she walked over to the counter, grabbing the necessary materials. At times she wondered why she became a nurse, having to deal with the sick and wounded every day - not to mention the disease. But the answer was simple, it was because she wanted to help people. The silence was getting a bit awkward though, so after pulling a chair over, she started talking while cleaning his wound.
"If ths starts to hurt too much, just say so and I can give you an injection to numb the area, all right?" She didn't really see how having a bullet wound scrubbed out could not be painful, but some guys thought being in pain wasn't 'manly'. Well, to each his own...
Trying to think of a subject that would take his mind off of her scrubbing his wound, the coming festival suddenly popped into her mind. "So Kato-san, are you looking forward to the festival? As long as infection doesn't set in, you should be able to enjoy yourself without too much pain." She looked up momentarily to take her eyes off the wound, the clotted blood that had stopped the bleeding was now becoming dislodged. That was normal though, she was almost through and after that she just had to bandage him up and he'd be good as new. Well, almost.


Your #1 Bruh
Aug 9, 2007
In your dreams :O
"If ths starts to hurt too much, just say so and I can give you an injection to numb the area, all right?" " No I'm fine. Thank you for the offer though." Hiro said. Then he thought to himself." If I tell her I'm in pain then she'll think I'm not manly. Which is a bad thing." As she took the bullet out he Wanted to scream badly but he just bit his lip and sucked it in.
"So Kato-san, are you looking forward to the festival? As long as infection doesn't set in, you should be able to enjoy yourself without too much pain." " Yea I am. but I don't really have a date to enjoy the Festival with. " Hiro began to look around and began to scratch the back of his head. " So. Um. Do you like.. maybe want to ... um... You know. Go to the Festival. Together. Like a Date." Hiro said mumbling. His face was Tomato red and he just kept looking down on his shirt.


imp of the perverse
May 12, 2007
Waiting on you, dear.
" Yea I am. but I don't really have a date to enjoy the Festival with. "

Ryo nodded sympathetically. It wasn't like she didn't know how he felt, she hadn't had a date to the festival in years, though it wasn't as if it she had never been asked. Though now that she thought about it she really had only been asked by a handfull of people since high school; but even those few people she had turned down in favor of going on her own, or not at all.

" So. Um. Do you like.. maybe want to ... um... You know. Go to the Festival. Together. Like a Date."

"Oh." She looked up, mildly surprised. "Me?" She blinked, and paused for a moment, thinking. It was a rather abrupt question, and had clearly caught her off guard. She was inclined to say no as she always had, but maybe this year, it was time to pull herself out of her past mistakes. It was true Nozaki-san had died becuse of her, but it was no reason for her to shut herself off from the rest of the world.
"Well," she said, grabbing the bandages and starting to wrap his wound securely in order to hide her slight blush. "I don't see why not."


Your #1 Bruh
Aug 9, 2007
In your dreams :O
"Me?" Hiro became serious and tried his best to show he was worth it." Well your a very beautiful lady and I really want to know more about you." He said smiling. " He hasn't smiled in a while. The last time he smiled was when he opened his Christmas gifts 15 years ago. Then the accident happened and the smile was whipped out of his face forever. Or so he thought.
"Well,I don't see why not."

" Awesome." He said with a kidish smile. He just felt adrenaline pumping through him. She just made his entire day. " Well I can't wait till the festival. I'll pick you up around 6 or 7. " Hiro got on his feet. His legs felt as good as new. He he took the crutch just in case he needed it for a few hours. " Well I guess I'll return this first." Hiro said laughing as he put his pants on first then took of the Medical clothes putting back on his shirt and Coat. " Thanks for the bandage. I really appreciate it and I'll see you soon." Hiro smiled at her again leaving the medical clothes on the Bed and he began to walk out. the Hospital. He hasn't felt this good since years ago.

