Hehehe Yay Update! I'm hoping you are all looking forward to this one and I hope this makes up for such the long wait you guys had to endure waiting for me to get my various different life issues! Anyways I'll shut up now and more onto the story!
EDIT: Apologies on the double post, I've been writing almost all day I thought somone would have posted by now... lol
Chapter 13 - Pride Lands.
Riku and Kairi stared out towards the very open and spacious looking world in front of them. As the gummi ship neared landing Sora, Donald and Goofy kept reminiscing on the adventures they'd had. Riku and Kairi just looked at eachother in utter confusion as to what they were going on about. Riku turned to Sora and said blankly "What is this place?" But before Sora could reply his magic clothes kicked in and the group found themselves in the middle of Timon, Pumba and Simba's favourite hangout by the waterfall.
Sora was in his normal lion cub form but he'd grown a fair bit since his last adventures. Feeling pleased with himself he turned to Riku "Hey Riku, check this out - Aww Man!" There standing in front of Sora was this majestic looking fully-grown pure white lion. Riku's Silver main gleamed in the sun as he lifted a paw in front of his face and stared at it. Riku remained silent and looked at his reflection in the water. Seeming satisfied with the change Riku turned to Sora and cracked up again into hysterics.
"Hey Sora, Want a Saucer of Milk? Meeeyyyoooowww!" Riku teased, Sora just shot a glare and bared his teeth. Riku however just couldn't stop laughing and was now almost in tears and rolling on his back, struggling to breathe.
"Riku Stop it!" Kairi snapped. Thankfully for Sora she was a little bit smaller than him. She had fur with seemed browner than Sora's and slightly darker tone to it. Her bright blue eyes shone through her glistening mane. Even though she had never been on all fours before she seemed to move like she was born with them. She came closer to Sora and smiled "I think he looks cute!" then she giggled a little.
Riku's laughter just grew, and Sora had, had enough. "Hey Riku, See that big Rock, waayy over there." Sora's head turned towards pride Rock.
Riku stopped laughing but kept a huge grin on his face and nodded "Yeah..."
"I'll race ya!" Sora said, crouching low and getting ready to take off.
Riku broke into more tearful bursts of laughter. "Race? With those little legs of yours?"
"What's the matter Riku? You scared?" Sora grew a sly grin on his face. Kairi stepped over to Donald and Goofy who were getting a little impatient with the two's rivalry.
"Gawrsh Kairi, do they always fight like this?" Goofy turned his longish tortoise neck to look at her.
She nodded "They've been like this since the fist day I met them."
Donald and Goofy just sighed and the three looked over at the two challenging each other. "So Riku, a you scared of losing or what?" Sora continued to push him.
Riku just shook his head "Nope, I just don't want you to embarrass yourself." Riku smirked and gave Sora back that same sly smile.
Donald was getting impatient now and flew a little bit a head of them. "Come on ya big palookas!" Riku and Sora looked at him. "On your marks," The pair lined them selves up and crouched down preparing to take off. "Get set!"
Riku turned to Sora. "He Sora, I'm feeling generous, how bout I give you a head start, to make it fair."
Sora smiled "Ok, thanks!"
"Go!" Donald squawked loudly and flipped in the air. Sora took off at a stead even pace, to give Riku a bit of false confidence. He could hear Riku's paws hitting the dirt closer and closer behind him.
Riku over took Sora and began laughing again. "What'd I tell ya? You're just embarrassing yourself!" He called running ahead. This was is, Sora remembered what Nala had taught him. He put his head down towards the ground and he began to dash just like she had told him.
Riku had picked up a fairly heavy lead as they had run right through the jungle and were now into the open Savannah but to his shock Sora was catching up. He decided to pick up the pace to as fast as his legs he though would carry him but it wasn't fast enough.
Sora ran up coming closer and closer in on him. Sora's bright cheesy grin flashed past as Sora came streaming past him. Riku was more in shock than anything, he couldn't understand how even though Sora was so small he could be racing past him.
There was a deep gorge up ahead and Riku knew there was no way Sora was going to make it across. This was his big chance to catch up some much-needed ground from Sora. Sora would surely have to go round.
