Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
it's pretty good... but the thing I hate about games these days except for nintendo's games I can finish them in less than a week... BBS though is an exception though took me 3 weeks to fully complete it
yeah... life has been pretty hectic for me as well... With this cold and no one calling back from where I dropped off my resume`s. I`ve been dying for a job...
Ah, okay then! I was curious as to what your preference was. Thanks for the info. Are you still taking requests? I might want something, actually. Though, if you can do it later on?
Hiya, Seasalt! May I ask you a question? Seeing as you are great at graphics and such, when making avatars, which do you prefer? Clear crisp avies? Or avies with stuff added to it, like colors or things like that? :O