Yeah, if you don't bring Axel back, I'm gonna maul Oathy. XD Rawr.
You'd have to get through me, first. XDDDD
Yeah, if you don't bring Axel back, I'm gonna maul Oathy. XD Rawr.
Lol then I've got some serious mauling to do. >:3 Hah! And by the way, I love the pic of Axel in your sig XD
For once! Kerry herself has come to review instead of sending lackies...
WTFOMG! I do NOT have multiple personalities!
Besides. I's kinda fun to see what others will respond to an... odd review or story.
I've seen peopel who've had, like, 10 people in 1 review man! It's weird...
Besides...Riku is not me character...
Lol! Well, then I guess you only get one cookie if there's just one of you. Tee-hee!
I know what you mean, it's nice to read that other than the usual "Great chapter, update soon" stuff. :3
Alrighty! *mauls/huggles Child Of Light*
....i like milk with my cookies.......WHY AM I BEIN IGNOReD>......I cant wait for the next update.....please post it soon oathy!!