Vanitas's VA.
Being honest with myself, I have to agree with this. <3 As much as I love the new characters, the plot and gameplay, Vanitas' VA stole the show IMO.
Vanitas's VA.
Everything about BBS is great, except... when Captain Dark is on your nuts in command board (especially Secret Board and your opponents are nowhere near you) -___-
hell yesnubstyle
Vanitas's VA
this^ to hell with ice cream beat and disney towni disliked the minigames.
hell yes! jigglies!VenvenvenvenvenvenVANITASvenvenvenAqua'sJigglyContents.....
terra did seem....."to trusting"Terra's naivety was laughable, and Xehanort is one mean old guy.
Terra's naivety was laughable
Aqua's gravity defying chesticles.