I think that pic is about one years old or so. Also, I think that pic of the King was posted when KHII FM+ was released.Yeah it be like that sometimes I remeber seeing that pic long ago. Among many others that have no relavence today.
Mmm, ye this fight was disapointing, but in FM+, in the Cavern of Remembrance, there's a spot whre you fight over 100 Nobodies. In critical mode and being in lvl 50, even with final form, it's nearly impossible. My brain felt like a jelly when I did that. I wonder how a lvl1 Sora can do that fight... And ye, FM+ is worth it. +20 optional bosses FTW
I think that pic is about one years old or so. Also, I think that pic of the King was posted when KHII FM+ was released.
At the same time as those concept arts of Xemnas on his throne in armor.
So that boss with the huge sword in the final battle was Xemnas?!
Found it.
my heart just exploded... what a f***ing rip!!!!! i wanna fight this son of a bitch!!! (although it prolly woulda died after 2 reaction commands)
thats the king?
It isn't neccessarilyl a Heartless; it's just colored black because it's made of the buildings. Though adimittedly the city is known as the "Heartless part" of the world.
But, um, Nobody symbols so.
The 1000 heartless battle was not what I expected. In some gaming magazines about 5 months before Kingdom Hearts 2 was released I noticed that in some of the pictures showing the battle there were behemoths and huge amounts of heartless of every type. I was just wondering if this kind of battle was available in FM+ because when I went to fight them, to just find armored soldiers and surveillance bots was disappointing.
Oh right that was location, darn you forgetfull brain I'm to old for you[uses keyblade to unlock head and tosses brain] now where's my preserved KH brain,AH[puts in closes up.]No Veddix Sephiroth wasn't in that one.
The reason I said I hated the fights that lead up to it is because some were actually epic for a medicore game, and then you think oh crap 1000 heartless really. Then it's a bunch of robots, and some tard form of a heartless.
It's a good thing he wasn't in KH2 because they would have made him a panzy like everything else.-frowns at the King- He would have been the saving grace of KH2...
So many things that could have made KH2 so awesome. -shakes fist at KH team- How could you!
It's a good thing he wasn't in KH2 because they would have made him a panzy like everything else.
Sora was able to break though giant buildings what.
YouTube - Kingdom Hearts (BETA) - E3 2001: Trailer
Not to be off topic, but has anyone ever seen this^
It's a beta version of KH1.