Welcome to the Dumping Ground!
In an effort to concentrate all non-specific anime and manga discussion to one centralized thread, I present to you the Dumping Ground. It's your one stop thread for whatever random bit of anime or manga-related thing pops into your clearly plebeian head. Let's face it, this stuff is horrible. I mean, come on, you could be reading a book for God's sake. An actual book with no pictures. Still, some of it is less horrible than the rest. You could even say that the tiniest percentage actually reaches all the way to semi-tolerable. That means it gets its own thread (which it technically already had many of, but I'm trying to make a long-winded introduction here). And if it gets its own thread, that means you all get to talk about it, because we're told that upholding the First Amendment is good for site traffic.
So what is anime and manga? (It's housekeeping. I'm required to do this.) Sparing you the history lesson that I probably shouldn't be able to give but totally could, anime and manga are Japan's rough equivalents to the cartoons and comics of the Western world, respectively. Though not strictly-speaking the same thing, Korean manga (typically referred to as manwha) is often included in the broad category. Though there are undoubtedly trends in the industries, anime and manga offer a broad range of stories, characters, art styles, themes, etc. You can be reasonably assured that you will find at least one series you'll enjoy.
And hopefully, this thread can help you find it.
Spoiler Show
Not sure what to check out? Don't worry, total strangers on the internet are more than wiling to tell you exactly what to take a look at. The recommendations are listed in alphabetical order under the name of the user making the recommendation. The users themselves are also listed alphabetically.
House of Five Leaves
Space Cowboy
I am a Hero
Spoiler Show
So, there I was, thinking about how to write a must see/read list (you all remember how I spend my time wisely), and something occurred to me.
That list was a stupid idea. I'm embarrassed to have thought of it. It's so dry an bland and uninformative. How is anyone who sees that list going to have any clue what they're getting themselves into? This list needs to be more communal. It needs something to point to, so that those interested aren't just staring at a printout of "things that most anime fans generally think that people should watch."
So, I've instead decided to make the list something that users can contribute to. How? By writing about series to be included in the new recommendation list. I won't hold you to any notions of taste when it comes to which series you recommend (that would be dumb and defeat the purpose). Instead, the only thing I'll hold you to is a simple set of guidelines. If your post abides by these guidelines, said series makes it to the list.
First, you need to have these basic pieces of information:
Title: The name of the series, obviously.
Studio/Author: The name of the studio (of an anime) or the author (of a manga) that produced the series.
Genre: Whatever genre you feel the show falls under. You can list multiple genres.
Vintage: The season and year it came out. I know the word sounds kinda fancy, but ANN uses it, and using "air date" is kinda disingenuous for what I'm asking, but "air season" sounds so stup- Look, we're using "vintage." A quick guide if you aren't sure which season your show is in:
Did it come out around January? It's Winter (assume January is the starting point and list the year accordingly).For manga, just the year it started serialization is fine.
Did it come out around April? It's Spring.
Did it come out around July? It's Summer.
Did it come out around October? It's Fall.
Episode/Chapter Count: The number of episodes or chapters in the series. If it's an ongoing series, don't list a number. Just say "Ongoing." If it's an anime film, you can just leave this line out altogether.
Trailer: Obviously, this is only applicable to anime, but try to include a trailer if you can find one.
As you probably noticed, both completed and ongoing series are up for recommendation. However, ongoing series have to meet an extra specification.
Ongoing anime must have an episode count greater than 26 at the time of writing.
Ongoing manga must have half a year's worth of chapters at the time of writing (26 chapters for weekly series, and 6 chapters for monthly series).
Then, you must include a small "review." It doesn't need to be long, but I do have to ask that it be at least two paragraphs. Anyone is more than welcome to write more than that, but I think the bare minimum should be no fewer than two paragraphs.
Oh, and it might be nice to open your post with some sort of image relating to the series. I won't be a huge stickler on the type of image. Just so long as it's not too large, it should be fine.
And that's it. If your post meets all these requirements, it's in!
Link to Current Season: Spring 2014
Link to Next Season: Summer 2014
What this thread is for:
- Any "what I'm watching/reading" posts
- Opinions and recommendations
- News that doesn't fit in any other thread or warrant a new thread
- Questions about all things anime or manga
- General discussion of related issues
- Prolonged discussion of a specific series (especially if it has its own thread)
- Information regarding the next upcoming season (which should be posted in the related thread)
- Being a jerk to other posters (just your friendly "keep it civil" reminder)
All that out of the way, the Dumping Ground is now open to the nerdy discussioning of animu and delicious fruit.
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