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News ► Square Enix announces brand new Kingdom Hearts mobile game


Ballad of Caius

Player 💀
Jan 4, 2014
Square has two options with this game:

1.) Develop a new formula that makes the game unique and playable/profitable fore more than a year;

2.) Copy/Paste the KHUx structure because the reason it's less profitable is because it's an old game.


Active member
Aug 2, 2008
Square has two options with this game:

1.) Develop a new formula that makes the game unique and playable/profitable fore more than a year;

2.) Copy/Paste the KHUx structure because the reason it's less profitable is because it's an old game.

I'd like to see them experiment with a different kind of gameplay system... Even if it was like all these other action-based anime style mobile games we have ( with the action commands in the bottom right of the screen, and movement on the left) it would be significantly easier/more fun then the kind of daunting and confusing all-these-numbers-in-your-face feeling you get with KHUX's card system.

I'll be let down if it's more cards, but I'll still play it for the story and maybe it won't feel so all over the place if I start playing it right when it releases - and can follow along with everyone else.

Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
UX will likely be ending soon. After Mobius, it is the second lowest profitable mobile game currently in service at SE. Mobius' service is ending this Spring.

They will probably start this game's service and slowly wrap up UX and then have an event to get players to migrate to this game if they haven't already done so by that point.

I'm so glad that the X sub-series will be forced to conclude itself. this is a game that's been around since 2013 and fans were only really interested in it because we all assumed it would directly tie into Kingdom Hearts III.

Square Enix's snail pacing for lore updates and greedy monetisation practices killed all the joy I had for Unchained/Union Cross. We have Wreck-It Ralph worlds in Kingdom Hearts and it's barely generating any buzz because it's leeched into Union Cross.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Quick Question, Is "Project Xehanort" the KH game that Nomura mentioned in Past interviews that started development after KH3 and meant to be the KH game set to be released before KHIV or was it one of the Two KH games that they're developing right now?

It might be? All we can confirm right now is that this is definitely not the game that is coming "surprisingly soon" as he mentioned in his Twitter Q&A.


I choose the Middle Path
May 27, 2010
I'd guess this will be the long teased Reconnect where we'll follow YX story in a similar fashion that we did with Sora in Remind (without giving away any spoilers) which could be a interesting way to release new story without adding another full fledged game within the Dark Seeker Saga

Ballad of Caius

Player 💀
Jan 4, 2014
I'd like to see them experiment with a different kind of gameplay system... Even if it was like all these other action-based anime style mobile games we have ( with the action commands in the bottom right of the screen, and movement on the left) it would be significantly easier/more fun then the kind of daunting and confusing all-these-numbers-in-your-face feeling you get with KHUX's card system.

I'll be let down if it's more cards, but I'll still play it for the story and maybe it won't feel so all over the place if I start playing it right when it releases - and can follow along with everyone else.
I think they'll replace "Pins" with "Pieces" and the ranks will go from "Stars" to "Peon, Knight, Rook, King, Queen"


keeps leaving X-mas decor up year-round.
Oct 21, 2011
I don't hypetrain anymore. I need more details. I'm not exactly excited for another Xehanort game, given the saga _just_ ended. What logic.

Still, I'm definitely not excited for another mobile title, simply because that's not how I like to play games. I've tried and deleted them. The updates, the gacha systems, the diminishing returns for pricey microtransactions - it's not ideal for me as a consumer anymore when there are way better options for me. Playing KHUx from the beginning was exhausting after even the first year, if I'm honest with myself. But I had to finally let go after years of trying to endure it.

I agree that mobile titles can be just as sophisticated as console titles, I just don't think a lot of SE's are. Sans ports, they just aren't my cup of tea, and if this new guy shares a similar setup to KHUx, then, like another user said, I just may finally resort to YouTube instead.

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
I don't hypetrain anymore. I need more details. I'm not exactly excited for another Xehanort game, given the saga _just_ ended. What logic.

