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Gold Member
May 12, 2007
What is wrong with people on this forum. Going into any of Vossler's thread and all I see is the same people completely trashing him and it is not acceptable and I just don't believe people get away with it. You aren't obligated to leave any CnC at all but coming into this thread to obviously bait him is just low and pathetic.

The real world doesn't hold your hand.


rocket sloth
Jun 25, 2007
Ulti, you have absolutely no right coming in here and baiting him like you did. Half you staff members do this kinda shit because you know that you will always be backed up by other staff member no matter what you do. Its freaking annoying and ridiculous. I shouldn't be the ones telli you to grow up since I'm the younger one here. "Pick on someone your own god damn size".

As for Vossler, sure he is really trying to bring this place back and I appreciate the effort greatly, but yes, some of your methods are quite unecessary (see toilet crushers post).

All in all guys, cut the crap. This baiting shit needs to stop. Its not funny and it never will be. We're supposed to be a community that helps each other. Fucking act like it


nothing ever ends
Jan 30, 2009
You can be polite and constructive at the same time you know.

It usually conveys your message more maturely and I'm more inclined to listen to someone's advice if they're not being a douchebag over it. Two idiocies don't make a right? Idk.

jus' saiyan


dick to a lot of people
Dec 15, 2004
Ulti, you have absolutely no right coming in here and baiting him like you did. Half you staff members do this kinda shit because you know that you will always be backed up by other staff member no matter what you do. Its freaking annoying and ridiculous. I shouldn't be the ones telli you to grow up since I'm the younger one here. "Pick on someone your own god damn size".

As for Vossler, sure he is really trying to bring this place back and I appreciate the effort greatly, but yes, some of your methods are quite unecessary (see toilet crushers post).

All in all guys, cut the crap. This baiting shit needs to stop. Its not funny and it never will be. We're supposed to be a community that helps each other. Fucking act like it

If you ever feel like any of the staff are overstepping their boundaries, it is recommended you send a private message to either myself or Shamdeo. While the two of us will always appreciate your input, you won't get much feedback by posting it in a thread directly attacking the staff member in question.


New member
Jun 18, 2009
hahaha. you do realize i did post some suggestions and my opinion and what does he do? makes a sarcastic remark. yeah. this is totally my fault. brb deleting my account

You do realize that I wasn't even directing that post to you because you did give him CnC and didn't come into the topic just to bait him. My post was directed to Ulti who not only didn't leave anything construct (which she doesn't have to at all) but purposely came into the topic to spout some sarcastic little comment.

And yeah the real world doesn't hold your hand but when you spout yourself as a community then you should act like one. No one said you need to like or have to even give CnC on anything but you'll attract more members (who will actually stay) to this GFX section if you act as one then acting against each other by trashing someone just to trash, it's called common decency and you'll be surprised what can come out of acting like a decent human being.
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Vayne Mechanics

Expert of Asian things
Mar 27, 2005
And yeah the real world doesn't hold your hand but when you spout yourself as a community then you should act like one. No one said you need to like or have to even give CnC on anything but you'll attract more members (who will actually stay) to this GFX section if you act as one then acting against each other by trashing someone just to trash, it's called common decency and you'll be surprised what can come out of acting like a decent human being.
There are times when those who make up the community lash out against each other. This really isn't anything foreign to a community and it actually happens quite often.

Just saiyan dawg.
Mar 24, 2005
Probably in some gutter.
This hasn't been left open so we can all stroke our e-cocks. Something to think about.

That said, I'd like to start off with a message to Vossler: Ken's right. As much we can appreciate and sympathize with you wanting to DM to be active again, you're going about it in the wrong way. You see how people view you right now, and you've been banned. As it goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. We don't need several threads of the same piece redone- I've already had to merge a few of those myself. That just creates clutter. There's also the feeling of annoyance that grows more and more every time you beg and demand that we help you in whatever it may be. You want us to completely spell out, step by step, word for word, whatever it is that you want to know. A lot of it is common sense, and it gets downright annoying. Ridiculously annoying. If you want a step-by-step, look up a tutorial whether it's from KHI or not. They have them, I promise you. We do not need to hold your hand and suck your cock. You're like the kid who asks 'why' after everything we say. Shit gets old, fast.
Also, you seem to have this sense of self-entitlement. I remember when the SotW was coming back up again, you got upset that Cloud, the DM mod, didn't use the theme that you wanted to use. Part of the DM mod's implied obligations are running the SotW. As a member, or even a mod, if you would like to see a certain theme, there's a thread for that. Cloud was modded because he's been on staff before and has a lot more experience with this section. If you want to help, there are idea and discussion threads, for the SotW or otherwise. You can also PM any DM mod, specifically Cloud or Pablo, but also myself considering that I still spend a considerable amount of time surveying this section. But you seem to feel as though one of two things is going on: Either A) you think that everybody here has to do everything you want or want to do or B) that x people hate you and for no reason. You may not think this is going on, but this is exactly how you come off. Little things like purposefully pissing off people, regardless of their dispositions towards you, don't help your cause either. Like putting Victor's name on your avatar. That's just bonking retarded. Or say how you and Ken clash heads. Now I fully understand disagreements, but getting vehemently angry to the point of meaningfully calling him racial slurs is a bit on the ridiculous side. He doesn't care because it just shows your childish attitude and inability to take criticism even more.
The point I'm trying to make is that you need to assess your own attitude before telling anyone else to correct theirs. Now Ulti acted completely unnecessary, but this paragraph is about you, not her. You have a problem about or with her or any other member, you PM that member or a moderator. We'll take care of it. It's like when someone spams and you post saying they spammed and are going to report them- you're doing the exact same thing and merely getting yourself in trouble in the process. Read what I say here and take everything with a grain of salt. This is not intended to be insulting to you, but rather it is supposed to be eye-opening. The members who've openly expressed their less than endearing feelings towards you aren't the only members whom you've left with distaste. Clean up your act and everyone here will be less inclined to insult or be so short with you, and will possibly more inclined to help you. The fact that this thread has derailed so should be a clear sign that something is up. Use a little common sense and quit thinking everyone who critiques your shit has to be your friend when they do it. I'm not going to use a 'the world isn't nice' or some other bullshit comment, but not everyone is going to sugarcoat their CnC. You asked for CnC, not a dickslurping. The individuals here, especially the older members, are going to generally be quite blunt in their approach. Like I said, make the best of it and take it with a grain of salt. You asked for CnC, you got it. Not everyone has to love your shit.