Szayel Aporro

didn't i leave
Apr 22, 2008

Nana was in full on panic. Excitement and fear coursed through her body, as she got ready to be with her friends. Even for one last day.
Even if nothing did happen; Nana didn't see why she couldn't live life to the fullest today and tomorrow. She smiled at herself in the mirror; feeling rather pretty. In fact; she had remembered that every year her mother and her would each be all dressed up for the events. Wearing their prettiest yutaka's and putting their hair up and dancing around to pop music all the while.
She remembered how much fun that was; and it was really such a shame that those days were over.
And Nana was left alone, of course... with Hanyuu watching her too.

"Hauau, Nana. You look really pretty today!"

Nana turned around, looking at the ghostly complexed Goddess. "Oh... I... I do? Well thank you. Mom and I... always did this."

"Oh yes! Yes nano desu! But the festival is tomorrow, why are you dressed up one day early, nano desu!"

"I... wanted to have some fun with my friends. Their's nothing wrong with looking... pretty." She turned around and smiled, "Even so... I just want to have one last memory us having fun."

"Oh! No, you're being so negative. Nothing has happened! Everything will be okay, nano desu!"

"Well... I just want to have one more good time... In case of anything."

"Oh... nano desu... I'll be with you though. Everything will be okay, nano desu!"

"That's always good to know." She smiled, twirling around in one of the dresses that her mother had bought for her. She never wore them though.
But rather than going back on all of the bad memories. She wanted the good memories to come about.

Satisfied with herself, she dashed out the door, looking to find her friends.

Normally, the day before the Watanagashi festival was absolutely boring, the day seemed to stretch on forever and ever. Summer days were very long, and working in a clinic that barely got any -serious- business- just made the days seem even 'boringer'.
But the events coming up this year was just making the day seem better and exciting.

And nothing was going on today, so Szayel decided that he would relax.
And a quick visit from his girlfriend couldn't hurt. Even though he didn't want her coming around in such a condition.
But he just couldn't object to her pretty little face.

"Szaaayyy-kuun," She whined, in a more 'cute' voice than annoyed. "You don't plan to skip out on the festival, do you?"

"Well, of course I wasn't thinking of that... I was more worried about you, you're supposed to go into labor soon. Sometime this week, if I'm not mistakened."

She chuckled, "How sweet, you're worried."
Szayel rolled his eyes, attempting to turn around in his chair, however was stopped when she had suddenly embraced him.
"Nothing bad's gonna happen, babe."

"Right. I keep telling myself that too."
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Banshee Queen
Jun 10, 2008
Masako stared at her reflection from the mirror. Did nothing else but stood, emerald-green eyes glued to the identical ones in the glass. She knew - this was a special day. The day before the festival. And she knew that something would happen during the Watanagashi. The rumours flying around started to feel more true as the day got closer, second by second, minute by minute.
The green-haired teen moved her gaze from the eyes to her body. She was wearing a violet dress with thin straps, white socks and shoes colored deep purple. Her hair was slightly curled from the ends, shining in the light coming out of the window. She didn't know why she wanted to be pretty today, it was just this... feeling. A feeling that this was the last chance.

Last chance for what? she asked herself, raising her stare straight forward again. To see my friends alive?

Masako gazed into the green eyes sadly, which stared back, following her every move. It would be so relieving to just disappear, to forget the disease, the festival, all her friends... and Sakiko... yes, she had got better, yet was still somehow so... distant. She didn't feel like her own cheery self.
Masako sighed, pressing her hand against the mirror, seeing the reflection doing the same.

I just want to hide from this miserable world.

As if hearing her thoughts, the mirror started to change. It's surface trembled and turned into liquid - Masako's eyes widened, as she felt her hand sink inside, an unknown force sucking her into the mirror, fusing her with her reflection. Her whole arm was now gone - she stepped forward, sticking her foot into the glass, then her other hand... soon her head would be sucked in, too...


Masako blinked. She was once again standing in front of the mirror, as if nothing had happened. She turned her head towards the door, seeing Sakiko entering her room, looking at her clothes with a slight frown on her pale face.