Still, I'm definitely not excited for another mobile title, simply because that's not how I like to play games. I've tried and deleted them. The updates, the gacha systems, the diminishing returns for pricey microtransactions - it's not ideal for me as a consumer anymore when there are way better options for me. Playing KHUx from the beginning was exhausting after even the first year, if I'm honest with myself. But I had to finally let go after years of trying to endure it.

I agree that mobile titles can be just as sophisticated as console titles, I just don't think a lot of SE's are. Sans ports, they just aren't my cup of tea, and if this new guy shares a similar setup to KHUx, then, like another user said, I just may finally resort to YouTube instead.

I agree with you on all of this. It’s unappealing. I’m not wishing this game failure but I’m kind of hoping that if it is a grind-y slog of a F2P gacha, it deserves any and all criticism and disinterest it can get.


Well-known member
May 17, 2018
It might be? All we can confirm right now is that this is definitely not the game that is coming "surprisingly soon" as he mentioned in his Twitter Q&A.
So it's likely that the KH game that is coming surprisingly soon will Perhaps be announced during the Orchestra Event (if they have one again)/E3 2020 in June or Tokyo Game Show 2020 in September.

I expect that this new KH game coming soon might come out in Q2/Q3 2021 release, plus they got the file assets and character models made in Unreal Engine 4 from KH3 which they can reuse from KH3 so development will move a lot faster.

Violet Pluto

Active member
Oct 19, 2019
I really hope they just copy Chain of Memories playstyle (and update it) if the alternative is UX. If not, I hope that they come up with something more fun and interesting than just medals and Thousands of health bars. Also the story updates are more like FGO and less like whatever has been going on at UX but I think all of us hope for that.


Active member
Aug 1, 2017
darkness within darkness
It's the same problem Fire Emblem Heroes has. The story is really barebones and drip feeds it to you while putting filler all around it. Albeit, this is a lot more bloated.

Need I remind you that in the first 600 or so missions, Agrabah was THIS:

Now when I say filler, I mean actual honest to god side quest filler. Not even world plots (some of which are actually pretty good), just Filler.

Gosh, I remember that one filler "event" where they even made fun of the Agrabah overload on a meta level, like, they are totally aware of that and still decide to rather mock themselves than to change it.
They could've used fillers so well - fleshing out characters or whatnot, like they did in some quests, sadly, most characters never actually even got a damn name which was really jarring. Overall, I felt like I learned basically nothing about the foretellers, only watched their followups in doomsday conversations but had a solid amount of missions with keykids that look absolutely ridiculous and have no name. Like .. what?

Gameplay-wise, the game doesn't know what it does. I've rarely seen a mobile game that rendered its own rewards so obsolete so quickly - you're constantly getting stuff you really don't need, no one needs Cids, Avatar Coins, Meow Wow Upgrade Medals or any of the skills in the coliseum boards because they are just ... trash and every time I get them, I literally throw them out. And I've heard a lot of people say "What do you complain about? It's a mobile game!" - as if the point of a mobile game was to be shitty. I mean, would I rather spend money for a game that obviously hates its players or for one that does at least try to uphold the illusion that you're getting something for your bucks?
I hope the next game works better as a game ... by which I mean: Decent pacing, fun gameplay, good rewards, incentive to play.

Also, on a completely random note: I love your profile picture (Kite has such a great design) and wish they had remastered the first four games. I only played the first and half of the second one, but I don't have my PS2 with me anymore (also, I felt that the games were quite hard) but I read the manga and the light novels and loved all I read and wish I could finally play it.


New member
Jan 26, 2020
Great a new mobile game... That means we will again wait months or years until something exciting or at least halfway interesting happens, just to pay attention to the game for 1-2 days and then ignore it again? To be honest i’ve never been a fan of KHUX and probably won‘t be one anymore, so i‘m not very excited about the news. But i‘m sure there are enough or at least some people who are happy about it, so i hope for your sake it might not be as bad as i think.


