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Official Shipping Discussion | ships ahoy | sharing is caring: fan creations (fic, art, etc.)



Haddyn Slayer
Feb 23, 2011
I'm a SoKai shipper forever and always (though I don't mind SoRiKai). They're the first thing I ever truly shipped, and my love for them has never died, thus they're my ultimate OTP. Later, when I have time, I might update this and explain why, because everyone's always like, "Eghad! How can you like a pairing with such bad writing?!"

Other ships I like are RokuShi, Namiku, Terqua (I guess. Though I kind of don't get what the hype about this one is. I think people are somewhat reaching when they think they like each other), Haynette (perhaps. But I don't care about them much, if at all. I could just as easily ship Pence/Olette or something), Gulava, Skulmera, Player/Strelitzia, and Ira/Invi (just because of that one line you can take out of context in Back Cover. LOL Maybe also Aced and Invi, because they remind me of Terqua, but mostly Ira and Invi). Maaaaaaaaaaaybe Laurium and Elrena, as KHIII seemed to hint at them, but I'm afraid that would ruin Larxene's character. And I can just as easily get behind her having feelings for Strelitzia. Maaaaaaaaaaybe RokuNami, but I have a love-hate relationship with that one (mainly because Naminé forced Roxas to give up his existence and return to Sora. I get WHY she did it, but still. This is also why I can't ship Riku/Xion like some of the fandom does. And also because I don't see it I also can't ship SoNami because of the brain washing thing).

I maybe have a few more--and some alternate pairings--but these are the ones I seem to really care for, that I search for on Tumblr every day.

And so far, I try not to ship the KHUX and Dark Road characters too much, since we don't know much about them. Except for Xehaqus, of course.

Oh! And AkuSai! How could I forget about them?!:)

And Yozora and Nameless Star, because of my Noctella feelings.

Edit: A tiny part of me might ship Ven and Skuld now, just for that snow man scene.

Edit 2: The reasons I like SoKai. Though I might miss something, because I have to go to work in, like, five seconds.

They're the first pairing I ever saw who didn't end up together and get their happy ending. And that stuck with me. And ever since then, I've wanted them to have that. And that's true even now, as they're yet to have that. So I guess I love SoKai because they're tragic and star-crossed lovers. And they probably jump-started my love for those.

Speaking of... they were the first pairing to do a lot of tropes that I love. Like the "I was dying and falling into the darkness, but then I heard your voice/saw a light through your voice and you brought me back" one, that since then Jace and Clary and Percy and Annabeth have also done, and I love those ships, too.

I love how Kairi teases Sora (especially in KHI and KHII). To me, this keeps the ship from being too boring or too perfect. I also think they have chemistry via their teasing (and how I miss it in KHIII, but I get there was a war going on). But at the same time, since Kairi (and Sora too, when he dishes it out) never means any of the things she says, it keeps it from being truly harmful.

On that note, I imagine some part of Sora might love and respect Kairi, since (so far) she's his only loved one who's never betrayed him. No wonder she's his light. She's also, like, the only person to not belittle him in KHIII, when Sora was really down on himself. But rather, she believed in him from the get-go.

I actually like that they're the knight and princess trope, since--to my knowledge--that's the first time Disney's ever done that. Usually it's prince and princess, or prince and commoner who becomes a princess through marriage.

I also enjoy that they're like an army man and his wife. Usually, I don't enjoy this--because I'm not a fan of the army--so SoKai's probably the only pairing I can enjoy that sort of feeling with.

And I love how enduring they are. They get through every challenge. And though they don't get to be together all the time, it doesn't change their love for each other and they're able to pick up right where they left off (it's like Buffy and Angel, almost). And Kairi never lost hope that Sora would return to her. I don't know if I'd have that strength.

And they're so innocent and sweet and wholesome. The fact that they seem content to just hold hands and hug. And in a market (at least in America) that's over-saturated with sex, I'll take that any day. I'd even be fine if they never kissed. I even like that they're both light. That bores most people. But I'm getting sick of the "oh, there's a dark person, that this other light character must save," kind of thing, even though not everyone can be saved and such a thing can even destroy the giver. And even though that's too much to expect from anyone, as you can only save yourself.

They also have things in common, that I wish canon would focus on. Like how Kairi was the only one like him, who wanted to find a way to save their Nobody... and how neither of them were chosen to be Keyblade wielders (no one chose Sora, and Aqua chose Kairi by accident).

I even enjoy that their friends who become lovers. And I actually think it's handled pretty well (with some of the awkwardness there. As someone who's been through that, that's a thing that happens that not everyone knows about. And I'm glad it's there), as I don't think Disney movies have ever really done that. And it makes me buy their love, since they've spent eight+ years together and clearly know each other, over say Cinderella and Prince Charming.

They can also be so many things: sweet, tragic, angsty, funny. I love them so much.

And I like how Kairi tries to reverse their gender roles: like to be the one who protects him. She doesn't always succeed, but I appreciate the attempt.

And it's great how KHIII Sora--and especially Re:Mind Sora--seems to see her as an equal now.

