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Resident Evil 2 | January 25th for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.


Shadow Fenix

I 'Member
Aug 31, 2007
Why should they? It's a decent list all things considered. At best they could've added a few ones like shooting all the blue medallions, beating Separate Ways (which is already a requirement for getting all the costumes), some Mercenaries stuff, and maybe doing a no heal/no damage run ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Not enough to add to make the list big enough for a plat. It's better this way anyway because the only other option would be adding those filler trophies like suplex 20 parasite worshipping butthols or get eaten by Del Lago... oh wait, that is a trophy.

Cause on Xbox One every retail game is required to have 1000 gamerscore as a minimum now, even the digital arcade titles do now, so I don't see any real reason to not include the PlayStation's equivalent of that, a platinum trophy, to every release as well. It was the same shit with Ground Zeroes too, so it's partially on Sony too and they've kind of been a bag of dicks lately but that's beside the point. Could've added much more replayability to the game. Besides, they did pretty solid given the new lists they gave REmake and RE0, RE4 could've used that love too.


Silver Member
Jan 2, 2007
Cause on Xbox One every retail game is required to have 1000 gamerscore as a minimum now, even the digital arcade titles do now, so I don't see any real reason to not include the PlayStation's equivalent of that, a platinum trophy, to every release as well.

That's not a good reason. Like at all. You're also ignoring my main point which is that there isn't much else to add.

Could've added much more replayability to the game. Besides, they did pretty solid given the new lists they gave REmake and RE0, RE4 could've used that love too.

lol ignoring your the "RE4 could've used that love too" comment, mechanically and content-wise there is much more you can do with RE0 and REmake than RE4 in terms of achievements/trophies. There is a reason why a knife-only trophy is a thing in REmake but not in RE4; even RE0 doesn't have that.

I also find your comment about replayability dubious considering you seem content not playing RE4 on professional. Not a dig at you or anything like that, but outside of the current list and adding a few filler/trivial trophies (excluding other modes) anything else would have to be genuine challenges like a knife+handgun only, or no damage run and if you're not down for that in general, I doubt trophies would be a big incentive.

Maybe you mean for people in general, but frankly trophies aren't necessary for that. Even if they were you don't *need* a platinum for that.


Silver Member
Jul 1, 2010
They weren't released physically in PAL regions? That's kinda odd, considering they emphasized the fact they made the Origins Collection to give it a physical release.

We did get the Origins Collection though, in case you misunderstood. We did not get physical releases of RE4-6 on PS4/ONE though. Neither did Japan.

Shadow Fenix

I 'Member
Aug 31, 2007
That's not a good reason. Like at all. You're also ignoring my main point which is that there isn't much else to add.

lol asking for equivalency between platforms is not a good reason? You're joking.. And they didn't even have to add more to the amount, they could have increased the trophy points on the title and changed the list to have mostly silver and gold. If you look around, the people who like trophy hunting are really bummed about this, and have even been coming up with fake lists for years now. You say there's not much you can do mechanically/content-wise with this game, but a fair amount of those lists are pretty rock solid and even have over 50 listed in a couple. Plus you're on PSNProfiles, almost everyone in that game's forum are disappointed about it too.

lol ignoring your the "RE4 could've used that love too" comment, mechanically and content-wise there is much more you can do with RE0 and REmake than RE4 in terms of achievements/trophies. There is a reason why a knife-only trophy is a thing in REmake but not in RE4; even RE0 doesn't have that.

I also find your comment about replayability dubious considering you seem content not playing RE4 on professional. Not a dig at you or anything like that, but outside of the current list and adding a few filler/trivial trophies (excluding other modes) anything else would have to be genuine challenges like a knife+handgun only, or no damage run and if you're not down for that in general, I doubt trophies would be a big incentive.

Maybe you mean for people in general, but frankly trophies aren't necessary for that. Even if they were you don't *need* a platinum for that.

