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  • my ps3 is on storage tho it kinda broke xl

    yeah i do but i havent set up my wifi, actually i think ill do that today it will give me somthing to do! :D
    i got a ps3 and a wii too whats your ps3 account? and do u have super smash bros and mariokart for the wii?
    not right now. i don't have wifi. i do plan on getting a wifi usb device though at some point hopefully. i'm in the middle of moving so i might not have wifi for a while (a week or two at most).

    i'll battle you once i get everything set up though.
    1. Maybe in a few days.
    2. Very close to there, I use to live at Buena Park.
    I won't tell you where I live now. :3
    Smogon University - Competitive Pokmon Community

    I would highly recommend using their "Strategy Pokédex" to get an idea of how Pokemon look competitively. You can also sign up on their forums and under their "wifi" section you can battle people in the "battle me" thread. Just make sure you work at understanding things like EV's, IV's and strategy and such before battling there officially. Everyone there battles with at least a little strategy and if you go in with a mix of Pokemon with great movesets but no coordination, it might be disappointing haha.

    Anyway yeah check it out and see how it goes. it's where I go
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