There are probably other reasons, but I have to go now:)
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Active member
Jan 10, 2020
Ventus x Strelitzia
Nice to see that someone else has recognized this possibility. (y)

I think there is quite high probability for it actually happening once Lauriam & friends rescue/resurrect Strelitzia. Think about how the world will look from her perspective: everyone she used to know has either disappeared for good (likely including her Chirithy) or is now about twice her age (including the Player, if he really is in the modern timeline as Ludor). That is one sad Strelitzia. Ven wants to help her, because he likes to help others; also because the same people are responsible for messing with both of them, so they have common enemies; and he may also feel a bit guilty for getting himself tricked into replacing her as one of the union leaders. And then there is the possibility that it was Ven who carried her heart into the modern timeline, remember those foreign memories mentioned in his character file. It seems natural that they start working together, and then things escalate from there...


Bronze Member
Dec 30, 2005
If Rokunami fans are being quiet, they might be the most silent entities to exist since that one Doctor Who alien from Series 6. And from the direction the series is headed, they may be remaining quiet for quite a while.

I like that you separate Roxas/Namine from Sora/Kairi, as my primary problem with the ship is when people treat both pairings as one and the same. I also like that you agree the over exaggeration of how romantically invested in one another they supposedly were was exhausting. Man, KH2 feels like decades ago when I talk about it like this. It's depressing.

I mean, I'm not sure what circles you go in, but through social media and Tumblr, they are very much there. I don't specifically search for it unless it's within Naminè's tag. Remember, there are sometimes the silent majority and the vocal minority. The shippers against RokuNami try to push, force, shove what "canon" couples KH has, while hating and/or ignoring anything that implies otherwise. Because it doesn't fit the narrative and confirmation bias. Nomura literally sunk RikuNami. They are still enforcing it as a canon couple. Just to give an example.

Naminè is heavily implied to live in Twilight Town in official materials. It's not a question whether her and Roxas will interact, they are, it's how they will interact. Then I'll just sit and observe whatever that causes.

Roxas and Naminè just met. The subtext simply says that they are the next pair they'll be going for, not that they are romantically interested in each other at the present time. People just took that and ran with it, missing the point entirely.

I also tend to take the whole "they're just together because of Sora/Kairi" or "they just like each other cause Sora/Kairi" as eye rolling dismissal of the ship by those who don't want it. Their personalities and how they came to build a connection is completely different. Naminè isn't going to get a Sora out of Roxas, Roxas is blunt, caustic, down-to-earth. This goes vice-versa too. It's just...

It's just dumb.

-mainly because Naminé forced Roxas to give up his existence and return to Sora. I get WHY she did it, but still. This is also why I can't ship Riku/Xion like some of the fandom does.

How did they force them to give up their existence?


Princess of Heart
Jun 17, 2007
Always been a SoKai person but the paopu scene in KH3 was so, so unsatisfying. It made me so sad! ReMind helped a
Iittle but its sore wound.

At this point I’ve accepted that the most fun I’ll have shipping in the KH series will be in the fandom, with fan made creations. That’s where all my best memories are. That and my experiences with the game before I ever went on the internet. Lol.

On a less serious note, where did all the Roxas x Kairi go?!


Princess of Heart
Jun 17, 2007
The way of the dodo, eaten by pirates and sailors to extinction. Seriously though I didn't know that was a ship.

Yeah it’s a weird one, but its fun to imagine how different characters would interact and form relationships with people they don’t usually get to talk to in canon!

I saw fanfics and stuff with them a lot more often right after KH2 had come out.

Grey Skies

Mar 16, 2020
I'm the kind of person to ship everyone with everyone. I guess it goes hand-in-hand with being queer and polyamorous and spending time with other queer and polyamorous people.

I ship: Sora, Riku, and Kairi all together. Xion, Naminé, and Kairi all together. Sora x Naminé, Aqua x Cinderella, Sora x Ariel, Aqua x Terra, Aqua x Xemnas (although this ship sank with DDD). I used to ship Riku x Naminé and Riku x Xion, but these days I don't believe Riku got very much out of interacting with Naminé or Xion besides bringing Sora back and maybe seeing some of Kairi in them. Riku did leave Naminé with DiZ for about a year, and probably didn't think much more of her than DiZ. I don't know exactly what he did with Xion, but I doubt he had a positive relationship with her.

I've lately shipped Roxas x Naminé and Roxas x Xion. It only took me over a decade to hop on that train.

Also, when I ship, I don't mean to imply that a ship is perfect, flawless, or ideal. In most of these pairings there is a lot of baggage between the characters, which to some extent makes me find it more interesting to think about.


Active member
Jan 31, 2020
I think the question of “what ships you like” is more interesting than asking “which ships are or can be canon”! Wasn’t sure if we were only asking one or the other in this thread.

I prefer a discussion about what we like. It's a lot more chill and there's really no point in arguing canon when we have no clue what direction the games will take.

