So like who is Grace? Is she a credible source? Doesn't sound like it from what I'm hearing here lol.
the person who made up the seven wonders of Twilight Town is more reliable.
So like who is Grace? Is she a credible source? Doesn't sound like it from what I'm hearing here lol.
So like who is Grace? Is she a credible source? Doesn't sound like it from what I'm hearing here lol.
Yeah I agree, I can perfectly understand people disliking some of the story decisions that Nomura makes and thinking the story is unnecessarily too complex (I mean I've been a fan for a while and have played every game at least twice and I too forget somethings and how everything connects to each other). But I would say overall the positives of this series tends to outweigh the negatives, even if you have issues with the story Nomura still manages to keep the overarching plot interesting enough to make you want to know what happens next. Not to mention the multiple likable and relatable characters the series has, plus the generally good gameplay with high replay value the games tend to have, and the well-composed and memorable emotion-invoking musical scores composed by Shimomura that all the games have. I also enjoy the quality of the 3D animation for the characters and their character designs in general (I really like the way all the Xehanorts look).Because people like jumping to conclusions and it's cool to hate Nomura lately, lol. People are gonna disagree with me about it, but ever since KH3 came out (or even with DDD), they've wanted to send that man to the pastures.I can understand not being a fan of some of the creative decisions he's made in recent years, but he's still the reason why this series is as great as it is. The way how some word it though, I'm like damn, maybe it's time to move on to a different series or something. Cause some people talk crazy when it comes to that guy.
the person who made up the seven wonders of Twilight Town is more reliable.
I see, so shouldn't take her words seriously. I wonder when/if this will get the official word. I'm anxious/nervous to learn if this is true or not. I won't be able to sleep at all tonight! This will be a true Night of Fate moment for me.She has been right on some occasions about Marvel, DC, and Disney news. She has also been very wrong on occasions, so she isn't consistent. She does have a number of inside sources and she used to work for Marvel for a very brief period of time.
She isn't a source I would ever use just because I think she's an awful person and is hiding her true beliefs behind coded language and will flip-flop her personal beliefs to keep her audience appeased. I put her at the level of a pap. They get stuff right but they are slimy sleuths.
Honestly, I'd rather follow a canon TV series for lore than another mobile game. At least TV shows have decent length episodes that come out on a defined and reasonable schedule.If this is true I wonder if they'll skip Deep Jungle or replace it with something. Though I'd hate for this to be another canon thing to the series for us to follow to get into KH4 and the next saga, lol.
Apparently, the guy who said that SE was tapped to work on it and make a pilot in UE4 said in the same tweet that the reason that SE's doing it is cuz Disney originally wanted to make the series, but it didn't work out.
Wonder why it didn't...if this whole thing turns out to be true.
I honestly don't know what to make of this if this is true. Disney handling anything to do with KH outside of merchandising without SE's involvement worries me. If these rumors are true I really hope the TV show follows at least the basic premise of the KH story line and doesn't turn out like another V-CAST fiasco.
Don't Forget that Corey Burton also has voiced the MOST characters in the KH series, besides Jim. In fact Corey voiced so many different characters in the KH games such as Yen Sid, Dale, Sark, The MCP, Captain Hook, Frollo, Ansem the Wise (in Re: Chain of Memories then BBS onwards), among many others.So Jim Cummings voices the most Disney characters in the entire series? Good for him
also this guy.Don't Forget that Corey Burton also has voiced the MOST characters in the KH series, besides Jim. In fact Corey voiced so many different characters in the KH games such as Yen Sid, Dale, Sark, The MCP, Captain Hook, Frollo, Ansem the Wise (in Re: Chain of Memories then BBS onwards), among many others.