So come up with some unique challenges, etc. fitting for the game? Don't see why you're so adamantly against this. You don't care about this, fine, but don't see the need to shit on people that were wishing for it. Absolutely nothing wrong with trophy/achievement hunting, and feeling disappointed when things like this happen. There were plenty of chances to add in more for maybe a speed run, no save run, NG+ run, Mercenaries mode, Assignment Ada, even more in depth Separate Ways trophies (which, sure, you need it for the costume trophy, whatever, go more in depth. It's a pretty decent chunk of game). A game this popular doesn't deserve an indie list.

If the incentive was there I probably would feel up to going for a hypothetical platinum for RE4, but there's not so I don't feel like putting myself through hell (especially without a way to show it off nowadays, a la a trophy/achievement) when I've got plenty of other games to go through on my backlog. And I actually did a knife only run on REmake, so I wouldn't shy away from challenges like that. Done plenty of those on other horror games too like Dead Space, BioShock, etc.

We did get the Origins Collection though, in case you misunderstood. We did not get physical releases of RE4-6 on PS4/ONE though. Neither did Japan.

Oh gotcha, that's a shame. Surprising Japan didn't either, now that you mention that, I don't remember seeing any copies of RE4-6 on current gen while I was over there, especially since they've gotten all the digital only games here, physically over there. I did see the NA versions though in import sections of stores, so there's that I guess but still. Shame, that.
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Silver Member
Jan 2, 2007
lol asking for equivalency between platforms is not a good reason? You're joking.. And they didn't even have to add more to the amount, they could have increased the trophy points on the title and changed the list to have mostly silver and gold.

Nope. It's still 12 achievements on Xbox, and advocating for them to be silver and gold is not the same as asking for a new list or a platinum.

If you look around, the people who like trophy hunting are really bummed about this, and have even been coming up with fake lists for years now. You say there's not much you can do mechanically/content-wise with this game, but a fair amount of those lists are pretty rock solid and even have over 50 listed in a couple. Plus you're on PSNProfiles, almost everyone in that game's forum are disappointed about it too.

FYI I'm not saying there couldn't be more trophies, just that it wouldn't be too many that are good to make it big enough for platinum. Looking at some of the examples people came up with in that thread says it all because a lot are complete garbage.

So come up with some unique challenges, etc. fitting for the game? Don't see why you're so adamantly against this. You don't care about this, fine, but don't see the need to shit on people that were wishing for it. Absolutely nothing wrong with trophy/achievement hunting, and feeling disappointed when things like this happen. There were plenty of chances to add in more for maybe a speed run, no save run, NG+ run, Mercenaries mode, Assignment Ada, even more in depth Separate Ways trophies (which, sure, you need it for the costume trophy, whatever, go more in depth. It's a pretty decent chunk of game). A game this popular doesn't deserve an indie list.

If the incentive was there I probably would feel up to going for a hypothetical platinum for RE4, but there's not so I don't feel like putting myself through hell (especially without a way to show it off nowadays, a la a trophy/achievement) when I've got plenty of other games to go through on my backlog. And I actually did a knife only run on REmake, so I wouldn't shy away from challenges like that.

Again I'm not saying there isn't some stuff you could add. That part was specifically pointing out your replayability comment, you don't need trophies for some of that. And yeeeaahh I saw that, but doing a knife-only on very easy in REmake ain't the same as finishing RE4 on professional. I also have no idea where you're even getting that I'm shitting on anyone or that I think there is something wrong trophy hunting. I'm simply disagreeing, there is a difference, chill out bro.

Also, there is a trophy for finishing the game on Professional so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


"There's always money in the banana stand."
Staff member
May 9, 2007
The End of Time
I'm usually bummed when a game doesn't have a plat, but honestly when it comes to classic games being rereleased like this I'm just happy to have trophies at all show for my hard work. Whatever list they give me for RE4, so be it, better than not being able to prove I beat professional on Wii.

Shadow Fenix

I 'Member
Aug 31, 2007
Nope. It's still 12 achievements on Xbox, and advocating for them to be silver and gold is not the same as asking for a new list or a platinum.

