That still doesn't make it problematic, though, and the fact that you'd suppose basic anatomy would never be sacrificed for a style almost blatantly, if unintentionally, focused on sexy poses as compared to delivering action or feeling. And there are plenty of artists who deliver all of the above without these issues. It isn't hard to point them out, artists should be willing to accept meaningful critique especially when it would aid the company.
Well, again, you're a male. I'm a male. We don't see this things because they don't effect or impact us all too directly in comparison to females. Privilege is an overused word within these circles but really, that's what it comes down to. I think it's stupid, though, because see here though the responsibility in any sort of ignorance in regards to discrimination hinges upon the majority group to educate itself. Random tangent, I know, but you just gotta ask and learn and do your best with what you've got.