Artemites paced slowly from one wall of the White Room to the other. He had made this trip plenty of times already, She was late, but he had grown accustomed to long waits and his mind was hardly on the time. A prayer for inner peace ran through his head, each word articulated mentally in his Homeworld's ancient tongue. Many lost their faith when they were Chosen. Artemites had been one of those. He had abandoned the teachings of the Temple in which he had been raised and taught. He had even given his body to a woman he hardly knew. It had ended up complicating things eternally. Artemites was taught celibacy, and he fought for salvation from that sin daily. She plagued his life now, though he loved seing her. He suspected he might have loved her if he had allowed himself to. But such times were past and was once again a devout in the service of God. Still he remembered the press of her body, and to his shame would probably hold on to that memory, even if he could forget it.
The sound of his footsteps echoing finally got tiresome and he sat in one of the blocky white chairs that populated the room. The room was white in the strictest sense. Everything from the floor to the ceiling was the shame shade of white that Artimetis was sure must have been disorienting when he had first come to the White Room. Often the objects would blur together if one didn't pay attention and Atremites couldn't help but wonder why.
He passed another hour or so in that chair before he stood once more. If She wasn't coming she could at least have the decency to tell him before hand. As he headed for the gold trimmed white door, the only thing in the white room not pure as the driven snow, he heard a slightly girlish giggle behind him. He sighed and turned to see the object of his misery.
Her name was Zenith and she was in every way the complete opposite of Atremites. She was a godless, chaotic creature, with no sense of propriety and a very feminine figure. Zenith was the one who had been closest to him when they were Chosen. And it she still was the closest, but after Artemites "found God" they had begun to argue. They had developed a relationship, however an eternity of celebacy was not something Zenith was prepared for and Artemites had betrayed his own beleifs more than enough in his eyes. They were one of the few Chosen from their generation who had stuck around to become Saints. As it turns out an enternal war with Evil did not appeal to everyone. The only other Saint was Jean-Marc. Jean-Marc had surprised everyone with both his decision to fight for The Good and with his decision to stay on for eternity. Jean was a loose cannon in all senses of the word, his abilities manifesting from his own turmoil, they also tended to be some of the most destructive that Atremites had ever seen. Then of course there was Kate.
Kate had been a big help in Artemites loss of faith. Chosen at the age of ten Kate had been shown many things that no child ever should have seen. She suffered more than Artemites had ever witnessed in his own time. Artemites had hardly witnessed half of it. Kate lost faith in humanity before she was ever given a chance to understand them. As such she stayed on as well. As a Demon. Trapped forever in a ten year old's body Kate resented almost everyone including herself. And she was strong. Very.
The sound of small feet came from behind him Artemites rubbed his Savior with his thumb. The Savior, the holy emblem Artemetis had gone through hell to get back, gleamed around his neck and he could feel the righteous heat growing in it as the small child approached.
"Are they here?" the voice was a man's and Artemites turned to find that Aro had joined them as well. Aro was a decent enough person to be fair. He had honor and those he interacted with he was very polite to. He had been a scientist on his own world, something Artemites had a hard time grasping, as the art of science was barely even a fledgling one in his own world, and as such he looked at things clinically. He said that the universe needed him to cause pain, so that was what he did.
Kate watched the preceedings with her haunted eyes but never spoke a word, Atremites made a visable effort to forgo caressing the emblem and his eyes grew distant. "They will be soon."
As you float through the blackness you wonder about the long illness you suffered. Untreatable and almost undetectable you slowly began to fade from the world. Your breathing shallowed and on that very last breath you found yourself in darkness.
A voice booms out to you. . . Who Are You?
Homeworld: [At least a paragraph of background excluding the name, unless you choose Earth]
Past: (Who you have been)
Present: (Who you are)
Other: (quirks, things that do not fit etc.)
Manifestation of Power
what you can do)
Power Source: [Negative/Positive/Mental]
1. The "Past" can be considered "Bio"
2. The "Present" can be considered "Personality"
3. We may or may not visit your home world but please put a bit of thought into it as the worlds are very important to who you are.
4. I have no limits on what is appropriate or not, if there are rules that you may be breaking that is between you and the Staff
5. Be cordial to other Rpers do whatever you want to their character, but do it because your character would, not because they sent you a nasty email etc.
6. Powerplay and Godmods are exclusive to moments when you have express permission from both the parties it will effect and myself
7. We will almost certainly need some people to play Saints/Demons I did not cover them all in the intro, they were merely some representatives, if you wish to make your own let me know and give me the same bio as for your characters.
8. Your character has no abilities until they arrive in the white room, and they are then just discovering what they are.
9. Remain active or do not participate. If you forsee yourself quitting the rp do so by withdrawing your character in a respectful manner, and allow the Rpers to control your character to a fitting death.
10. Do enjoy yourselves.
11. You may have more than one character but only if you can both handle it and provide an adequate second template.
Almost all of your questions will be answered when the Rp starts but here are some things I kind of forgot.