"Why so pretty today?"

"Um..." Masako looked away, scratching her cheek with her finger, "I was... just thinking... It's the Watanagashi tomorrow and... I was wondering what to wear." A good explanation. Sakiko should buy it easily.
The short-haired twin frowned more. Her sister seemed rather irritated and nervous, which made her wonder if she was speaking the truth. Yet Sakiko was too tired to start arguing, so she left the subject, shrugged and walked away. Masako sighed in relief and sat on her bed, making a suspicious glance at her mirror. It stood on it's place innocently, being just like a normal piece of furniture - solid and still.
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Come break me down
May 18, 2008
On top of a giant test paper D8
Light sat up on his comfortable bed and stretched his arms up in the air. He glanced at the clock near the calender and yawned. Just one day left until the awaited festival; it was his first Watanagashi festival since he had moved in to the village. He didn't really feel that excited since he knew something terrible would happen. Someone would go missing and someone would die. A smell of egg fried rice and shushi floated in the air, it made his stomach rumble loudly. The young adult jumped of the bed and saw some folded clothes on his table. He wondered what it was for and tried it on. Now he knew.

He went downstairs with the clothes still on, there he saw a familiar young man with brown hair and a white buttoned up shirt and a black tie to finish of the clean look. The sleeves were rolled up and he was also wearing some red cooking apron on. He spun around and smiled awkwardly trying to hide his laughter.

"Oh, Morning Raito, I see you saw my gift." Seto greeted, pointing at the suit that he gave Light.

"Morning Seto. It isn't funny, but I like it." Light replied, looking at himself at the mirror. He ruffled his red hair, he unbuttoned the top button and loosened his favourite red tie that he chose to wear, instead of the one that actually matches it. He smoothened out the creases on the smart, black jacket and swiped the phone from the table.

"Hey Seto, think you can drop me off around Angel Mort today?" Light asked while dialling a number.

"Umm I guess so. Why?" Seto said as he placed their breakfast on the table.

"Well, me and my friends are meeting around that area."

Ring, Ring, Ring!

Someone picked up the phone.

"Umm hello?"

"Oh, Hi, this is Light. Is Masako-chan there? Can she come over to Angel Mort... with me?"
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Banshee Queen
Jun 10, 2008
Ring ring.

Sakiko rushed to the phone, picking it up and answering.
"Umm, hello?"
At the same time Masako entered the room, walking to her sister as she saw her on the phone, a questioning look on her features. Sakiko just shrugged, because she hadn't heard the caller's name yet.

"Oh, Hi, this is Light. Is Masako-chan there? Can she come over to Angel Mort... with me?"

Sakiko's eyes widened. She stared at Masako, completely speechless. Her sister stared back, confused.
"Who was it?" she asked quietly, "What did they say?"
The short-haired teen tried to speak, after several tries being able to answer Light.
"Uh... S-Sako-chan is right here, I'll give the phone to her..." She shoved the phone roughly into Masako's hands, turning around and walking away. Masako heard the slam of a door from further away, frowning. What was going on?

She raised the phone to her ear.
"Hello, this is Masako."


Come break me down
May 18, 2008
On top of a giant test paper D8
"Who was it?" she asked quietly, "What did they say?"
"Uh... S-Sako-chan is right here, I'll give the phone to her..."

Huh? This wasn't Masako?
Oh God. A door slammed on the other end of the line.
He just told Sakiko that he's taking Masako with him to Angel Mort. Light heard some s******ing behind him. He looked to his sides and saw that Seto was eavesdropping to his conversation. He sighed and covered the receiver.

"Seto! Eavesdropping is bad you know!" He shouted and threw the TV remote at him. Seto was still laughing at him.

"Sounds like somebody got rejected!"

"Oh, shut up you idiot."

"Hello, this is Masako."

