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I finished 0.2 and watched Back Cover.
It was fun for what it was worth. I liked the gameplay and graphics a lot. I'll admit, I'm kind of a bit tired of how big open areas can be because, it's a lot to cover and search for treasure chests and gears. Don't get me wrong, I love everything they did. I just wish there were more heartless roaming about instead of appearing in small segments to make it feel worth being in? I don't know if that makes sense. It's like you run through it and there's not a lot to do, except for the Enchanted Dominion and ect that come after the first world or so. (Yeah, yeah, grab your pitch forks.) Anyways, I really enjoyed fighting the Darkside the most when I got to that world. I won't deny I'm kind of disappointed that everything was more or less spoiled by either demos or the opening of 0.2. Not a whole lot to surprise us with except for perhaps the bit with the additional scenes after 0.2's ending. I also wish I could've had the chance to see how hard Demon Tide could've been without the patch but, it still took and required a few retries for me to defeat it. Everything else felt easy to me on Proud Mode. (I'll be on Critical Mode next. Hopefully it'll be more challenging.) However, the gameplay took time to adjust to, but it was still a lot of fun. As for the story, despite what I've read from other members it seems to have some contradictions. Although, I liked Aqua meeting up with Terra briefly, and Mickey. Those were the saving graces for me because, Aqua's inner monologue was a tad depressing and easy to tune out. (And I can tell Nomura was having a hard time with it as well.) On the other hand, the only time I felt emotional for Aqua was during her reunion with Mickey, and the bit with Destiny Island. Otherwise, it was an okay prologue. (Oh and Mickey looks fantastic.)
tldr - 0.2 was awesome, but it was an okay kind of game.
Now the additional stuff with Yen Sid, Riku, Mickey, and Kairi were great. Including the bits with Sora, Donald, and Goofy. BUT the amount of years it's taken for the voice actors to take their roles... namely Sora and Kairi, were a bit rough for me to listen to. I don't know if any one else felt the same way or not. I'll probably get used to their voices more when KHIII rolls around. (Of course, I knew their voices were going to change. xD) And the scenes with Sora, Donald, and Goofy were probably my favorite parts about the whole game. I'm definitely excited to see more of what KHIII will bring based on this episode as Nomura calls it. Plenty of hype for KHIII to say the least. <3
Back Cover
As someone who hasn't played KHX or KHUX, I liked what I learned. I thought the Master was hilarious, and absolutely the best part about Back Cover. I feel like this isn't the last we'll see of him or Luxu(?) I also feel confused. Wasn't Ava suppose to be the traitor behind everything? I thought that was talked about sometime last year? Anyhow, I'm interested with what's in the box. I find the keyblade being passed down interesting. Everything else was enjoyable for a movie recapping what's happened. I don't know how to feel about the way it ended, but then again, we more or less get the pictures based on how the opening started with the phone version of it. I have no complaints with it overall. Would've liked to known more about where the book of prophecy came from though.
All that's left for me to do is play KH3D and replay 0.2 on Critical mode. xD