Oh that's cool! Do you go on it at all?? Maybe we can chat their?? I don't come on here that much anymore...
Haha for most people it is. Though I never been to fond of chocolate or cake that much. I just think it's too sweet. Though surprisingly enough I like the icing?? Yeah go figure that one out. Lol.
I bet you anything that this phone, your gonna have years from now I bet. Just like the other one. If you say your careful then hopefully you won't have to get another one. Don't jinx it now. xD
Yeah that is true. Though hopefully you can get it later on if you still want to play it. If only I could let you borrow my PSP... xP I have Dissidia and Crisis Core as well! It's silver and shiny. I even bought like a case and everything! =D
Then the car. Oh more money to spend...How bothersome...