Pablo: Jeels is right. If you have a problem with any or all staff members, you leave that for staff. We have a section and you god damned know it and where it's at. I'm not defending Ulti in any way, shape or form.
That's all I have to say here to you.

Ken: I like your lion's hairdo.

Kk_S: I can appreciate you trying to stick up for another member, but in the same sense it's like what I said in the last paragraph for Vossler. You are only worsening the situation. If you see an actual problem you contact a moderator. All you did was incite even more argument than ever should have happened. Also, just because someone CnC's doesn't mean they have to be friendly. There's a large difference between saying a tag sucks and not sugarcoating CnC. Hell, this site was way more active before people starting sugar-coating shit, but that's irrelevant. The point I'm making is that, yes, for newer members not being as much of an asshole will help. However, for a member who should understand our intentions at this point, harsher CnC should not only not cause a problem, but it should be more helpful because it specifically says: "We have a problem with this." I will be understanding in my words, but I'm not going to say something looks appealing if it doesn't. As someone who's been on various graphics forums over the past 6 years, including running one of my own for a while, I do have a bit of an idea what I'm talking about. As stated, I understand your efforts, but you have to understand mine.

Citrus Cult: I agree with you. Mostly. For one, yeah no one needs to care, but no one needs to be a piece of shit either. Two, the concept of 'rankings' is one absolute crap considering what we do here is entirely that of a subjective concept. One might be dubbed 'Pro' on one site could be dubbed 'Low Intermediate' on another site. Yes, there are clear skill differences in many tags, but once you go into rankings, how are you going to rank? Will you say if you meet tag A's criteria, you are Pro? Or is it comparative to those in our forum now? Point being the concept of ranking people by a few tags they make is crap. Utter crap. Always has been, always will be.

Ulti: I think it's been expressed enough already. I needn't say more.

I don't make this post simply to derail the thread, but hopefully to make some much needed points. I'll CnC once Vossler comes back and responds accordingly.


New member
Jun 18, 2009
Sexual Chocolate: I get where you are coming from and I even said you don't even need leave CnC or even like the person, heck even if the CnC is blunt and to the point harsh w/e if something is just plain bad then it is just bad, pointing out flaws is what helps us grow in our craft whatever it may be. The thing that gets me is coming into anyone's thread and leaving nothing but plain sarcastic comments to get at someone purposely, especially went that person is a mod and says shit and gets away with it. Mods lead by example and being completely out of line and having other mods join in on the two minute hate doesn't send the right message to the forum's community. I haven't been active on this section very long as I come for a short period and leave for months on end so I don't know how Vossler has been in the past, I just know what I've seen in these last several weeks. I again understand where your efforts are and I do see your points and agree with them for the most part. Next time I'll report :)
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Vayne Mechanics

Expert of Asian things
Mar 27, 2005
@Kk_s - you mention that this is something you've seen often times over the past few weeks but let me reiterate that this is probably Ulti's first post in DM in a while... or possibly ever. If you mean me, then I'm not a mod and I have no intentions of returning as one because then I can't be a buttmunch to my dear Vossler-chan.

hey guys im in DM am i gay yet
not quite there yet you don't know how to make tags

Deleted member 36435

One might be dubbed 'Pro' on one site could be dubbed 'Low Intermediate' on another site.

good post prod 9.5/10


this guy are sick
Jul 27, 2004
it's kind of ironic that vossler has been trying so hard to get this place active and the minute he is banned it's the most active it has been for a while haha


Dec 22, 2005
it's kind of ironic that vossler has been trying so hard to get this place active and the minute he is banned it's the most active it has been for a while haha

that's because we feed off drama not art

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