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Why everyone hate this game?

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Chakolat Strawberry

caramel delight
Jan 2, 2009
how many threads like this are there gonna be :/

i hated it cause *inhales*
roxas went from his kh2 mysterious nobody that duel weilded keyblades that left to learn of himself, his weapon and sora, to a emo xion fanboy taht *as axel says* seems to only have "doom" and "gloom" as expresions.
i think xion couldve been so much better than a damn replica.
teh level panels
theater mode sucked
the story was long and repetitive (boring)
the missions were repetitive
fucking neverland

thats off the top of my head could get more but then that would be bitching.
I actually thought Saïx was one of the few good things this game had to offer. With him not being manipulated by the poorly-written plot/Xion and whatnot.


Oct 9, 2009
I actually thought Saïx was one of the few good things this game had to offer. With him not being manipulated by the poorly-written plot/Xion and whatnot.

well that is true.
unlike some the plot didnt rape his character.
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Killjoy Hillington
Jul 3, 2010
Anagram just about sums it up:

roxas went from his kh2 mysterious nobody that duel weilded keyblades that left to learn of himself, his weapon and sora, to a emo xion fanboy taht *as axel says* seems to only have "doom" and "gloom" as expresions.
i think xion couldve been so much better than a damn replica.

But yeah the only thing I hate about it is the story, and how they could've made it better. They completely ruined Roxas's character.

Another reason I hate it is because the majority of the story is centered around Xion.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
I didn't like it bcause it was all rehash from previous games so it felt really old after a while and annoying.

Chrono Mizaki

Aug 19, 2008
Bradford, England
I hated Days because of;

  • The barebone story. What's really insulting is that it felt like the Story fit all around the gameplay. And that's bad because...
  • ...the gameplay is utter balls. Really, the fact that when you visited all the worlds, the game isn't anywhere near finished. There aren't a lot of extras nor the little nook and crannies that makes us go out to find them.
  • The graphics annoyed me. Because it tried to be too much like KH1 and KH2, in both looks and how it plays. And we have a game that is a pale imitation of KH1 and KH2. When I played Chain of Memories on the GBA, I felt like I was playing a game for the GbA. The fact that it felt different, yet feels the same. Days on the other hand, tries to catch up to its PS2 counterpart... and fails horribly.
  • Xion is a character that is both characterised well, yet shouldn't be in the spotlight. She really took the spotlight away from everyone who really needed it. It was really a boon for players who wanted to interact with Organization XIII a lot, up to the point where we could learn their motive or history. Instead, they had to convolute the story further.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Somewhere over the Rainbow
Seriously, I don't see why 99% of KHinsider forums hate Days. I mean, Roxas being a "Xion fanboy" ? He's just a guy who cares about his friends, that's all. Xion just happens to be in trouble most of the time. I'm sure that statement would change to "Axel fanboy" if somehow Axel reverted to the same age as Roxas and was in similar predicaments. And the gameplay? I loved it. Its a great game to play during SPARE TIME after finishing homework. Yes, you heard me. 358/2 days wasn't designed for hardcore gamers. Also, even if it didn't reveal anything new to the series (Besides that Xion existed, Saix and Axel were BFFs), it would be redundant if it wasn't made as Roxas' time in the Organization is one of the unexplained time period in the Kingdom Hearts series. So all in all, I don't see why everyone hate this game.


Inactive until DDD NA Release.
May 7, 2005
Where ever you want me to
Seriously, I don't see why 99% of KHinsider forums hate Days. I mean, Roxas being a "Xion fanboy" ? He's just a guy who cares about his friends, that's all.

Trust me, I am 100% in concord with your perceptions on this. Though, I will tersely explicate why many feel his "Xion Fanboyism" is downright grandiose in every sense of the word.

