Ok, for those of you saying" omg cannibalism, who would do such a thing?" Allow me to elaborate for you.
Say you're trying to save electricity because you don't have the money to pay for much. What is the first thing you do? You turn off lights that don't need to be on, of course. Well, the human body works in the same sense. There are so many things operating that require energy to use. If the mind finds that the body is short on energy, it ceases certain functions. For example, the digestive system, reproductive system, and other systems that are not being used, or don't require use at the time, will cease function. This continues to happen until the mind finds that there is not much time left before the heart runs out of energy to pump blood through the body, not to mention, blood cells need energy to perform their functions. This is when the brain shuts off any function it can, even if to extend the body's life by just one more minute. So, we of course know that there are areas of the brain that control several functions, one of them being emotion. Now think about that. EMOTION can often hinder one's will to survive. If that becomes a hindrance, guess what, the brain will enter a new level of survival mode. It shuts down the emotional center of the brain because the body NEEDS energy in order to continue. That's when the person is willing to kill, even his/her best friend, just to survive. After that person has eaten his or her best friend, the brain starts up some of the normal functions once again.
It can be a little bit complicating, but that is how the brain works, for both humans and animals. So if you think that you would NEVER commit such an act as cannibalism, let yourself starve for a couple weeks, with only one other human being your food source and tell me if you're still singing the same song.