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I'll Be His Successor
Oct 7, 2008
CnC Please.



Feels very incomplete, but it looks like you've started off pretty good.

Also, was the right-heavy style intentional?


I'll Be His Successor
Oct 7, 2008
At least the title represents the piece entirely.
What the fuc k is your deal? You don't do shit around here, and you only comment on my stuff. What is your problem with me? You are so bonking weird. You think just cause your a piece of shit section mod you can do whatever you want. Yeah, awesome, cool, whatever, there is some okay people on the staff here, but then again there is rejects like you that get left behind from when Tyrone was admin, I have learned to come at peace with the admins here, cause they aren't full of shit like they use to be. They just mess up and times and hired shit heads like you. I don't care where this post gets me or what it gets done to me, it will just prove my point even more. I don't care anymore after this. I just think it is so funny that the people around here thing they are such hot shit. Go do what you want, have fun with you internet harassment fetish. Nobody has ever accepted me here, and I really don't care. You can't act like you do anything around here, cause you don't. Least I try to post and contribute. You just bonk around without a care in a world *In whiney blonde bitch voice* "I'm a mod, I can do whatever I want, I won't get in trouble." That is all you do around here.
I don't care about anything you say about me, it just doesn't bother me anymore. After this post I am through dealing with your shit. I'm not mad, I am just through.


Gold Member
May 12, 2007
What the fuc k is your deal? You don't do shit around here, and you only comment on my stuff. What is your problem with me? You are so bonking weird. You think just cause your a piece of shit section mod you can do whatever you want. Yeah, awesome, cool, whatever, there is some okay people on the staff here, but then again there is rejects like you that get left behind from when Tyrone was admin, I have learned to come at piece with the admins here, cause they aren't full of shit like they use to be. They just mess up and times and hired shit heads like you. I don't care where this post gets me or what it gets done to me, it will just prove my point even more. I don't care anymore after this. I just think it is so funny that the people around here thing they are such hot shit. Go do what you want, have fun with you internet harassment fetish. Nobody has ever accepted me here, and I really don't care. You can't act like you do anything around here, cause you don't. Least I try to post and contribute. You just bonk around without a care in a world *In whiney blonde bitch voice* "I'm a mod, I can do whatever I want, I won't get in trouble."
I don't care about anything you say about me, it just doesn't bother me anymore. After this post I am through dealing with your shit.

Do you know why we got rid of you the first time? Shit like this.

Stop thinking everyone is against you. The tag is mediocre; Ulti is not some premium artist, nor is she obliged to give you constructive criticism. No one on this forum is. Stop thinking you deserve something extra for being you, and stop thinking that you've earned some sort of spotlight of hatred just for being you. You earn it by posting things like this, which, in my opinion, makes Ulti's attitude, or anyone else's for that matter, towards you incredibly justified.

By the way, enjoy your ban for breaking the censor.


It's the only NEET thing to do.
Dec 23, 2007
And do you know why shit like that happened? Because people provoke him. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and everyone is also therefore entitled to counter that opinion if they please. That's just what Ethan is doing now.


dick to a lot of people
Dec 15, 2004
Sucks, I actually like the tag. :( Hopefully I can tell him whenever he is back.


cameo lover
May 17, 2007
vossler had a bit of a point because ulti posted just to instigate him but besides that ehhhhhh


Gold Member
May 12, 2007
if i had given my best critique as an artist, it might have been just a gentler way of voicing my opinion on this tag's mediocrity. i would follow up with tips on improvement, but if ulti saw no need, i mean how can we blame her?

that being said yeah ulti did provoke but that reaction was kind of uncalled for is the point.


^ lol'd

In my defense I did say 'you've started off pretty good.'

and also I imagine that vossler will come back to this thread eventually so, I suppose I should give something more constructive. I asked you if the right-heavy style was intentional because I've seen taggers who consistently forget that some stocks/effects won't work when they're side-heavy (though with the right effects, yes it can work). Yours has a gaping empty space on the left there that is really bringing it down in quality. not to the mention the effects don't feel very completed, as I said.

The main reason the right-heavy approach isn't working here is partly due to the gradient, which looks terrible. If it were more radial, yeah it would have worked much better because it feels more 'centered' despite being so far off to the right, if that makes any sense.

Overall, it all comes down to the fact certain effects (gradient for example) are not working and it just feels incomplete overall. and if this is the style you were going for, well it looks pretty uggo imo.

Vayne Mechanics

Expert of Asian things
Mar 27, 2005
^ lol'd

In my defense I did say 'you've started off pretty good.'

and also I imagine that vossler will come back to this thread eventually so, I suppose I should give something more constructive. I asked you if the right-heavy style was intentional because I've seen taggers who consistently forget that some stocks/effects won't work when they're side-heavy (though with the right effects, yes it can work). Yours has a gaping empty space on the left there that is really bringing it down in quality. not to the mention the effects don't feel very completed, as I said.

The main reason the right-heavy approach isn't working here is partly due to the gradient, which looks terrible. If it were more radial, yeah it would have worked much better because it feels more 'centered' despite being so far off to the right, if that makes any sense.