Many played this game for Roxas-instead they get Xion (much more than they bargained for.) If you had the, what I consider "sensible" preconception like me:

"Xion is a new enigmatic character with an obscure past who was formerly the "14th Member" of Org. XIII. Up until this point, her very existence has been undisclosed, and never once alluded at nor referenced. She looks identical and sounds exactly like Kairi. She also has the ability to wield the Keyblade. Who is this young girl? And what is her connection to Roxas?"

-you would have fcuking long realized this game's story would be heavily analogous to Xion, and the intricacies of the plot will fluctuate immensely around her. BUT, many saw Xion as an "important side character"-not what they would consider a "protagonist." Xion receives a tremendous deal of camera time enough as it is: and all Roxas does is worry about/chase her the entire game. Since Roxas was supposedly the prime focus of this game, it is only natural to suspect the game would be more about him. No. They didn't get that. They had Xion shoved down their throats, and when she was not around, Roxas was damn sure to "fanboy" and make you remember: I LUVZ XION.

Be pensive for a moment. Put yourself in their shoes. You now hate Xion because she is a Mary Sue and overall camera whore. You want development on Roxas, outside of his infatuation with Xion-but you ain't gettin' it. So basically, even when Xion is not on camera: "everything is still about her." In their eyes, she sullies Roxas' character development and squanders what potential he may have had. That is the general gist of it. Feel free to go to her Hate club for additional details.

I'm sure that statement would change to "Axel fanboy" if somehow Axel reverted to the same age as Roxas and was in similar predicaments.

I have mixed sentiments on this. Yaoi fangirls would squeal for this kind of crap...and more or less would find nothing wrong with it. Let's just ignore that insignificant demographic XD

Believe me, I like Xion's character very much. But Axel would suffer from extreme badass decay if he were written in a similar manner. I would resent it in every conceivable way. It is horrendous enough their friendship was written with numerous inadvertent homosexual subtexts/undertones in KH2-but Days' would have worsened that. Sorry, but I don't like yaoi fangirl bait in my games :\

And the gameplay? I loved it. Its a great game to play during SPARE TIME after finishing homework. Yes, you heard me. 358/2 days wasn't designed for hardcore gamers.

The combat system is essentially the same as other installments. Most gripes regarding it are mostly derived from the almost unsalvagable tedium. It is the consistent repetition and lack of variety that this game mostly suffers from.

Also, even if it didn't reveal anything new to the series (Besides that Xion existed, Saix and Axel were BFFs), it would be redundant if it wasn't made as Roxas' time in the Organization is one of the unexplained time period in the Kingdom Hearts series. So all in all, I don't see why everyone hate this game.

...Countless people were satiated by the atrociously written garbage they were given in KHII, believe it or not. A few "feel it wasn't necessary"-taking into account it was explained via 20 second flashback in KH2 (halfassed flashback, mind you.) But sense these crappily written flashbacks lacked any inkling of Xion...they're 100% acceptable! And for bonus points: Axel and Roxas relationship is so unredeemably told-it's open to all sorts of interpretations! (You people know who you are :D)

On a more serious note, it left more to their imaginations and they can pretend that Xion does not exist-therefore "it is not needed" :)


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Somewhere over the Rainbow
Wow, your comment took alot of concentration to read.

Well, I played Days to find out what happened between KH1 and KH2 through the Organization's perspective, not to find out about Roxas' character development bla bla shit...

I guess people are disappointed due to their expectations on the game
Mar 24, 2009
It was entirely too repetitive, and boring. There's little to no important information relevant to the overall story.
To be honest the series would be fine without it.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Somewhere over the Rainbow
To be honest the series would be fine without it.
It would be redundant if they didn't make it.
Tetsuya Nomura said:
Presently there are 4 main untold stories to consider: "the period of the King's absence", "the period of Riku's absence", "Roxas' time in Organization XIII and "Xehanort's past". In this case, the story of "the period of the King's absence" is set in the realm of darkness. I am examining a way to tell these 4 stories so I might be able to find a way to tell them soon.
It was entirely too repetitive, and boring.
Depends on playing style. Hardcore gamers will get boredom. Casual gamers, not so much.
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