"Uh..Masako. Was that your sister? I-I-I....I mean, do you want to come to Angel Mort with me? It's not like were going out on a date- No, no, no we're just going to meet up with the others there. Im sorry if I have upsetted your sister. I...I asked if you could come over but you two sound so much alike that-that I got confused and..." He explained.

"You just ruined your chances!" Seto shouted over the phone and laughed even more.


Banshee Queen
Jun 10, 2008
"Uh..Masako. Was that your sister? I-I-I....I mean, do you want to come to Angel Mort with me? It's not like were going out on a date- No, no, no we're just going to meet up with the others there. Im sorry if I have upsetted your sister. I...I asked if you could come over but you two sound so much alike that-that I got confused and..."

Masako's reaction was the same as Sakiko's; her emerald-green eyes snapped open wide. It felt as if she didn't know how to speak anymore - she breathed in deeply, feeling how heat gathered in her cheeks.
"I..." she stuttered, fiddling with her hair nervously. "I..." she cleared her throat. "I'd love to come..." she let out a nervous laugh.
Now she wondered why Sakiko had left so suddenly, looking so angry. Maybe she had assumed that...
The thought made Masako blush even more. No, it was not a date. Light had said so himself.


Come break me down
May 18, 2008
On top of a giant test paper D8

Light chewed on some shushi while he waited for her answer. He wondered if sakiko might not talk to him anymore or she might think of him as a different person just because of one phone call. He hoped that she didn't take it the wrong way.

"I'd love to come..."

He suddenly choked on some food and coughed out loud on to the phone.

"Thats- ahem- wonderful to hear!" he said happily. "I'll meet you there then! See ya!" He cut the line off and turned to Seto who was pretending to read the newspaper. "You can drop me off now." He threw the car keys to him and walked out of the house buzzing with joy. He never felt this jolly in his life, he ran to the car and waited for seto to move his lazy bum from the kitchen.


Banshee Queen
Jun 10, 2008
Masako heard coughing from the other end of the phone. She bit her nail, wondering if she should ask if Light was alright. Yet before she could even open her mouth, he spoke eagerly.

"Thats- ahem- wonderful to hear! I'll meet you there then! See ya!"

"See..." he stopped as he heard the line being cut off. "...you..." She lowered the phone and went to the kitchen where Mion was trying to cook dinner. Sometimes Masako didn't understand why they had no servants, only a couple of old ladies who cleaned up the rooms and such.
"Mom..." she began, looking at her purple shoes. "Could you... give me a ride to Angel Mort?" She hoped from the bottom of her heart that she wouldn't ask anything about why and with who she was going.

Szayel Aporro

didn't i leave
Apr 22, 2008
Nana ran outside of her home, dashing for her bicycle. Her pink floral dress flew with the wind as she ran against it. They were headed to Angel Mort in Okinomiya, and it would be a long way just by bike; but luckily she lived closer to that city than most of the others.
She peddled her way there, rather than having anybody drive her. Nobody could drive her, was more like it. And she hated asking favors from the adults in her town; They would do anything for the small girl. That was scary enough.

Nana made her way around the high mountain road, and before she knew it; she saw Okinomiya's entrance coming into view. Obviously so, since it was much more populated than Hinamizawa.
Stores lined the city, restaurants, children were running around.

What she noticed was a flyer, posted up on every building, and she decided to take hold of it, stuffing it in her bag to read later. Maybe it was important, since Okinomiya and Hinamizawa were sister villages.

"Mom... Could you... give me a ride to Angel Mort?"
Mion turned to look at her daughter, putting down whatever she was doing to fold her arms over her chest and cock her eyebrows. "Oh, I guess I can take you there."

Mion had been thrilled about driving people to places ever since she had gained her license. She had gotten it a while ago, but she was never really able to use it much.
Leading over Hinamizawa was a hard job, you know.

"I just gotta ask... why are you going to Angel Mort? Eh?" She smirked, hoping that the reason was what she thought it was.


Come break me down
May 18, 2008
On top of a giant test paper D8
"Thats- ahem- wonderful to hear!" he said happily. "I'll meet you there then! See ya!"

