Heh thanks and sorry I took my time to update this I'm sorry really.
Zafiro stayed all night awake, he just couldn’t fall asleep, it was the first time in his life that he had stayed all night thinking of Crystal and remembering every single moment lived with her, her face, how she smilied..everything.
He kept thinking until the sun finally rised and it was time to start a new day again “…so it’s today” he put on his uniform and took his books, he went out of his room and closed the ddoor, while he was doing that he felt someone touched his shoulder “Morning!” it was Leandro, as cheerful as always.
“Ah…good morning” he replied with a weird sound on his voice, and walked down the hall leaving the other boy standing in front of his room “What’s wrong with you?” he inquired.
“Nothing…I’m fine” Zafiro replied and continued walking.
Leandro got a little annoyed and followed Zafiro “Did something happen with Crystal?”
“What makes you think this has to do something with her?!” the boy replied in a way which made him sound annoyed, but it was rather useless since he was depressed and not angry.
Leandro walked around him and hit Zafiro on the head with his books “Liar! Something’s wrong with you! I bet shw turned you down” he said.
“Shut up! She has nothing to do with this!” he continued walking without talking with Leandro without even looking at him, he just wanted to find excuses for his reason to leave.
While they were going through the hall that lead to the ‘square’ they bumped into Kasumi making her fell to the ground, Zafiro helped her stand up “Are you alright?” he asked.
“Ow…moer or less…” the girl answered, she was about to leave when Zafiro stopped her.
“Where’s Crystal?”
Kasumi mooved her head “Like I’d tell you after I heard you shouting at her last night”
“I knew it! He wouldn’t be like this if it wasn’t for her” Leandro said.
Kasumi got annoyed and went face to face with Leandro “What do you mean? He’s the weird one! Shouting at Crystal for no apparent reason..”
The boy jus glared at her and kept on arguing with Kasumi “Your so called friend is weird! How come if they’re friends they always fight? She’s crazy!”
“Crazy?! He’s the one who’s crazy, makes Crystal leave the west wing during the night and shouts at her” the girl replied.
“Oh really?! Well so far as I know she was the one who wanted to meet him there!” both kids just kept on shouting at each other nonstop.
Zafiro got tired of hearing them shouting “Hey Leandro…just cut it out, it’s getting late…really late”
Leandro turned to him “But! I’m not done arguing with her!”
“It’s enough! Let’s go”
Kasumi glared at them “Oh, just leave…I’m also leaving” she said then ran off to the classroom.
“I was about to win! That Kasumi…grr” Leandro said and crossed his arms “She think she’s so nice…she is just so annoying sometimes!” he yelled.
Zafiro looked at his friend and sighed “C’mon…you know you like her”
“What on earth are you saying?! What makes you think that?!”
“I just feel it…I know it” Zafiro said then walked away “We’ll be late, hurry!”
The other boy glared at Zafiro “Alright—we’ll settle this later!”
Both bos arrived at the classroom, Leandro proceeded to sit on his place, whereas Zafiro just stayed at the door looking at t he floor thinking, when he looked up his eyes were inmediately on Crystal “There you are…Crystal…”
Crystal was reading her notebook and felt someone was staring at her, she then looked up and saw Zafiro looking at her “Zafiro…” she smiled at him.
When Zafiro noticed that he just inmediately moved and sat on his desk “Sorry to be acting like this…I’m sorry” he thought.
Crystal wondered why he was acting like that since the last night, she was confused and actually seeing Zafiro acting that way made her feel sad.
Meanwhile, Kasuime and Leandro were glaring at each other “You’re so annoying Kasumi!!” the boy thought, it was funny how Kasumi was thinking the same aobut the boy, but deep inside Zafiro’s words were true.
Zafiro was tring to enjoy the last day but his feelings didn’t let him to, he was just there listening to the teacher’s voice but wasn’t concentrated in the lseeon, his mind was somewhere else.
