I don't really like Hades' actor so far either. I'm hoping someone will finally kill Rumpel, but I have a feeling they'll be saving that for the final season if it ever happens.
Yeah this is what I feel about Rumple as well, I hate him, I'm so done with him. My friend and I discussed how poetic it would be for him to be the one stuck in the Underworld forever, since he is trying so desperately to leave. But I feel like the show runner care way too much about the "Rumbelle" fans and their abusive ship to do that...even though they have totally set him up to be beyond redemption. So I dunno.
I don't mind Hades as much as some of you guys, but I think I get the complaints. I liked the backstory with Snow and Herc, it reminded me of Season 1 a bit, and Regina has been on point this half as well. But yeah other than that so far this half has been my least favorite the past 2 years really. I actually liked the Dark One/Camelot thing till towards the end it got rushed.
yeah. the show's writing is especially inconsistent with same sex couples lol
Wait what? They haven't gone back on anything involving this. They are being annoyingly...avoid-ish with having Mulan admit her feelings were for Aurora so far (I mean for the one episode she was in anyway lol), but I feel like her and Ruby are getting together so I mean, I think Mulan is just nervous. To be fair, if it was for Phillip, she probably would have said that, so yeah.
For the singular same-sex...not even really couple, just one sided love, they have not been inconsistent lol. And if I am right about her getting with Ruby now, well yeah, then I would assume that too will pan out. But we shall see.