True. I think I spoiled myself a good deal of FFXIII by listening to the OST before actually finishing the game. And I can't remember what OST it was but it definitely spoiled a lot for me with its song titles. I don't think it was BBS though.
Therefore, I'm a bit hesitant about listening to the DDD OST before playing the game but I don't think I have willpower not to listen to it.
Same. I love music too much to not listen to the OST xD
Really? I was about to listen to the FFXIII-2 OST and then I figured I'd just wait a little while, good thing I did Then again, I might just be oblivious because I listened to most of BbS' music before its release and I didn't pick up on anything really.
It just depends on how much you listen into the song, and what connections you made with the knowledge you have of the story. That is really my major downfall because I over-think songs. xD