Again, nope to you haha. Not when the achievements are worth hundreds of points. Clearly the equivalency of a silver or gold trophy. If you don't have an Xbox and don't understand their system, then I get why you wouldn't agree, but if you do then quite simply I think you're nuts. BD

FYI I'm not saying there couldn't be more trophies, just that it wouldn't be too many that are good to make it big enough for platinum. Looking at some of the examples people came up with in that thread says it all because a lot are complete garbage.

There are probably at least fifty I could pull from probably the hundreds in there that would be a solid list that Capcom could've made.

Again I'm not saying there isn't some stuff you could add. That part was specifically pointing out your replayability comment, you don't need trophies for some of that.

I'll agree honestly, I kinda have a love/hate thing with trophies. I honestly kinda miss the PS2 gen where they/we didn't need to think about these things (even though devs never do anyway and usually throw them on last minute) and just play. My ocd just kicks in when I see a low percentage, cause I would normally 100% all my games back in those days too, so I feel a strange need to complete the trophy/achievement lists. It's kinda sad, I know lol, but I'll just blame architecture like always for increasing my ocd haha. But trophies certainly do add to replayability of a game nowadays, (whether in a good or a bad way depends on the list and how you like the game) there's no doubt about that.

And yeeeaahh I saw that, but doing a knife-only on very easy in REmake ain't the same as finishing RE4 on professional. I also have no idea where you're even getting that I'm shitting on anyone or that I think there is something wrong trophy hunting. I'm simply disagreeing, there is a difference, chill out bro.

Well, obviously. I was following a roadmap for the best order to do all the playthroughs in but when I started my next difficulty, I think it jumped to hard or something, I just couldn't do it so I just moved on to RE0. I don't really have it in me like I used to. Even just using the knife on very easy was fairly challenging, then again I was never the greatest at the old style RE games. I never even touched Code Veronica cause of how notoriously difficult that one is. That's why I'm dreading if they remaster Dead Space, (or make Dead Space 4 plz visceral) I'm not sure I could get those platinums now haha.

But in terms of difficulty in gaming, since you keep bringing up pro mode, I'll allow the mighty dunk to take this:


And yes, I have done every Halo game solo on Legendary, it really does change a man o.o
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Silver Member
Jan 2, 2007
Again, nope to you haha. Not when the achievements are worth hundreds of points. Clearly the equivalency of a silver or gold trophy. If you don't have an Xbox and don't understand their system, then I get why you wouldn't agree, but if you do then quite simply I think you're nuts. BD

Don't give a shit about points. 12 achievements is 12 achievements regardless of imaginary, and arbitrary numerical values attributed to each one.

There are probably at least fifty I could pull from probably the hundreds in there that would be a solid list that Capcom could've made.

I disagree. Of all the ones I've read only about a dozen or so were good (not including story-related trophies or ones that are already in RE4's list) and the rest were low tier trash. I flat out think anything like "Kill 100 enemies" is trash by default.

I'll agree honestly, I kinda have a love/hate thing with trophies. I honestly kinda miss the PS2 gen where they/we didn't need to think about these things (even though devs never do anyway and usually throw them on last minute) and just play. My ocd just kicks in when I see a low percentage, cause I would normally 100% all my games back in those days too, so I feel a strange need to complete the trophy/achievement lists. It's kinda sad, I know lol, but I'll just blame architecture like always for increasing my ocd haha. But trophies certainly do add to replayability of a game nowadays, (whether in a good or a bad way depends on the list and how you like the game) there's no doubt about that.

I can kind of relate because there was a point where I less selective of which games I was 100%ing. Ironically I never finished some of the games I was going for because I wasn't enjoying them enough.

Ultimately any game I 100% trophy-wise tends to be a game I like well enough. There has to be a certain threshold of enjoyability for me to bother doing it. Obviously there's a few exceptions (FFXIII-2, Sleeping Dogs, Fallout 3, GoW) that I ended up doing just because there were easy enough and I never had plans to touch them again and they usually didn't require more than 1 playthrough.