Crystal was worried about him, she had never seen him like that so far as she could remember “What’s wrong with you?” she wondered, but at least she was paying attention to the class.
When the break time arrived, Zafiro was about to leave the classroom but he got stopped by crystal “Is something wrong Zafiro?” the gilr inquired.
“Not really” was his answer.
“You’re lying! I know that!” the girl said, she then got in front of him “Have I done something…wrong?” she asked sounding worried then she took his hand.
“Don’t make this more difficult” Zafir thought, he tried to move and leave the classroom btu Crystal wouldn’t let him to “Crystal…get off me” he said trying to sound serious and he was actually afraid of breaking in front of Crystal.
Crystal let him go and ran off the classroom.
Zafiro also left the classroom and walked towards the yard, just then one of the teachers came “The principal wants you in her offcie” the teacher said.
“I see…I’m going now” Zafiro replied and started walking to the office.
When he arrived there he knocked at the door and was told to enter the office, as he opened the door he saw the figure of a woman sitting in one of the chairs that were in fron of Carmen’s desk.
Carmen looked straight at Zafiro “Sit, please”
Zafiro nodded and when he sat on the chair he felt the woman’s hand on his shoulder he turned to the woman and it was her, Amethyst. He just gasped then.
“This lady has signed some of the papers I gave her” Carmen said as she was showing some papers to Zafiro “Now, you just need to sign…and you’ll have a family..you must be happy, you’re going to have a new mom” she handed Zafiro a pen “Now sign”
Zafiro took the pen and looked at Amethyst “This was your plan eh?...impressive” he though “So this is going to mean…that I’m legally your son ma’am?” he told Amethyst.
Amethyst looked his purple eyes and said “Yes, it means I’m your mother”
Zafiro looked at the papers and signed them, he wanted everything to be over as soon as possible.
“Ok, go and pick up your things, this is it…you can leave” the principal said.
Zafiro stood up and left the room “The best thing I could do…” he sighed, then made his way to his room and started packing, when he was done, he left his room and closed the door but as he was going down the stairs he bumped into Leandro,
“What’s with the suticase?” the boy inquired.
Zafiro put his head down and continued walking but just when he was in the middle of the stairs he turned and looked at his friend “The thing is…I’m leaving the orphanage…I was adopted..sorry”
Leandro just gasped and tried to run up to Zafiro but he had already disappeared from his sight “What about Crystal?” the boy thought.
Meanwhile, Zafiro continued walking towards the office, saying goodbye to his home…and especially to Crystal, he loved her too much to make her suffer or cause her harm even without meaning too, he thought “It’s better that I’m the one who gets hurt…but not her”
Before arriving at the office he bumped into Amethyst who smirked at him “The principal already knows you pakced your things…now we can leave”
“As fast as possible..please” the boy seriously said but still he was hurt..sad and lots of emotions were confusing him.
“Ok…now” Amethyst said as she took Zafiro’s hand “The car awaits”
Both of them exited the school and were in front of the school’s main door where a car that looked like a limousine was awaiting for them. Amethyst got in the car but when Zafiro was about to enter the vehiclee the steps from someone approaching could be heard.
Zafiro then felt that someone hugged him real tight “Why are you leaving?” it was her, Crystal. He tried to move but Crystal didn’t let him to.
“Crystal! Won’t you stop?! Don’t you see that I have to leave?!” he yelled.
The girl stopped hugging him and turned around”…if this is your decission..leave if you want to!” she said and and rushed into the school again..she was clearly crying and feeling sad.
Zafiro just looked at her go and entered the car “You know it was right” Amethyst stated and kept looking at the boy.
He just kept hearing Crystal’s words in his head “I don’t leave because I want to…I…leave because…because I love you”
Then the car started and drove off to a new place, where Zafiro’s destiny was going to be changed…where…he’ll change.
End of Chapter 11
LOL hope you guys like it..and..why do I feel like this chap was actually short?..or..is it just me?