Before Light could turn around, Seto looked around for something to read and pretended to be interested at the wall of writing that he could see. He cunningly added two small holes so that he could see through it. It looked like Light got himself a 'date'. Light grabbed Seto's car key's from a nearby pot and threw it towards him, he caught it and elbowed a mug full of hot coffee. He sighed and buried his face on his hands. "Not again."

"You can drop me off now." he said said with a very unconvincing smile on his face.

"Alright, alright! Don't rush me too much Light." Seto said, grabbing some of his breakfast and his coat. "I'll be hanging around the area because somebody placed me on Day shift."

Seto headed outside to where Light was impatiently waiting for him to unlock the car doors.
"Calm down Light, you'll be fine. And I thought you've already experienced this kind of thing! Jeez." He stepped in to the car and started the engine.

"I got a date! Well it's not really a date." He finally said while he clipped on the seatbelt.

"OOhhh, Light's got a girlfriend!" Seto said and set off to Angel Mort.

"I do not! Why do you care anyway?"

Before you even knew it, there were already parked infront of the restaurant which was famous for it's waitresses in cute dresses.


Oh great, were already here.

Light sank on the front seat as he tried to hide from everyone who might be looking into the window. He fixed his suit and got out of the car forgetting something.

"Hey, Light." Seto rolled down his window and leaned towards Light. "Gimme a call when you're done and don't leave your jacket in here!" He chucked it at Light and drove off.

"Alright alright. Sheesh, police these days..." he mumbled and wore the black jacket. He looked at both directions of the road, waiting for Masako to appear. Glancing at the watch somebody ran up to him.

Szayel Aporro

didn't i leave
Apr 22, 2008
Nana was pedaling so fast into the city that she wasn't even able see where she was going; well, with some boundaries of course. She had just taken this route so often that she didn't even bother to look anymore.
She rode past the bus station, directly into what she thought was the parking lot of Angel Mort.

And she was in the parking lot of Angel Mort, with a minor complication.
Pedaling straight into none other than her good friend Light Yagami. She flew off of her bicycle right onto the older student. She cringed as she attempted to get up, still not noticing who she landed on.

"Haau.... that hurt, nghhh..." She lifted herself up, wiping any dirt away from her face. "I'm sorry mist- Light?"
Quickly, she regained her stance and backed away from him. "Uh! Ah! I'm sorry... I ruined your clothes! I'm sorry! Ah!"
She continued to have a miniature panic attack.


Come break me down
May 18, 2008
On top of a giant test paper D8
"How long does it take to get here?" he sighed and looked into the restaurant with hunger.

Out from nowhere a kid flew into him and threw him on to the groud. On top of him was a little girl who looked very familiar. She had the same bicycle as Nana and the same hair. He should really pay more attention to the road.

"Haau.... that hurt, nghhh..."she said as she got off him. Light stood up and dusted of the dirt and gravel from his suit.
"I'm sorry mist- Light?"

"Hmm? Nana?" he said leaning in towards her.

"Uh! Ah! I'm sorry... I ruined your clothes! I'm sorry! Ah!" Nana apologised, moving away from him.

He grabbed Nana on the shoulders lightly and looked straight in to her eye. "Nana," he whispered. "It's okay. It wasn't your fault. Besides..." He stood up straight. " I've got a whole wardrobe of these kind of suits. What's the rush?"


Your #1 Bruh
Aug 9, 2007
In your dreams :O
Eyes wide opened. Hiro got out of his bed and looked for some clothes to put on. " TOMORROW IS THE FESTIVAL. " Hiro had a silly smile on his face as he tripped everywhere trying to put his pants on. " I need to get my grub on, Then pick out some clothes for the festival, then ... unfortunately I gotta find Seto for advise. " Hiro sighed at the truth and began to put his tie on.

