So there getting the same version as us right?
Well atleast this shows all the people who say BBS is a side story, that BBS is NOT a side story. Only main games get a final mix so this proves once and for all that BBS is basicaly KH0 a main game.
I'm a little confused why anyone is angry... it's obviously just a port of the English version.
BBS is a side story.
And Re:CoM is getting a very nice port/upgrade too....
HAHAHAAH CALLED IT! I love when everyone thought there wasnt going to be one lmao! But yeah i guess ill be owning three versions of the same game. Hurt wallet is hurt. But hell its worth it if theres more info hahaha. HAPPY!
Wait, Wha?!
based on the pictures in the scan, its just the north American version for Japan. eh- doesn't effect me.
Seriously though, what assholes.
I haven't even bought the NA version yet..maybe I'll wait it out...s1britishguyI am fine with that too. Voices, bosses, I'm okay. Beyond that though, I'll get ticked. Especially with the announcement so close to the US release.
I haven't even bought the NA version yet..maybe I'll wait it out...s1britishguy