Don't those look nice, would you like one for yourself? Well, now you can make your very own! Thanks to Chamoo232's wonderful papercraft site! He has designed these himself, and is providing them to anyone who desires them, as well as giving step by step directions on how to complete them. These are basically models that you can create out of paper, all colored and designed through the computer, it's fun and they are nice collectables. Please note, these are a little difficult, I would s...
This weekend, up until now, has been pretty slow news wise. (Although the forums have been hectic!) It is time for the KHInsider Wrap Up! These are designed for people who may have missed anything, or would like a recap, as well as provide a hub for all the activities going on!
But first of all, due to many requests, we are once again extending the due date of our Fanart and Digital Media Contest, especially after my email began to act up. The new due date is June 30th, 200...
GTX here. Well it's good news, bad news time from my end. Let's start with the good news shall we?
Well, the Trivia Page is back up after a 3 week hiatus. Reason being, GTX's computer went boom. So we had to delay that for a while, but now it's back with even more challenging questions than ever before. So a big thanks go to Time and Deeman. Send your answers to, and whoever answers the most questions correctly will be mentioned next week. We got so many amaz...
Hello! Today is not a big news day (as of now) by any means, but I do have a few things.
First of all, for the LiveJournal Community, today is Zexion Day. I am told that Organization Members are given days based on their Organization Rank. (6/6 is Zexion for example). If your a Zexion fan, now is the time to celebrate!
Next up, Square Enix seems to be releasing a lot of new titles lately, and have quite a big lineup of games. We cannot let them neglect Final Mix. I enc...
So, I was browsing around when I found this really interesting article, written by Jeffrey Cottrell at, that answers a question I'm sure many would like to dicuss, what is it that makes Kingdom Hearts so popular, and so enjoyable? Please note, this is a very, very deep analysis, and does contain spoilers from the first game. To those that will take the time to read it, make sure to comment on what you think either through the forums or through our comments system. I truly found th...
This Week's Picture
This one is certainly an overdue Caption Contest! While there was not much happening over the weekend, that did not stop us from having a lot of fun. Still, Square Enix related news has surfaced over the weekend (below), so if you'd like to view it, you may! Let's move onto the caption contest!
If you would like to view the top five winners from last week, click: read more. Here is this week's caption contest! It is very simple: just caption the...
Hey, all! Color Me Evil here, your friendly neighborhood graphics updater! And when I'm posting, that can only mean one thing... more graphics! It's true! This update, we've reached the 400 avatar mark! How incredible! The graphics team would like to thank you for your continued support, hits, and downloads. It all means so much! This month, we also have a featured artist. She's not part of our team, but she sent me her icons and they were great! So please give your complements to Gamergirl89...
Today we are taking part in our next fun activity! The Kingdom Hearts Look Alike Weekly Poll! In this feature, we take submitted pictures from fans and compare them to our favorite Kingdom Hearts characters! We're going to show you who we think is a close match, and let you guys input what you think!
This week we have Pete, who tells us that his friends occasionally joke that he looks surprisingly like Roxas. So what do you think? Take a look at this Roxas-to-be, and take the poll,...
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