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2018
The issue of "could they handle this well as a mobile game", for me, comes down to this:
If they design it more in the vein of the original Coded—that is, delivering big chunks of the story at once rather than drip-drip-dripping it over a period of months—then I could be on board with that. I'd like to have a good sense of how long the story is actually going to take to come to a conclusion. With Union X, I never imagined the story would continue to slog on for as long as it has. And as much as people make fun of Coded, the updates that it got on its original DoCoMo platform were at least substantial and moved the narrative forward, whereas Union X's updates are an endless barrage of filler punctuated only by occasional progress in the main narrative that, until recently, has had nothing to do with the main player's missions.
Another thing Coded got right that UX doesn't: NO. MORE. RNG.
RNG-based gameplay mechanics are the worst. And people complain about Chain of Memories—at least CoM was a) finite in the amount of cards you could even collect, and b) designed to make you rely more on your skills WITH the cards rather than the cards themselves. It's infuriating to have main story locked behind enemies that you can't beat simply because you weren't lucky enough to get sufficiently strong medals to beat them, and to have to wait until you either get a lucky pull or cough up enough money to force a good pull. That crap needs to go ASAP.
Now, Xehanort is a character clearly near and dear to Nomura's heart, so I would hope that he would do all he could to ensure his game treated him (and the players) with due respect. But, I don't know how much control Nomura ultimately has over this—maybe the business suits at Square strongarmed UX to be a gatcha game, and maybe they'll strongarm him on this one, too. I have no clue.
But if this game is even going to be made in the same general vein as Union X, then I'm gonna pass. I won't put up with another one of these corporatized abominations. I just want these five things, and they shouldn't be that much to ask:
1) An upfront timetable on how long the story should be expected to unfold.
2) Sizable chunks of update rather than monthly drips that take 10 minutes to complete.
3) An art style that doesn't make the game look like it's for little babies.
4) Battle mechanics based on skill, NOT on RNG.
5) An actual story, and not 900 missions of pointless hunt-quests with bits of story snuck in out of left field.
These things should be basic. And if the new game doesn't have it, then hopefully no one will play it—only then will SE learn their lesson.


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2019
Gosh, I remember that one filler "event" where they even made fun of the Agrabah overload on a meta level, like, they are totally aware of that and still decide to rather mock themselves than to change it.
They could've used fillers so well - fleshing out characters or whatnot, like they did in some quests, sadly, most characters never actually even got a damn name which was really jarring. Overall, I felt like I learned basically nothing about the foretellers, only watched their followups in doomsday conversations but had a solid amount of missions with keykids that look absolutely ridiculous and have no name. Like .. what?

Gameplay-wise, the game doesn't know what it does. I've rarely seen a mobile game that rendered its own rewards so obsolete so quickly - you're constantly getting stuff you really don't need, no one needs Cids, Avatar Coins, Meow Wow Upgrade Medals or any of the skills in the coliseum boards because they are just ... trash and every time I get them, I literally throw them out. And I've heard a lot of people say "What do you complain about? It's a mobile game!" - as if the point of a mobile game was to be shitty. I mean, would I rather spend money for a game that obviously hates its players or for one that does at least try to uphold the illusion that you're getting something for your bucks?
I hope the next game works better as a game ... by which I mean: Decent pacing, fun gameplay, good rewards, incentive to play.

Also, on a completely random note: I love your profile picture (Kite has such a great design) and wish they had remastered the first four games. I only played the first and half of the second one, but I don't have my PS2 with me anymore (also, I felt that the games were quite hard) but I read the manga and the light novels and loved all I read and wish I could finally play it.

Yeah they shoved all the foreteller stuff into Back Cover, sans Ava's epsiode which we still got for some reason. The keykids, man I would love to have seen more of them. It was nice having a group and they were all semi-unique. Which makes me sad they never got names, especially since we've had two story events for them. I've started calling the bandanna one 'Serge' for the sweet Chrono Cross reference.