Overall, it all comes down to the fact certain effects (gradient for example) are not working and it just feels incomplete overall. and if this is the style you were going for, well it looks pretty uggo imo.
essentially, don't just slap shit on and be like "yo is this good guys hahahaha i'm not even trying" cuz then that's just silly. unless you're me where you don't give a shit and once in a while can just do w/e and have it turn out somewhat okay, you actually have to think about what you're going to do.

like that text is like "what am i supposed to read" because i assume it spells "suck" but you are using her head as the C but her head is actually an O, so it reads "suok". unless she's secretly a retard and her head is actually a C, when you take the time to think about it, it is more like an O. well considering her poopsicle it is more like a backwards Q so like, "suqk" or someshit.

i did not know that was a word?????

how i dupe????


New member
Jun 18, 2009
What is wrong with people on this forum. Going into any of Vossler's thread and all I see is the same people completely trashing him and it is not acceptable and I just don't believe people get away with it. You aren't obligated to leave any CnC at all but coming into this thread to obviously bait him is just low and pathetic.
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Vayne Mechanics

Expert of Asian things
Mar 27, 2005
What is wrong with people on this forum. Going into any of Vossler's thread and all I see is the same people completely trashing him and it is not acceptable and I just don't believe people get away with it. You aren't obligated to leave any CnC at all but coming into this thread to obviously bait him is just low and pathetic.
Ulti's doesn't even post here and I refuse to give him CnC until he stops expecting people in DM to sugar coat every bonking thing and do everything for him. It's bonking stupid to make a thread, ask for CnC on it and then make another thread the next bonking day for the updated version. Typically you post the new version in the original thread and edit the original post so people can compare and not have to go between threads. It's called not being a god damn douchebag but apparently it's his silly attempt at trying to make DM a more active place when in reality: quality over quantity. Furthermore he dedicates a single thread to ask how to use clipping mask is, i.e., how to press a bonking button in Photoshop when he really already knows the bonking answer.

I don't speak for everyone, but unless he stops acting like a some bonking fifth grader who needs his siblings to do all his projects for him he can suck my dick.


the crown is heavy
Staff member
Dec 15, 2005
Beyond the Final Destination
Because I gotta be THAT guy within reason said:
Because theirs totally a difference in saying,

Scenario A: "Its too sharp, you've kind of killed your own depth there." "Well I'll say this, your colors don't work. Work with the toning, namely light against dark for a better cohesion"


Scenario B: "-insert witty comment in regards to title, yet just as irrelevant-
In addition to Scenario B: "Thats pretty boring." "Still better/worse than me" "Hahaha wtf is that!"

A little reiteration Digital Media. NO ONE is inclined to care, we choose to input wherever we feel necessary and at whatever time. At the end of the day we're the ones posting (at your own risk, naturally) what we've been tinkering with or working on. Kinda wish we still had that "semi-pro" or higher thing in the section title. I wish we had a much larger influx of artist, because after a while you do get a bit tired of seeing the same post, by the same members.

Though, I will honestly say when you see a lot of the same things over and over again, it means just as an overview (and general consensus) We as a community aren't doing much to stretch our tangents outside of a handful of mentionable resident members and former staff as well as current staff.

When it comes to Ethan, we've seen what he can do. I'd say despite some of the response he gets he handles it better than a couple of closed book newbies that stopped after getting ripped apart/spammed by Hellpark a ways back (god those were hilarious threads...what? I'm being honest here xD; ) Community isn't just talking, its activity right? Some attempts spiked yeah, but damn, we tried and continue to and personally theres some form of development with it which on some levels is beneficial. Gotta remember we are a forum pretty much dedicated to kingdom hearts, it's not too likely we'll have an Illuminati of hidden graphic designers lmao. (we did...)

I guess all we're asking for a more fluid comprehensive use for your tools and apply them into your craft dude. Pretty sure everybody's gone over that huge ass resource thread when it first hit the forums, last thing we want to see is the very same result when they CAN be applied to what you already know as opposed to approaching things as a complete beginner. Consistency is one thing, pretentiously displaying yourself at a 'lower' caliber than you've shown in the past is like...



Do what you know, but better. To take the vagueness out of that, stop pulling out the amateur shit when you've already shown your beyond that, so we CAN crack your ass on the more hardcore stuff you've done before and step beyond that pretty much. Because the tag in that he posted isn't something I'd really expect from Vossler, when he's done actually decent work with C4Ds, why downgrade and produce what looks or seems incomplete or (rough) eye sore simple tags?

Just my two cents DM. Carry on.


What is wrong with people on this forum. Going into any of Vossler's thread and all I see is the same people completely trashing him and it is not acceptable and I just don't believe people get away with it. You aren't obligated to leave any CnC at all but coming into this thread to obviously bait him is just low and pathetic.
hahaha. you do realize i did post some suggestions and my opinion and what does he do? makes a sarcastic remark. yeah. this is totally my fault. brb deleting my account
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