Hiro walked down the stairs of his apartment and looked around. " Where is the coffee at? Jesus I'm such a klutz" Hiro said looking for a cup and and getting the Coffee out. Hr poured his coffee and drank it up. He rushed to his car and headed towards headquarters. " I hope we can get a half the day off. "


imp of the perverse
May 12, 2007
Waiting on you, dear.
Ryo scanned her small closet, looking for something suitable to wear to the festival the next day. To be honest, she only had one yukata, and it was several years old since she hadn't bothered to go to the festival in a while. She sighed, and looked over to the clock that was ticking away on her wall, she still had plenty of time before she had to show up for work that afternoon, so she could probably make a run to one of the shops and buy one. She couldn't very well go out in her pajamas though, now could she?
A few moments later, she stood looking in her full-length mirror at the hideous scars that were still plainly visible. It was such an inconvenience, having to wear a scarf during the summer days that got so warm in Hinamizawa, but it was necessary. Turning away from the mirror, she wrapped a thin periwinkle scarf around her neck before grabbing her purse. Before stepping out the door, she paused at a nearby table and lay her hand on the small white boom box that sat there, offering up a small prayer for it's previous owner.

The day was a warm one indeed, but thankfully Hinamizawa was a small town, and it didn't take long until Ryo was standing outside the yukata shop, white dress billowing slightly in the light breeze. A bell at the top of the door clanged, announcing her entrance, and the old lady who ran the shop greeted Ryo from behind the counter.

"Looking for something to wear to the festival tomorrow, dear? It's been so long since you've gone." The old woman had been a friend of Ryo's late grandparents, so she was acquainted with grand-daughter well. "I've got the perfect thing for you, it just came in yesterday!" As she shuffled off, Ryo glanced around the store at the racks full of different yukata, obi and geta. It really had been quite a while since she had needed a yukata, but now she was reminded of how much she liked the traditional Japanese clothing. It had such a charm to it. But her thoughts were brought back to the present when she heard the proprietor shuffling back to the counter, arms full.
What she lay out on the counter was a light cream colored yukata with vertical stripes in all the various colors of the rainbow. It had a matching blue obi and geta of the exact same shade, and Ryo found that she was quite taken with it.

"I'll take it," she smiled, an got out her billfold


Master of the ECKKK
Apr 30, 2009
In the world of Change.
"Yawn!" Jin said as he walked the streets of Okinomiya, in his casual clothes. He didn't mind that he had time to reach Angel Mort and see his friends. But the last few days just passed him by. He shrugged and kept walking, reading a game book he had bought a while back. He looked up to see two people in front of Angel Mort.
"Haau.... that hurt, nghhh..." She lifted herself up, wiping any dirt away from her face. "I'm sorry mist- Light?"

"Hmm? Nana?" Light said.
"Uh! Ah! I'm sorry... I ruined your clothes! I'm sorry! Ah!" Nana apologized, moving away from him.
"Nana," he whispered. "It's okay. It wasn't your fault. Besides..." He stood up straight. " I've got a whole wardrobe of these kind of suits. What's the rush?"
Jin walked up to the two, seeing Light dressed up so fancy and Nana dressed in one of her preety dress. He couldn't think of anything but one word.
"Yo!" Jin said raising his hand to greet the two.


Banshee Queen
Jun 10, 2008
"Oh, I guess I can take you there."

"Thank you", Masako said, relieved, turning away to go outside - she was somewhat late already. Hopefully Light didn't need to wait for too long...

"I just gotta ask..."

Masako froze.
Oh no.

"...why are you going to Angel Mort? Eh?"

She turned back towards Mion, fiddling with her green hair again, not able to look into her mother's eyes. She couldn't lie to her, lies were a bad thing... they always brought trouble.
"I, uhm..." her cheeks reddened again. How she hated blushing. "...I'm having a d--" NO, it wasn't a date! She stopped and began again. "I'm meeting my friends there..." That wasn't a lie; Light-kun was her friend after all.
"But we must go now, mom!" Masako said quickly, changing the subject, "I'm going to be late!"

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