The only exception to those exceptions is probably MGS4. I plan on doing MGS2 some time soon (with a successful Big Boss rank hopefully). Doing that would mean MGS4 was the odd one out so I put up with the bajillion different playthroughs for the emblems to get the plat.

Well, obviously. I was following a roadmap for the best order to do all the playthroughs in but when I started my next difficulty, I think it jumped to hard or something, I just couldn't do it so I just moved on to RE0. I don't really have it in me like I used to. Even just using the knife on very easy was fairly challenging, then again I was never the greatest at the old style RE games. I never even touched Code Veronica cause of how notoriously difficult that one is. That's why I'm dreading if they remaster Dead Space, (or make Dead Space 4 plz visceral) I'm not sure I could get those platinums now haha.

Dead Space is easy dawg, anyone can do it. Just upgrade the plasma cutter and you're good for the rest of the game. I can only think of one section that I had some slight trouble with, but other than that, doable. I flat out think anything I do is doable by anyone that has enough perseverance.

And ah, yes, Code Veronica. That's a tough one, definitely one of the tougher games in the series. There's actually a glitch you can do where you can get infinite herbs so you never have to worry about taking too much damage. Never done it myself since I've only beaten the game once.


"There's always money in the banana stand."
Staff member
May 9, 2007
The End of Time
Persona 4 Arena Score Attack Mode is literally one trophy that is so amazingly frustrating to me because I know that I will just never be good enough to get it.

Off topic, sorry.

Shadow Fenix

I 'Member
Aug 31, 2007
Don't give a shit about points. 12 achievements is 12 achievements regardless of imaginary, and arbitrary numerical values attributed to each one.

Fair enough. Just know these kinds of situations are nonequivalent between the platforms. I'm not a fan of that.

I disagree. Of all the ones I've read only about a dozen or so were good (not including story-related trophies or ones that are already in RE4's list) and the rest were low tier trash. I flat out think anything like "Kill 100 enemies" is trash by default.

Ain't that the diddlying truth, man.

Spoiler Spoiler Show

Probably could find more, but you don't seem super into this topic so I'll save myself the trouble haha. In no particular order, but I left out any 'kill X enemy in Y fashion or Z number of times'. They are garbage but have been in RE lists in the past so I feel it would've rounded it out, or just give it a boost. Plus I feel like the no save thing is super doable in this one since it gives you a checkpoint every room if you die, so you never really need to save unless you have to turn the game off. Maybe another one for finding a golden egg or maybe die X number of times. Alien Isolation had that and I thought that was funny. And I guess upgrade every weapon to max, spread over NG+ most likely. RE5 had that trophy. Speed run too, for sure, can't forget that.

I can kind of relate because there was a point where I less selective of which games I was 100%ing. Ironically I never finished some of the games I was going for because I wasn't enjoying them enough.

Ultimately any game I 100% trophy-wise tends to be a game I like well enough. There has to be a certain threshold of enjoyability for me to bother doing it. Obviously there's a few exceptions (FFXIII-2, Sleeping Dogs, Fallout 3, GoW) that I ended up doing just because there were easy enough and I never had plans to touch them again and they usually didn't require more than 1 playthrough.

The only exception to those exceptions is probably MGS4. I plan on doing MGS2 some time soon (with a successful Big Boss rank hopefully). Doing that would mean MGS4 was the odd one out so I put up with the bajillion different playthroughs for the emblems to get the plat.

Yeah, that's how it's been for me. Like I'm about to play through Catherine after playing through BioShock and getting those plats this week, and I know for a fact I'm probably not gonna be able to get the platinum for Catherine but who knows.

Exactly, I wanna have enjoyment in getting the platinum or all the achievements for the game. I've just grown to accept ye olde grind-fest that is necessary in JRPGs at this point. Is what it is, and by the I get there I just shut my mind off and jam out to music so it feels like less time has passed. Nier and FFXIII grinding I never want to be put through again. There are probably others I could go back to, or even want to, like I still eventually wanna finish Akumu mode in The Evil Within, all I have left with that game. Probably make that my crowning achievement haha. I need to finish Ni no Kuni now too, left for Japan before I could finish it.

Damn, yeah I thought about getting everything in MGS2, but those virtual trials are ass. I probably could've seen myself going through the game a million times for the tags but nah. I got pretty far in getting MGS4's platinum, but after two playthroughs of following a flashback guide to the letter and not getting the trophy either time, I just gave up cause you can't speed run it and get the flashbacks in the same run and I was getting sick of it anyway. I don't even wanna talk about V lol, screw that game.

Dead Space is easy dawg, anyone can do it. Just upgrade the plasma cutter and you're good for the rest of the game. I can only think of one section that I had some slight trouble with, but other than that, doable. I flat out think anything I do is doable by anyone that has enough perseverance.

And ah, yes, Code Veronica. That's a tough one, definitely one of the tougher games in the series. There's actually a glitch you can do where you can get infinite herbs so you never have to worry about taking too much damage. Never done it myself since I've only beaten the game once.

Oh I know Dead Space is on the easier side, it's just been so long since my hardcore runs I'm not sure I have it in me anymore haha. The only truly difficult parts most of the time were the cheap areas where it's an automatic kill, like the eye part in 2 or any flying section. The gunplay is pretty easy; plus the foam finger gun makes zealot mode a cake walk. I played those on 360, so don't think I'm making it up cause it's not on psnprofiles lol. And plus I felt like I had to do a million playthroughs on 3 to unlock everything haha. And agreed on that last part, if I actually put in the effort I used to with difficult modes I could probably push through them. Thing is, I already get assdiddlyed by my architorture studies enough (last year finally, thank God), that I don't feel super into getting assdiddlyed by a game typically lol. If I did, I'd probably be better at Bloodborne than I am and have the platinum for it haha.

Yeah, I just played the story through the Chronicles game and watched a playthrough before starting RE4 and 5.
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Silver Member
Jan 2, 2007
Persona 4 Arena Score Attack Mode is literally one trophy that is so amazingly frustrating to me because I know that I will just never be good enough to get it.

Off topic, sorry.

lol, you should probably make a trophy thread. I've thought about messaging a mod about something like that but I just go "eeh". I mean clearly there is a handful of us that do this so it'd get some activity at least.

Ain't that the diddlying truth, man.

Spoiler Spoiler Show

Probably could find more, but you don't seem super into this topic so I'll save myself the trouble haha.

Clearly you and I have different ideas on this. I disagree with the inclusion of a lot of these trophies, and I'd leave it just at that, but(!) there is a specific one I want to single out which you talk about, and I'll address that in a sec.

In no particular order, but I left out any 'kill X enemy in Y fashion or Z number of times'. They are garbage but have been in RE lists in the past so I feel it would've rounded it out, or just give it a boost.

RE0 does have a few like that, like stomping somebody's head. Generally I think that game has a solid list outside of those, but I also think a handful are okay if only to pad out the number of trophies a tad bit. I'm not too against them as long as they're not an absurd amount. Maybe like 6 maximum.

Plus I feel like the no save thing is super doable in this one since it gives you a checkpoint every room if you die, so you never really need to save unless you have to turn the game off. Maybe another one for finding a golden egg or maybe die X number of times. Alien Isolation had that and I thought that was funny. And I guess upgrade every weapon to max, spread over NG+ most likely. RE5 had that trophy. Speed run too, for sure, can't forget that.

This is the one I want to talk about. See, I don't think no save in RE4 is a good trophy precisely because of the checkpoint system. Doable sure, but the difference between that and older games is that 1)RE4 is longer 2)Not much of a challenge. In RE0, I can speed run the game and finish it under 4 hours without saving, and doing that means I didn't die once. In RE4 it means sitting there for at least 8 hours, and it doesn't mean anything other than I did it all in one sitting.

Exactly, I wanna have enjoyment in getting the platinum or all the achievements for the game. I've just grown to accept ye olde grind-fest that is necessary in JRPGs at this point. Is what it is, and by the I get there I just shut my mind off and jam out to music so it feels like less time has passed. Nier and FFXIII grinding I never want to be put through again. There are probably others I could go back to, or even want to, like I still eventually wanna finish Akumu mode in The Evil Within, all I have left with that game. Probably make that my crowning achievement haha. I need to finish Ni no Kuni now too, left for Japan before I could finish it.

Damn, yeah I thought about getting everything in MGS2, but those virtual trials are ass. I probably could've seen myself going through the game a million times for the tags but nah. I got pretty far in getting MGS4's platinum, but after two playthroughs of following a flashback guide to the letter and not getting the trophy either time, I just gave up cause you can't speed run it and get the flashbacks in the same run and I was getting sick of it anyway. I don't even wanna talk about V lol, screw that game.

I mainly meant that I have to enjoy the game in general to a certain degree to do some of the more painstaking ones. But yeah, I've done the same. I love Resonance of Fate, 2nd favorite JRPG, but getting that plat is a huge grind-fest to the point that I got a bit burned out by the end. Worked out in my favor anyway since I ended up discovering a new band while playing through the arena.

Oh yeah, those flashbacks. I swore I got all of them, and I still didn't have it, but then what I did was look at a list of the flashbacks and only sit through the ones that had them and press X over and over. Turns out the one that I had been missing was the B&B ones in Act 2 when Drebin is talking about them. I guess I must've not pressed X fast enough the first time to get all the flashbacks. I'll probably never do MGSV, not with half the shit I've heard about it.

Oh I know Dead Space is on the easier side, it's just been so long since my hardcore runs I'm not sure I have it in me anymore haha. The only truly difficult parts most of the time were the cheap areas where it's an automatic kill, like the eye part in 2 or any flying section. The gunplay is pretty easy; plus the foam finger gun makes zealot mode a cake walk. I played those on 360, so don't think I'm making it up cause it's not on psnprofiles lol. And plus I felt like I had to do a million playthroughs on 3 to unlock everything haha. And agreed on that last part, if I actually put in the effort I used to with difficult modes I could probably push through them. Thing is, I already get assdiddlyed by my architorture studies enough (last year finally, thank God), that I don't feel super into getting assdiddlyed by a game typically lol. If I did, I'd probably be better at Bloodborne than I am and have the platinum for it haha.

Yeah, I just played the story through the Chronicles game and watched a playthrough before starting RE4 and 5.

You do what you gotta do man, if you just want to de-stress when playing video games, don't do the painstaking ones. That said I don't think Dead Space is anything like that. Unless you're talking about Dead Space 2 in which case, yeah, that hard-core mode is quite something.

Shadow Fenix

I 'Member
Aug 31, 2007
lol, you should probably make a trophy thread. I've thought about messaging a mod about something like that but I just go "eeh". I mean clearly there is a handful of us that do this so it'd get some activity at least.

With entire sites dedicated to them, surely a thread here could thrive for awhile.

RE0 does have a few like that, like stomping somebody's head. Generally I think that game has a solid list outside of those, but I also think a handful are okay if only to pad out the number of trophies a tad bit. I'm not too against them as long as they're not an absurd amount. Maybe like 6 maximum.

Yeah that's usually how those trophies go, just to pad out the list to the right amount unless the dev is just super uncreative or doesn't care about the trophy achievement system.

This is the one I want to talk about. See, I don't think no save in RE4 is a good trophy precisely because of the checkpoint system. Doable sure, but the difference between that and older games is that 1)RE4 is longer 2)Not much of a challenge. In RE0, I can speed run the game and finish it under 4 hours without saving, and doing that means I didn't die once. In RE4 it means sitting there for at least 8 hours, and it doesn't mean anything other than I did it all in one sitting.

Yep. RE4 really changed everything and threw it on its head. Which is interesting to see how RE7 might do that in a few months.

I mainly meant that I have to enjoy the game in general to a certain degree to do some of the more painstaking ones. But yeah, I've done the same. I love Resonance of Fate, 2nd favorite JRPG, but getting that plat is a huge grind-fest to the point that I got a bit burned out by the end. Worked out in my favor anyway since I ended up discovering a new band while playing through the arena.

Oh yeah, those flashbacks. I swore I got all of them, and I still didn't have it, but then what I did was look at a list of the flashbacks and only sit through the ones that had them and press X over and over. Turns out the one that I had been missing was the B&B ones in Act 2 when Drebin is talking about them. I guess I must've not pressed X fast enough the first time to get all the flashbacks. I'll probably never do MGSV, not with half the shit I've heard about it.

Gotcha. Oh yeah?? I've been looking into that and thinking about getting it. I know you need two playthroughs for it, but that's not an issue. I feel like after Nier and XIII, grinding in any other game is nothing, though maybe Ni no Kuni might get rough once I get back to that, I've heard.

I have heard that one being tricky actually, and I can't remember if it needed to be done in a single playthrough or not. I've made my peace with that series, especially after V *shudders* I'm just gonna let it rest in peace, unlike FucKonami is with Survive *double shudder*

You do what you gotta do man, if you just want to de-stress when playing video games, don't do the painstaking ones. That said I don't think Dead Space is anything like that. Unless you're talking about Dead Space 2 in which case, yeah, that hard-core mode is quite something.

Funny thing about that mode, was on 360 it came on two discs, so the disc swap actually works as a fourth save haha. Definitely used that to my advantage. And then on 3, just used the simple back up to a jump drive trick. They weren't difficult at all, it was always the crap outside of the gunplay that gets ya. Definitely had a lot of fun on those games.

ANYWAY turns out preorder dlc leaked:
Resident Evil 7 Pre-Order Bonuses Leak Via Swedish Retailer - Playstation 4, PlayStation 3 News At PlaystationTrophies.org


Still curious what that coin is for.


hurr hurr hurr
Dec 17, 2003
In my castle, plotting your demise
Alright, so we actually are someone "new" as this Ethan character. Still can go either way with this connection to the Bakers, blood or not. The whole beginning dialogue suggests a prior relationship with knowing their true nature.

Holy hell, Jack Baker is a scary son of a bitch.


Silver Member
Jan 2, 2007
I'm getting huge Texas Chainsaw Massacre vibes from that dinner scene. Straight up even has a decrepit old man in a wheelchair that doesn't even look alive. Been seeing some interesting comments from long-time RE fans who are crazy knowledgeable about the series lore that makes me very interested to see where Capcom goes with this.

Of course as a big TCM fan, I'm down with this already.

Gotcha. Oh yeah?? I've been looking into that and thinking about getting it. I know you need two playthroughs for it, but that's not an issue. I feel like after Nier and XIII, grinding in any other game is nothing, though maybe Ni no Kuni might get rough once I get back to that, I've heard.

I have heard that one being tricky actually, and I can't remember if it needed to be done in a single playthrough or not. I've made my peace with that series, especially after V *shudders* I'm just gonna let it rest in peace, unlike diddlyonami is with Survive *double shudder*

Posted a response here since Max made the thread.


Dream eater ally.
Dec 23, 2005

It's really sad that this is what the industry has com to but, I'm glad capcom isn't including microtransactions.

I'm getting huge Texas Chainsaw Massacre vibes from that dinner scene. Straight up even has a decrepit old man in a wheelchair that doesn't even look alive. Been seeing some interesting comments from long-time RE fans who are crazy knowledgeable about the series lore that makes me very interested to see where Capcom goes with this.

Of course as a big TCM fan, I'm down with this already.

Posted a response here since Max made the thread.

Really curious about those theories.


Silver Member
Jul 1, 2010
Saw that trailer the other day. Chris no longer looks like Chris.