Re: Fate of A Hero
Day 61
1000 Words
Akira sat on the beach, the sun setting on the horizon, the reds and oranges painting the sky. She wasn't wearing an organization coat. She was wearing the blue costume she had "borrowed" the day she and Roxas investigated her hometown.
How strange....
She tossed in her bed, yawning. Her eyes were closed, no frowns tonight. The pitter patter of the rain outside is drowned out by the crashes of thunder.
A sweet sea breeze tickled her face, and materialized from sand, a woman appeared ten feet beside her. Akira looked at her, mistified. She was chanting...almost like singing.
At first, only a small murmur escaped her lips. Her kimono, top white and bottom blue violet, rustled through the wind. Her hands held a bundle.
The humming grew louder, into words. The melody was hard to follow, but Akira tried to pay attention, cocking her head to the side in wonder.
"But still I swore, to hide the pain when i turned back the pages,
Shouting might have been the answer
What if I'd cried my eyes out and begged you not to depart
But now I'm not afraid to say what's in my heart...."
The bundle cooed. Akira widened her eyes. This was her mother. And the bundle...the bundle was her.
"Cause a thousand words
Call out through the ages
They'll fly to you
Even though we can't see
I know they are reaching you, suspended on silver wings
Oh a thousand words
One thousand embraces
Will cradel you
Making all of your weary day
They'll hold you forever-"
A man touched her shoulder, a green casual uniform on. Startled, her mother turned around. The man nodded. Misa looked at him solemnly.
"Sir Sairi is waiting in the ship, milady. The king and queen have sent their final regards." The man drilled. Misa bit her lip.
"A minute," She replied hastily, giving him a little glare. He nodded.
"Of course."
He left without another word. Misa turned back to the sea.
"A thousand words," She whispered. Misa closed her eyes, and the sand blown from the wind disintegrated with her. The tide pulled closer to Akira as she stared at the spot Misa had stood. Akira blinked, uncomprehending.
"No remembering, Akira," A girl's voice cooed toyingly. Akira looked around. She looked to her sides, then to the back. When she turned to the front, she jumped, falling on her back. She yelped.
A girl-that wasn't there before- with blonde hair and a white sundress stood before her. She did not face her, she did not look at her. Only her back side was visible.
Akira stared at her in awe, yet horror. WHO WAS THIS CHICK?
"You're going to forget, Akira." She said, her sweet voice rueful. "Please. Stop trying."
Akira's eyebrow went upwards. "How do you know my name? And who are you."
"WAKE UP PRINCESS IT'S TIME FOR NEWBY EXAMINATIONS!" A sour voice exclaimed in her ear. Akira screamed, jumping rolling out of her bed and landing flat on her face on the floor. A cackle behind her broke. Akira groaned.
"Xane, go away." Akira growled. She stood and brushed herself off, rubbing her eyes. Xane smiled.
"Not today, loser. You've got examinations."
Akira froze. "I have WHAT?"
"Your newby test. Your test of SKILL." Xane's face darkened. "The test to determine wether we keep you or not."
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