*everyone is standing around a tombstone*
Sora: What's going on?
Kairi: Damn Sora, you space out at the most inconvient time.
Riku: This is a funeral. Duh.
Sora: Well, who died?
Riku: Not sure, but Every has been staring at that grave for the past 5 something hours, without moving from that spot.
Sora: So where did Ed Elric go?
Kairi: Apparently he hates whoever is dead so he went back inside of the building.
Every Heart: Isn't anyone going to say a few words?
Riku: We don't even know who is dead!
Every Heart: Oh right, sorry. In my grief, I failed to mention who is dead. *clears throat* Yesterday morning around 12:30-1:30, something very important to me died. Or "ended" would be the correct term. And I managed to witness the whole thing. It had always been there for me for the past 2 or 3 years, providing entertainment and fanism for me. And yet, there was nothing I could do as I watched it end right before my very eyes. And by now, you three and the readers are probably wondering what the hell I am going on about.
Everyone: Just tell us who or what this is that died!
Every Heart: *grins evily here* That's for you all to guess!
Everyone: SAY WHAT??
Every Heart: That's right! You, my readers, have to figure out who or what died yesterday. I have provided many a clue for you, and if you know the answer, then please PM me the answer and if you guess correctly, you get a cameo in the next couple of chapters! But you have to be the first that comes up with the answer. You may even have to go back a few chapters for some of the clues.
Sora: Are we aloud to guess?
Every Heart: No!
Riku: So now we have to wait around for everyone else to read this and PM you the answer?
Every Heart: Pretty much.
Kairi: Are you going to speed along updating the chapters and Hollow Bastion while waiting?
Every Heart: Nope.
Sora: Let me guess, this is another one of your schemes so that you don't have to update the fic for a while?
Every Heart: Yes and no. Now if you excuse me, I need to go find Ed. If he put one hand on Cursed Mask or Feudal Combat, then I'm going to spear his damn eyes out!*leaves, but then places something on the grave so that they can't read it*It's too bad I couldn't use my fanfic demi Kami powers to keep the Nakama going. Arigato Gozaimasu, for giving me something to do over the years(although it confirms I have no life).Doshite, Sumimasen that they didn't save you, I am unsure. Gomen Nasai that we didn't get to be together for another year. Or Juu. *whispers now* Also, your Iroguro Youkai Henshin was great right before you died. Ashiteru, and Sayonara as you finally have a Oyasumi Nasai. No...it's not Sayonara, more like...Ja ne. Ja ne in the hopes that we meet again in the next Reikai, Jigoku, or Tengoku or whatever Dokoro we may end up in. May the Yujo we shared live on then. I will miss thee, my friend.*now leaves*
Every Heart: Sora, you Baka. You are such a Chisuko Oshiri Ana. You people figure it out yourself. *runs back to where Ed is* HEY, GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY GAMES!! YOU CAN GO STRAIGHT TO JIGOKU FOR THAT!!
Kairi: Great, we have to figure out who/what died, and we have little to no idea what the hell she just said.
Riku: It sounded like broken Japanese.
Sora: Well where are we going to learn Japanese?
Kairi: Doesn't Every Heart have her own website?
Riku: You mean
www.freewebs.com/nightrainillusion ?
Kairi: Yeah, that one. Isn't there a section on there with all the Japanese Every Heart knows?
Sora:*thinking to self*How did Riku put a text link in his speech? I MUST FIND THE SORCE!!*runs off*
Kairi:>_> Ok, it's up to us to do it then.
Bonus cameo and prizes if you can correctly interperet what I was saying in Japanese when you send the PM about who/what died.
Mysterious Cat: Yeah well, your mom is so fat, she...
I AM NOT IN THE MOOD YOU DAMN CAT!!!*transmutes automail arm*
Mysterious Cat: Yipes! *flees*
*sighs* Shimatta...
I...Need...an Asprin...and a drink...
Ed Elric: *notices the japanese* OH MY GOD, SHE ABUSED THE JAPANESE LANGUAGE!!
Don't give me a reason to kill you Ed. Especially after having the nerve to steal my precious games...*waves automail blade in his face*
Ed Elric: You don't scare me with that...
ORLY NOW? How about I send you to the Shadow Realm of Plotholes. I hear the dress code there are skimpy silk Greek robes. I also hear that Tickle-Me-Pink is the new Black.
Ed Elric:....*sighs* I'll be good...
That's what I thought bitch. That's what I thought...
Ok, now I'm being serious here, fanficy chapter over from here. I am slightly pissed about what happened yesterday night/morning, as I did not expect or wanted it to happen. So I'm pretty much sulking right now...
The chapter will go up if I get any answers to the riddle of this fic:
Who/what died(ended)?
Why did who/what die(end)?
What was I saying in Japanese?
Will Sora figure out how Riku spoke a website link?(JK)
What happened to Ed after I got my games back?(JK)
What the hell happened to Don Patch and why wasn't he staring in this chapter? Did he go back to his fanfic or is he still in trouble for attempted murder of Nomura? Or is he just being a lazy ass? (JK, although this question will be answered in the next chapter)
Ok, that's all I have to say. I need sleep now.