Yeah, this sounds pretty plausible as to how they're formed. Especially in cases like Lea and Riku where they're formed around concepts unique to the individual, I'm pretty sure this is EXACTLY how one is created.
I know, right? :smile: This idea of Keyblade creation would still hold water even with the weirder Keyblades that have appeared. Let's take a stab:
The Keyblade formed from the Princess's hearts in KH1. Like many things from KH1, it's hard to reconcile certain ideas and concepts with the general mythos that has evolved over the years, specifically because it was the first game and lots of things had yet to be clearly defined by Nomura, even to himself. But, even after fusing with Riku, Ansem SoD still could not summon a Keyblade, for whatever reason. He had to use the hearts of the six princesses to accomplish this. The princesses hearts, essentially, became a "proxy". A means to short-cut a way to summon a real Keyblade. Or at least, the formless energy equivalent. Afterwards, the princesses hearts joined with the blade itself. They had to, for without their hearts to "complete the circuit" as it were, (as well as keeping this "circuit" up and running after the fact) the blade would have, and eventually did, vanish without a trace. I guess we could call it a side-effect for using what was, in essence, an "illegal" Keyblade. Anyway, the form and power of this Keyblade would've still resulted from the influence of both Riku and Ansem SoD. Considering this Keyblade came with the exact power that Ansem SoD
wanted it to have i.e. extracting people's hearts, it's either been influenced by the wielder, or that's one hell of a coincidence lol.
The Keyblade pulled out by Young Xehanort after being Stopga'd to fight Riku and Mickey in KHDDD. I don't know if what exactly happened there to allow Young Xehanort to move and summon a previously unknown Keyblade was ever explained by Nomura, but I've always had my own theory
That being, since Master Xehanort's body had yet to fully materialize, he still did not possess a real body, and as such, still retained his ability to travel through time. So, he "traveled" to, and possessed, his younger self. Doing this gave his younger self the power to summon a Keyblade as well. And when he did, we essentially got this one, good look at the Keyblade Xehanort
would've gotten as a lad, had he not taken up the Keyblade he has now. Or, maybe he did, and took up the dark Keyblade later, and never saw a reason to summon his old Keyblade after he got his dark Keyblade. That's the case with Mickey and his Star Seeker, after all (after he found the KKD). And, of course, Star Seeker is Mickey's own Keyblade that was forged just for him.
Though, on a side note, Mickey did give his Star Seeker to Sora. Keyblades usually teleport back to their wielder if taken by someone else, but this (as well as Sora getting Riku's Way to Dawn given to him to kick Xemnas's a** in their final battle) demonstrates that a Keyblade can be used by another wielder even if the original wielder is still alive. They just have to have permission :smile:
So, there you have it! KKD's presence at Destiny Islands explained, and a better post about Keyblade creation than even
I expected lol. I pop by here almost every night, but rarely post. And even then, only when I'm pretty damn sure I'm right. This was fun :biggrin: