I've finally have beaten a Final Fantasy game, I always get distracted by a different game, get stuck, loose motivation to play, or something else to that effect. I've played every Final Fantasy except V, and have never beaten any of them until now. I've gotten very far in Final Fantasy XIII and IX, I'm doing well in XII and VII, but still haven't beat any of them. After getting Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection I spent a lot of hours in that game. To make sure I could beat it, just to finally say I've beaten a Final Fantasy game, I watched HC Bailleys Let's Play of it on Youtube. He helped with strategies for specific bosses, but overall it was still me level grinding and advancing the story. People say Final Fantasy IV is the hardest Final Fantasy game ever made, and I find it funny cause its the first I've ever beaten with ease. I realize that bosses aren't hard if you know the strategy to beat them and are decently leveled. Back to XIII, VII, and IX.