Horror struck, Sora seemed to be unaware of how close the gorge was from him and was continuing at the same high speed. Race or no race, Riku didn't want to see Sora kill himself over something as stupid with this. "Sor-raa STOP!" Riku screamed, even though he thought he was going at the fastest possible speed before he seemed to be picking up the pace. Maybe Sora couldn't see that the gorge was way too far for him to jump.
It was too late, Sora went straight off the gorge, Riku came to a sudden halt. His heart was thumping deep inside his chest. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't move. He just stood there motionless.
Much to Riku's surprise however Sora made it clean over the gorge without any sign of a struggle. It didn't look possible, he couldn't believe his eyes! Sora turned back at
Riku grinning, he had a feeling that would be the reaction from him. "What's the matter Riku? Why'd you stop?" he teased. Riku still kept looking at the gorge and Sora in disbelief. It was exactly what Sora had hoped for. Donald, Goofy and Kairi soon came running after them. Donald and Goofy didn't appear to be at all shocked that Sora had just done what Riku and Kairi saw as physically impossible.
After the reality had sunk in that Sora, who appeared weaker and smaller than the two of them could jump such a distance Riku began to think. His thoughts came aloud "If Sora can do it, So can I." What Riku didn't know is that Sora had been taught how to do this by another more experienced lion. Riku stepped back and Sora's eyes widened. Riku was going to jump!
Riku gulped and began to take a running leap for the other side of the gorge. "Riku! No! Stop, Wait!" Sora screamed his paw put stretched trying to get him to halt. Riku just ignored him, he figured it couldn't be as far as he thought, it couldn't have been a hard jump if Sora who was smaller than he could make it with no trouble at all. Riku ran off the other side and leapt into the air, but something wasn't right, it didn't feel as smooth as it looked when Sora did it. Riku didn't glide like Sora did, he was falling.
Miraculously Riku's paws scratched the edge of the other side. Sora ran towards him and stuck his claws deep into Riku's paws as he gripped on for life. Small fragments of the rocky wall crumbled underneath Riku's struggling paws. "Come on man!" Sora coaxed. Riku nodded and continued to try to force himself up the rocky face.
More claws grabbed onto him. This time his neck. It was Donald who had taken flight his claws gripped tightly Riku's mane. The three struggled and pulled hard, being coaxed by the other two. Riku slowly ascended towards the top of the rocky wall.
They'd done it! Riku was finally safe on the other side of the gorge beside Sora. Sora, Donald and Riku just lay there panting. Goofy and Kairi both sighed with Relief. Riku was safe that's all that mattered.
After catching his breath Sora got up. "I think now's the time to show you how it's done!" He grinned, even though what just happened was no joke, Sora couldn't pass up the opportunity to show off and gloat. Riku was just past caring by now; all scratched and bruised he pushed himself up and nodded. "Ok, first I'll show you, then you follow my instructions and then you, me, Kairi and Goofy will jump back over to Donald and keep moving to Pride Rock.
Riku and Kairi seemed to catch on to it pretty quickly with careful instruction from Sora. Goofy remembered how to do it from when Nala taught them so it was really easy for him to get over as well. After they were all on the right side heading towards Pride Rock, the five continued their journey.
"I wonder how Simba and Nala are doin?" Goofy said to Donald and Sora. Suddenly they heard a lion's roar.
It was a rather familiar roar "Simba!"
"Looks like we're about to find out!" Sora exclaimed and began to run towards the direction of the roar. "Hurry, The heartless might be acting up, he could use our help!"
The others nodded and began running following Sora. "It came from near the elephant graveyards." Sora shouted back to them still running at top pace. Riku and Kairi were able to keep up with Sora better now that they knew the secret to dashing.
Just in front of the elephant graveyards Simba was roaring at another lion. "Get out!" He told the stranger. The young male lion seemed different; he had darker fur than Simba's pride. Sora and his friends ran up by Simba's side holding out their weapons, the young outsider seeing that he was out numbered ran back deep into the Elephant Graveyards.
Simba turned to his side in shock to see his old friends. "Sora, Donald, Goofy!" He beamed. He was certainly the same old Simba. He then turned to Riku and Kairi "And err...?"
"Oh!" Sora jumped in before Riku or Kairi got a chance to introduce themselves. "This is Riku and Kairi, they're also my friends!"
Simba nodded in acknowledgement of the new comers "Nice to meet you!" Riku and Kairi smiled and nodded back. "Why don't you all come back to Pride Rock with me?"