Also, I don't think I'll be a fan if they go for the KH3 style cgi. Make it 0.2 and I'm at least graphically sold
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Yeah I agree, I can perfectly understand people disliking some of the story decisions that Nomura makes and thinking the story is unnecessarily too complex (I mean I've been a fan for a while and have played every game at least twice and I too forget somethings and how everything connects to each other). But I would say overall the positives of this series tends to outweigh the negatives, even if you have issues with the story Nomura still manages to keep the overarching plot interesting enough to make you want to know what happens next. Not to mention the multiple likable and relatable characters the series has, plus the generally good gameplay with high replay value the games tend to have, and the well-composed and memorable emotion-invoking musical scores composed by Shimomura that all the games have. I also enjoy the quality of the 3D animation for the characters and their character designs in general (I really like the way all the Xehanorts look).
But then I go on YouTube or some KH forum and I see a bunch of people blasting Nomura like he's the Antichrist. As if he is solely responsible for all of the negatives of the series, and none of its positives have anything to do with him at all. Like I know Nomura has issues when it comes to consistency with his writing but jeez, some people act like he hurt them on a personal level and destroyed their childhood entirely. It makes me wonder if I'm just delusional and I'm an outlier for not hating on Nomura sometimes lol. I know people will disagree, but that's fine, everyone has their own viewpoints on things I just don't think Nomura deserves the hate I see him getting a lot.
Anyway, as for the actual topic of the thread. I don't know how I feel about a Disney Plus KH series yet to be honest. This could be some random episodic series of just SDG running around from Disney world to Disney world not doing much that is entirely non-canon. In which case, I probably wouldn't be too interested in it. But this could also be another retelling that focuses more on the story and development of the characters like the manga does, basically a manga adaptation, in which that would be really cool and interesting. So honestly I don't know how I feel yet, all I know is I hope that whatever comes of this is something good in the end.
She isn't a source I would ever use just because I think she's an awful person and is hiding her true beliefs behind coded language and will flip-flop her personal beliefs to keep her audience appeased. I put her at the level of a pap. They get stuff right but they are slimy sleuths.
yeesh i forgot how bad that model was at firstUh... 0.2 looked worse though. They were still in the midst of fine tuning everything. Just look at it.
Not even the same lighting they use in 3.
Heck I'll let the evolution of 0.2 Kairi speak for itself:
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It probably just became obvious that the only way to move forward with a project is to have SE do it themselves since it's their creation. They know the IP better than anybody, even Disney.
To me, that just tells me that there needs to be somebody hired at Disney who is an expert in KH from top to bottom and they exist to assist in stuff like this.
I don't much see the point in a cg show with game graphics, show, especially if it's just a retelling/reboot of the series from the very beginning. Just go watch the cutscenes on Youtube, then...
Well, you're not necessarily wrong lol...Accessibility. Plus the cutscenes are disjointed because they're obviously segmented by gameplay. Everglow is an amazing example of what you can get if you were to streamline all of the events so far in the right order, but that's a huge undertaking and it's still not the easiest method of getting into the series.
Plus, there's a difference in what they can do as an actual TV series vs. only cutscenes. There's a lot of possibilities that could be done with this format. Idunno if you've seen this thread, but there was one a while ago where people wanted a TV series for Kingdom Hearts where it's essentially a slice-of-life anime. So stuff like Sora, Kairi and Riku chilling by the beach, RAX hanging out in Twilight Town with Hayner, Pence and Olette. TAV having random hijinks at the Land of Departure. With a series, you can get away with this. In a game, you can't, because pacing is a issue.
Imagine an episode where Roxas is having sleeping problems, so he goes to Ven because... y'know... and ridiculousness ensues. Or Axel having a crush on Aqua, but he doesn't know what to say to her, so he asks Kairi and Xion for advice (two who have absolutely zero experience in this). They're silly ideas, but that's honestly all it could be! Just little shorts, similar to RWBY Chibi.
I thought about that, but those three have been thrown into CoM and Re:coded so they are a part of Destiny Island’s history, so omitting them from a retelling would be odd (as opposed to not including FF characters in an upcoming story).
Square went to efforts to make worlds in KH3 be populated, so I hope that would be reflected in this show. But yeah, depends if Disney is like “but we don’t want Final Fantasy in our Disney show”