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
Riku x anyone not a girl

Sora x anyone not Kairi

Terra x Aqua x Cinderella

Larxene/Elerna x Strelitzia

Namine x not having her story overshadowed by a romance

This post is everything

Shipping or not, it feels strange that Namine doesn't interact with Roxas at all in KH3.

Heck, there's a whole lot of characters that should've interacted in KH3. Kairi and Riku barely spoke with each other, they seemed to have dropped the Xemnas + Aqua's armor plot point for some reason (a bit dissappointed because I did ship Xemaqua). etc. Also, wasn't Xemnas trying to look for Ventus or am I remembering things wrong?

A lot of common sense interactions don't happen at all. KH3 really failed with that.

Deleted member 246005

I picked neither as I hate both Sora and Kairi. Riku deserves better like Yuffie or Hayner.

I liked Terra/Cinderella. I thought Lexaus and Xaldin had a thing but I'm not attached to it. I tend to ship KH with other franchises more than within the franchise itself. Like i started writing a KH/DOA fanfic where Lea tries to convince Isa to go on a double date with Lisa and Tina. Does that count?

PS. they will fight ninjas later on- no worries, I got you fam.


Jun 20, 2020
I don't know about others, but kh2 was my first kh and I instantly fell in love with RokuNami, both as their individual characters and a ship, but didn't quit get why until i got older. I have never shipped them because of SoKai or thought of them as SoKai 2.0. Roxas and Naminé have their own dynamic and it's completely different and separate from SoKai. Are RokuNami in love like SoKai? not really, but they do have the foundation of a very intriguing relationship. They just need screentime to develop it. I guess this is why I never digged RokuShi. While they do have an entire game to back them up, their dynamic bores me out (and the fact both of them are part of sora kinda bothers me). Although I can understand why people dislike RokuNami, I wish they would stop claiming it as incest (which isn't true) or use their lack of screentime to push RokuShi and RikuNami when both of these statements can be cited against RokuShi and RikuNami as well.

As for sokai itself, I'm not invested in the ship, but i find them to very cute. They are like shinichi x ran to me. I'm also fond of TerrAqua, I didn't ship them when i first played bbs, but 0.2 and kh3 helped me see the beauty of them. NamiShi is also very cute and adorable.

I adore GulaAva, they have a very interesting relationship that can be so much more. Both Gula and Ava have an equal footing in their relationship without the other being left behind alone. They have a relationship of mutual trust and respect which is rare in kh. Gula confiding only in Ava and asking her to help him, when he was meant to keep it a secret from everyone, is telling of how much he trusts her.

As for ships I dislike, RikuNami and RepliNami. I'm fine with the possibility of RokuShi happening, but RikuNami is a huge no. Riku have never, not eve once, showed any emotional investment in Naminé and as I said before, their interactions left much to be desired when he barely cared about her. They only talked about sora, sora agin and her smelling like kairi. I don't think it's fair for Naminé to end up with the one guy who saw how Diz treated her and still didn't bother to do or say anything. I often see people assuming Nminé and Riku spent a year together in order to back up this ship. However, Riku was more busy with spying about the organization and then traveling with Xion. Speaking of xion, I find it hilarious how Riku was more visibly concerned and invested in xion than he ever did with Naminé, that alone is saying something. He gently brushed Xion's hair, but manhandled Naminé.. interesting.

I love Naminé, she has been a favorite of mine since I was a child and I don't want her to end up in a relationship with someone who had to be reminded of her existence by his replica. In RepliNami's case... well Replica Riku is brainwashed. His feelings for Naminé were implanted into him and not something he genuinely developed over time. The fact people are romanticizing their relationship bothers me a lot. it also doesn't set well with me how most people ship these two ships as a way of getting rid of Naminé. I would rather she stay single than end up with either Riku or Replica Riku. Plus, I don't believe Riku is interested in romance.


Active member
Aug 27, 2017
On a less serious note, where did all the Roxas x Kairi go?!

There‘s a recent fanfic where Roxas protects Kairi as they go to every world with a Princes of heart in it. It’s really good, would recommend.

Also, I declare all the Terra/Cinderella shippers in this thread as the sexiest people alive.


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2018
This is also why I can't ship Riku/Xion like some of the fandom does.
Thank you! I normally try to avoid tearing down a ship, because I know how personal it can get. But I never understood Riku/Xion's appeal. This is one of the most unhealthy relationships in all of Kingdom Hearts. Riku is encouraging a little girl to kill herself. It's not sweet, it's not charming, it's one of the darkest things Riku has ever done. There's also the fact that Riku beat her up physically and emotionally, and started her downward spiral towards depression and thoughts of suicide. How is this a ship? I doubt they'll ever address this due to Riku's high status in the game. Clearly I am not well versed in romance because I fail to see anything romantic with these two.

Ugh, I must be really bored to come into a shipping thread of all things.


Princess of Heart
Jun 17, 2007
There‘s a recent fanfic where Roxas protects Kairi as they go to every world with a Princes of heart in it. It’s really good, would recommend.

omg I know which fic you’re talking about and I love it. I need it to update so bad!