"Sure!" Sora said on behalf of everyone. Simba then turned towards home and the others walked along beside him.
"Who was that other lion you just chased away?" Goofy asked, it was really the question, which was on everyone's lips.
"He looked like Scar." Donald added flying close beside the group.
Simba had his eyes looking straightforward toward home. "That's because, he's part of Scar's family."
"Scar has a family?" Goofy asked still looking at Simba for some more answers.
"Yes, They live deep within the Elephant Graveyards. I've never seen them before until just after My daughter, Kiara was born. I never believed my father when he told me about them, cause Scar mainly hung around Pride Rock, always watching and waiting to
cut my father down. Ever since Scar died, they've been trying to make their way into our Pride lands, I have to spend my time making sure they don't come anywhere near Pride Rock. I'm sure they want revenge. " Simba explained.
Sora keenly listening in was noticing something, there were no heartless in the world just like there were no heartless ships making their way to any worlds. This should have been a good thing, but for some reason Sora felt uneasy about it. "Have you had any problems with heartless lately Simba?" Sora asked.
"No.." Simba shook his head " Not since you were here last." Simba seemed quite pleased but not Sora and the gang. They felt like they should have been relieved but things just didn't feel quite right. They had come to the realisation that heartless were just something to be expected in a world, they had always longed for this not to be the case. "But even with the heartless gone things aren't peaceful." Simba lowered his head looking towards the ground.
"Is there anything we can do to help?" Sora asked looking around to see the beautiful lands. "The Pride Lands are looking amazing! Where we're walking now use to be desert, now it's covered in green grass and the trees all have leaves. There's water running down the streams!" Sora, Donald and Goofy seemed amazed by the transformation of the place in such a short time.
"The Pride Lands and it's inhabitants are going great!" Simba then sighed "It's just my daughter Kiara, She often goes wandering with a cub from scar's pride. I'm worried, our prides are enemies and I don't trust that boy at all." Simba said as they began walking up Pride Rock.
Lionesses looked up to see Sora and others come. Riku and Kairi seemed stunned by the attention they were creating; neither of them knew what it was like to be considered "heroes of the universe." Sora, Donald and Goofy just seemed natural to it as they followed Simba to the top of Pride Rock.
"Wait here, I'll go get Nala, she'll be surprised to see you!" Simba whispered and walked into The King's Den. Sora grinned and looked back towards his friends. Soon Nala came rushing out and pounced Sora. Sora always seemed a little shocked by the way lions greet each other but he was beginning to get use to it. Riku's eyebrows raised and Kairi, Donald and Goofy just laughed.
"Sora! Donald! Goofy! It's so good to see you again! Who are your friends?" Nala asked looking over at Riku and Kairi.
Before Sora had a chance to reply Riku replied " I'm Riku and this is Kairi." He nodded Kairi's way.
"It's nice to meet you!" She said smiling and getting off Sora.
Sora picked himself up off the ground "So uh... Is there anything we can help you two with?"
Nala's face fell as she turned to Simba. "She's gone wandering again today..." Sora saw a side to Simba he hadn't seen apart from when he wanted Scar's ghost out of the Pride lands. He appeared really angry.
"Right. Sora, I think I could use your help." Simba said holding his head up straight and tall.
Sora nodded "Lets go!" He then motioned for the others to start following as Simba began running.
"Simba!" Nala called out. Simba stopped and turned around "Don't be to harsh on her." She said quietly. Simba walked up to her, his face was cold and harsh.
"She's got to learn Nala," He said coldly then turned and ran past Sora and the others.
"Just like you did!?!" She called out to him, but he ignored her and continued running. Sora and the others thought they'd better keep up.
Simba ran into the plains looking for keeping a sharp eye out for his daughter. "Hey Simba!" A familar voice called out. It was Timon, Sora and the others slowed down thinking Simba would stop to talk to them but he just ran straight ahead. Sora decided to stop and Talk to Timon and Pumba to give him a chance to catch his breath. "What's got into him?" Timon asked with his hand on his hips.
"Kiara's gone missing." Sora answered.
"That would explain it." Pumba nodded.
"Ahem.." Riku coughed behind them, he and Kairi again looks a little confused.
Sora turned round to see what was up then he realised "Oh right, Riku, Kairi this is Timon and Pumba" Sora said pointing at each of them.
