Hell No. I would rather die then eat another human-being. Being dead is irrelevant as far as I'm concerned. They are still human. Dead or not. Eating your fellow homo-sapiens might keep you alive for rescue, but you'll have to live with knowing you chomped down on human flesh,and probably go mad because of it. I know I would. I'll eat grass, dirt, bugs, whatever it takes so I wouldn't even have to think about going to the point of no return.Also why be scared of death? It's an inevitability.It's going to happen whether your afraid of it are not.
Some people's answers on here are highly disturbing to me. I mean if cannibalism is a-okay in an emergency then let's add bestiality into the mix to. No people around to have sex with so let's just drag an animall out and have sex with it. Seriously, there are just some lines human-beings should not cross in my opinion, no matter the reason, and cannibalism is at the top of the list.