You're right about Avatar coins and meow wows. I haven't used anything under tier 9 in months (Plus the Blue Fairy was killed after what, three months?). There's also no new free boards coming out that actually use the damn coins. We used to unlock them after leveling up, but the cap increases never came with new ones. Cids actually do have use, since even with the cost cap increase you can't actually put all un-cid'd medals on your blade (not to mention new players). Coli boards still have those skills due to quest objectives, but that leads into some of my problems with it:

  • They could just change the objectives rather than keeping those useless skills in the coliseum boards. But they don't, meaning I have to do rankings to get decent skills without using jewels.
  • Quest objectives never do anything interesting and are always the same three things, and Proud mode's limits don't really fix that.
  • Some clothing perks are still completely useless and haven't been changed (Raid Boss summon perks)
  • The game has basically changed from the fun swipe and tap with occasional specials to "all specials all the time or you die" and "might as well leave it on auto".
  • Medals dropped in story mode are the exact same set we've had since DAY 1. There's been no update or expansion of what can drop, not even the addition of 3* and 4* medals that we can't even obtain anymore.
  • Global is behind on story despite being caught up on everything else, and even gets rewards/events at the same time as JP.
It's really frustrating, and I also hope PX is just a better game in general. Also would like it if it dropped story in one big update like Fate Grand Order does, but I'm repeating myself with that.

Also thanks! I'd love it if they remastered the original Quadrilogy. But unfortunately the devs can't do anything without Bandai's say so. ):

At least we got Last Recode though!

Ballad of Caius

Player 💀
Jan 4, 2014
The issue of "could they handle this well as a mobile game", for me, comes down to this:
If they design it more in the vein of the original Coded—that is, delivering big chunks of the story at once rather than drip-drip-dripping it over a period of months—then I could be on board with that. I'd like to have a good sense of how long the story is actually going to take to come to a conclusion. With Union X, I never imagined the story would continue to slog on for as long as it has. And as much as people make fun of Coded, the updates that it got on its original DoCoMo platform were at least substantial and moved the narrative forward, whereas Union X's updates are an endless barrage of filler punctuated only by occasional progress in the main narrative that, until recently, has had nothing to do with the main player's missions.
Another thing Coded got right that UX doesn't: NO. MORE. RNG.
RNG-based gameplay mechanics are the worst. And people complain about Chain of Memories—at least CoM was a) finite in the amount of cards you could even collect, and b) designed to make you rely more on your skills WITH the cards rather than the cards themselves. It's infuriating to have main story locked behind enemies that you can't beat simply because you weren't lucky enough to get sufficiently strong medals to beat them, and to have to wait until you either get a lucky pull or cough up enough money to force a good pull. That crap needs to go ASAP.
Now, Xehanort is a character clearly near and dear to Nomura's heart, so I would hope that he would do all he could to ensure his game treated him (and the players) with due respect. But, I don't know how much control Nomura ultimately has over this—maybe the business suits at Square strongarmed UX to be a gatcha game, and maybe they'll strongarm him on this one, too. I have no clue.
But if this game is even going to be made in the same general vein as Union X, then I'm gonna pass. I won't put up with another one of these corporatized abominations. I just want these five things, and they shouldn't be that much to ask:
1) An upfront timetable on how long the story should be expected to unfold.
2) Sizable chunks of update rather than monthly drips that take 10 minutes to complete.
3) An art style that doesn't make the game look like it's for little babies.
4) Battle mechanics based on skill, NOT on RNG.
5) An actual story, and not 900 missions of pointless hunt-quests with bits of story snuck in out of left field.
These things should be basic. And if the new game doesn't have it, then hopefully no one will play it—only then will SE learn their lesson.
To my understanding, didn't the original coded have planned monthly released scenarios?