"Nice to meet you" Said Kairi smiling.
"You bet" Pumba grinned.
"Well... er... we better go catch up with Simba, he wanted us to follow..." Sora said turning his head to see how far Simba had run ahead.
"Alright then, we can talk later!" Timon smiled.
"Looks like we got some catchin up to do" Goofy raised his head looking to see Simba "He's gone almost out of sight."
"Yeah!" Donald said flying up higher to see if he could spot Simba. "He's over there!" Donald called pointing straight ahead with his wing.
Sora looked to the sky "Ok Donald!Tell us when he changes direction!" Sora shouted up to him and began to run the dirrection of his wing and the others follwed closely beind him. They'd been running for quite some time know, and Sora noticed that Riku seemed to be the only one keeping up.
So he stopped and waited for Kairi and Goofy to reach them. "How far now Donald?" He panted looking up towards the sky. Donald eyes darted and he began to fly around a bit searching for Simba. "Don't tell me you lost him!" Sora shouted in despaire.
"Wak!" Donald squarked.
"What's the matter Donald?" Goofy said, everyone was now looking up towards him in the sky.
"There's some lion cubs with Heartless!" Donald began flapping his wings faster.
"I knew it was too good to be true." Riku muttered with his head down.
Sora just shook it off "Where are they?"
"Over there!" Donald pointed his wing towards the Elephant Graveyard.
"Alright, Looks like we'll have to catch up with Simba later. Let's go guys!" Sora summoned his keyblade into his mouth and ran at top speed. Riku and Kairi exchanged glances then Riku shrugged and Summoned his keyblade as well and began to run. Kairi wasn't quite yet use to summoning her keyblade in a hurry so she decided to just follow the boys for now.
Sora darted through the plains and ran towards a shallow ditch where he heard the cubs attempting to ward off the heartless. He listened to the voices as he drew nearer. "Kovu... I'm sc-scared..." A girl's voice quivered.
"Don't worry Kiara, I'll protect you!" A boy's voice said bravely but even it sounded a little shakey. The boy must have been Kovu and the girl must have been Kiara, Sora thought.
"Kiara!" Sora yelled out. He remembered that was Simba's daughter's name.
"Who's... Who's there?!" She said timidly. "Kovu, Look out!" She screamed.
"Whoa!" Kovu cried as a heartless jumped towards him. Sora dived in front just in time with his keyblade and the heartless was about to attack the cubs. "Cool!" Kovu said with a huge smile starting at Sora in amazement.
Sora began to hack away at the other heartless that crept forwards. Riku ran up beside him and started helping out, then Donald and Goofy. "Kairi! Take them to safety!" Sora called out to her as she ran up towards them.
Kairi nodded then ran up to the two cubs, "Quickly, Follow me!" She cried. The cubs obeyed as Kairi began running and the hid in a small indent in the rock wall which looked a bit like a small cave. They watched the battle closely, more and more heartless kept appearing.
"So this is what you go through all the time?" Riku said sounding exhausted.
"Yep and more! Why Riku, Can't keep up?" Sora smirked both of them sounded funny cause they gripped their keyblades with their teeth.
"Of Course. I was just surprised you could," He laughed.
"Hey!" Sora said slashing a heartless.
"Quit it you two!" Donald snapped casting a blizzard spell on a group of heartless.
"Donald's right! We don't have time fool around with all these heartless about!" Goofy warned tossing his sheild off his shell hitting several heartless down along the way. Sudenly they heard a roar.
Simba and another Lioness, came running towards them. The lioness was the same colour as Kovu and the male lion they'd seen earlier. They'd both come to finish the fight. Their powerful roars were enough to make the heartless disapear.
Kairi beconned the two youngsters to come out from in cave, reluctantly with their heads hanging low they walked out. Sora and the others noticed somthing strange, it was as if a line was drawn between the two lands, Simba's side was all green and beautiful, whereas the darker lion's side looked like how the Pridelands use to look before Simba saved the day.
The Lioness stood on her side and Simba stood on his both the children stood beside their parents. Both parents stood and stared down with narrow eyes, it send chills down Sora and Co's backs. "Sirabi, tell your son that he is not to be seen around my daughter again."
"But Daddy!" Kiara began to protest her eyes watered.