The Power Source slot means what kind of energy Positive (Joy, Love, Compassion) Negative (Sorrow, Hate, Pain) Or Mental (just your mind)
Essentially you died and were sent here. Your illness would be the last few weeks of your life at most.
Saints/Demons go into already conflicting worlds and make the conflict either peak or dissappear.
You are Chosen meaning you are neither immortal, nor bound to fight for one side or another.
The sound of his footsteps echoing finally got tiresome and he sat in one of the blocky white chairs that populated the room. The room was white in the strictest sense. Everything from the floor to the ceiling was the shame shade of white that Artimetis was sure must have been disorienting when he had first come to the White Room. Often the objects would blur together if one didn't pay attention and Atremites couldn't help but wonder why.
He passed another hour or so in that chair before he stood once more. If She wasn't coming she could at least have the decency to tell him before hand. As he headed for the gold trimmed white door, the only thing in the white room not pure as the driven snow, he heard a slightly girlish giggle behind him. He sighed and turned to see the object of his misery.
Her name was Zenith and she was in every way the complete opposite of Atremites. She was a godless, chaotic creature, with no sense of propriety and a very feminine figure. Zenith was the one who had been closest to him when they were Chosen. And it she still was the closest, but after Artemites "found God" they had begun to argue. They had developed a relationship, however an eternity of celebacy was not something Zenith was prepared for and Artemites had betrayed his own beleifs more than enough in his eyes. They were one of the few Chosen from their generation who had stuck around to become Saints. As it turns out an enternal war with Evil did not appeal to everyone. The only other Saint was Jean-Marc. Jean-Marc had surprised everyone with both his decision to fight for The Good and with his decision to stay on for eternity. Jean was a loose cannon in all senses of the word, his abilities manifesting from his own turmoil, they also tended to be some of the most destructive that Atremites had ever seen. Then of course there was Kate.
Kate had been a big help in Artemites loss of faith. Chosen at the age of ten Kate had been shown many things that no child ever should have seen. She suffered more than Artemites had ever witnessed in his own time. Artemites had hardly witnessed half of it. Kate lost faith in humanity before she was ever given a chance to understand them. As such she stayed on as well. As a Demon. Trapped forever in a ten year old's body Kate resented almost everyone including herself. And she was strong. Very.
The sound of small feet came from behind him Artemites rubbed his Savior with his thumb. The Savior, the holy emblem Artemetis had gone through hell to get back, gleamed around his neck and he could feel the righteous heat growing in it as the small child approached.
"Are they here?" the voice was a man's and Artemites turned to find that Aro had joined them as well. Aro was a decent enough person to be fair. He had honor and those he interacted with he was very polite to. He had been a scientist on his own world, something Artemites had a hard time grasping, as the art of science was barely even a fledgling one in his own world, and as such he looked at things clinically. He said that the universe needed him to cause pain, so that was what he did.
Kate watched the preceedings with her haunted eyes but never spoke a word, Atremites made a visable effort to forgo caressing the emblem and his eyes grew distant. "They will be soon."
As you float through the blackness you wonder about the long illness you suffered. Untreatable and almost undetectable you slowly began to fade from the world. Your breathing shallowed and on that very last breath you found yourself in darkness.
A voice booms out to you. . . Who Are You?
Homeworld: [At least a paragraph of background excluding the name, unless you choose Earth]
Past: (Who you have been)
Present: (Who you are)
Other: (quirks, things that do not fit etc.)
Manifestation of Power
Power Source: [Negative/Positive/Mental]
1. The "Past" can be considered "Bio"
2. The "Present" can be considered "Personality"
3. We may or may not visit your home world but please put a bit of thought into it as the worlds are very important to who you are.
4. I have no limits on what is appropriate or not, if there are rules that you may be breaking that is between you and the Staff
5. Be cordial to other Rpers do whatever you want to their character, but do it because your character would, not because they sent you a nasty email etc.
6. Powerplay and Godmods are exclusive to moments when you have express permission from both the parties it will effect and myself
7. We will almost certainly need some people to play Saints/Demons I did not cover them all in the intro, they were merely some representatives, if you wish to make your own let me know and give me the same bio as for your characters.
8. Your character has no abilities until they arrive in the white room, and they are then just discovering what they are.
9. Remain active or do not participate. If you forsee yourself quitting the rp do so by withdrawing your character in a respectful manner, and allow the Rpers to control your character to a fitting death.
10. Do enjoy yourselves.
11. You may have more than one character but only if you can both handle it and provide an adequate second template.
Almost all of your questions will be answered when the Rp starts but here are some things I kind of forgot.
The Power Source slot means what kind of energy Positive (Joy, Love, Compassion) Negative (Sorrow, Hate, Pain) Or Mental (just your mind)
Essentially you died and were sent here. Your illness would be the last few weeks of your life at most.
Saints/Demons go into already conflicting worlds and make the conflict either peak or dissappear.
You are Chosen meaning you are neither immortal, nor bound to fight for one side or another.
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