"Only if you tell your daughter not to be seen again with my son."
"Mum!" Kovu also tried to argue but neither parents were prepared to listen.
"Done." Simba said coldly still staring the lioness down. The sun was setting and Sirabi picked up Kovu in her mouth and walked back deeper into their side. Simba picked up Kiara in his mouth then.
"Bye..." Kovu whispered quietly to Kiara.
"Bye..." Kiara replied. It was a sad sight indeed, as Simba began walking back towards Pride Rock. No one felt at all joyfull about their victory against the heartless. It was the first time Sora and Riku had fought with Donald and Goofy against the heartless together yet no one else like rejoycing. No one uttered a word for the majority of the way.
The night sky looked beautiful all the stars were out and shining brightly. Simba was well infront then Riku, Donald and Goofy were only a few metres behind and then there was Sora and Kairi. Kairi was looking more mournful than everyone else appart from Kiara. "You ok?" Sora asked her softly, the pair seemed to slow down even more now so their walk turned into a gentle strole.
"Look at her... She's she's falling asleep with tears running down her face." Kairi said solemly. Sora looked up at Kiara, it was true, her eyes looked heavy and kept blinking but there were these big tears rolling down her nose. "Why does the things going on between their parents have to effect them? It doesn't seem fair!" Her head droped and she shook it.
"No.. it doesn't. But... if you knew Scar you would understand why Simba's worried about Kiara hanging out with Kovu... He destroyed the Pridelands, he killed Simba's dad. I can see why Simba doesn't want Kiara to have to go through that..." Sora said solemly.
"I just wish things were different..." Kairi said softly.
"I know... So do I... But there's nothing we can do..." he sighed "It would be... meddling..."
"Since when have you cared about that?" Riku asked stopping and joing in the conversation. "According to Donald and Goofy, Meddling's what you do best."
Sora kept looking towards the ground "I know... but this is different... It really is meddling, all the other times, the heartless were involved, it's different this time..."
There was scilence from then on untill they reached Pride Rock. Nala was waiting anxiously for their return, when she saw Simba come towards her with Kiara in his mouth she looked relieved. She watched Simba walk into the den, and gave Sora and the others as cheerful smile, but she could tell by their weak smiles back that things went just as badly as she thought.
"Come inside." She whispered softly and walked into the den behind Simba. They all followed and watched as Simba gently put Kiara down as she had fallen asleep in his mouth. Nala curled up beside her to keep her warm.
As Simba walked outside Sora and the others decided it'd be best to let Nala and Kiara rest peacefully so they followed him. There was a cool wind in the air and Simba's mane was pushed about through it. He stood up on the top of Pride Rock looking out at the stars and over the land. "S-Simba?" Sora stammered coming up behind him.
"Yes?" Simba turned to him and smiled, it releived Sora, he could see that the good old Simba was still around.
"Is there anything more we can do to help?" Sora asked stepping up beside him.
"No, I think we should be able to manage but thanks!" Simba replied with a smile.
"What about the heartless?" Sora asked seeming concerned.
Simba just shook his head. "I haven't seen enough one since we enterned back into the Pridelands, I think they're only in Scar's old lands which is another reason I don't want Kiara hanging around that boy."
"Mm" Sora nodded. "Well Simba, I guess we'll have to be moving on then. We're needed by other worlds."
"Good Luck Sora. See ya everyone!" Simba turned to them and smiled.
The all said their good byes, and set back off towards the gummi ship. They had mixed feeling about leaving the Pridelands. Sora, Donald and Goofy didn't have the same feeling they usually do from leaving a world. Normally they feel they've helped out but the whole party couldn't help feeling like the trouble was about to start, still, there was nothing they could do now, so all they could do was see what other worlds were in need of aid.
Whew, What a long chapter, and that was a considerably short one, I do hope you enjoyed that one. I'm sure you're probably all wondering, that since it's only been about 13 days since their last adventures, why on earth would Simba's daughter be up to running around playing? Well, I wonder if you can pick it but it the speedy-ness of things happening does have a meaning in the story. I'm not just being ignorant.
Also, apologies, If it isn't exactly like the Lion King 2 plot line, I haven't watched it since Iwas like 8 years old so It's hard to remember. lol. This is also an apology in advance if I get any of the storylines a little bit wrong for the future.