As Kingdom Hearts III approaches, I want to make one thing clear: we have all been waiting for this game for a very long time, and we should all respect that. This means that some new rules and guidelines will be added for the nitpicks page, and I would like to ask you all to respect that (though I don't have the power to edit & moderate comments here).
1. Any nitpicks for any KH games from hereon out SHOULD BE SPOILER-TAGGED if the game has been out for less than 3 months past the LATEST INITIAL RELEASE of the game. For Kingdom Hearts III, this means that forum members SHOULD INCLUDE SPOILER-TAGS for Kingdom Hearts III until the date of April 29th, 2019, to coincide with the "worldwide" release of the game.
For those who do not know how to spoiler tag something, it's simple: you can either use blackout text by using the word "spoilers" at the beginning and "/spoilers" at the end of your posts in BRACKETS [], or you can use the spoiler boxes by writing "spoiler" at the beginning and "/spoiler" at the end of your posts in BRACKETS [].
This is going to be implemented in order to make sure that we all have maximum enjoyment of the game at our leisure. It follows past spoiler policies of KHInsider, and I believe that we can keep this thread happy and healthy from hereon out if we do this.
If you need a visual to help you understand how to make a spoiler tag, here's a lovely contribution from FudgemintGuardian!
2. This is a forum for Nitpicks or minor gripes with the games, not major flaws you have with a game or anything else that can start arguments. Keep it cool and collected like it's been so far.
3. This is a light-hearted and friendly thread for people to chillax for a bit (yes, it's 2019 and I still say chillax), and there will be NO TOLERANCE FOR BULLYING HERE. If you have a beef, then take it outside. I have had my own threads poisoned by forum drama, and it will not stand here.
4. This forum may host extraneous thoughts that you may have about the game, as long as they are not in-depth takedowns of the concept in thought. This has been a creative dumping ground for me and others precedented for ideas that should not pollute the forum with individual threads, but are nevertheless funny and/or interesting anecdotes about the series. Memes, stinkpieces/thinkpieces, and small fan theories are all welcome as long as they follow these basic guidelines.
If you do not follow these guidelines, I will politely PM you asking you to edit your original post. If your posts contain any form of extreme bullying, I will take action and quietly ask that you either take your original post down or refrain from negativity in the thread from hereon out. If there are more than two instances of an individual violating the bullying policy, I will seek out a site moderator for further action.
Thank you all, and I hope we will all have a great future here!
Original Post:
This thread was primarily created to share & discuss your personal nitpicks of the Kingdom Hearts series; stuff that you noticed that might bother you, but overall is far from the problem with the game you're talking about.
I'll start: I get that Ventus had to defend himself during Aqua and Terra's MoM exam at some point, but did he have to directly participate in the first half? That means Ven participated in, like, 1/2 of a MoM exam right there and Master Eraqus didn't even acknowledge that or tell him to leave it to the candidates.
As Kingdom Hearts III approaches, I want to make one thing clear: we have all been waiting for this game for a very long time, and we should all respect that. This means that some new rules and guidelines will be added for the nitpicks page, and I would like to ask you all to respect that (though I don't have the power to edit & moderate comments here).
1. Any nitpicks for any KH games from hereon out SHOULD BE SPOILER-TAGGED if the game has been out for less than 3 months past the LATEST INITIAL RELEASE of the game. For Kingdom Hearts III, this means that forum members SHOULD INCLUDE SPOILER-TAGS for Kingdom Hearts III until the date of April 29th, 2019, to coincide with the "worldwide" release of the game.
For those who do not know how to spoiler tag something, it's simple: you can either use blackout text by using the word "spoilers" at the beginning and "/spoilers" at the end of your posts in BRACKETS [], or you can use the spoiler boxes by writing "spoiler" at the beginning and "/spoiler" at the end of your posts in BRACKETS [].
This is going to be implemented in order to make sure that we all have maximum enjoyment of the game at our leisure. It follows past spoiler policies of KHInsider, and I believe that we can keep this thread happy and healthy from hereon out if we do this.
If you need a visual to help you understand how to make a spoiler tag, here's a lovely contribution from FudgemintGuardian!
Making it extra, extra clear on how to use spoiler tags just in case.![]()
2. This is a forum for Nitpicks or minor gripes with the games, not major flaws you have with a game or anything else that can start arguments. Keep it cool and collected like it's been so far.
3. This is a light-hearted and friendly thread for people to chillax for a bit (yes, it's 2019 and I still say chillax), and there will be NO TOLERANCE FOR BULLYING HERE. If you have a beef, then take it outside. I have had my own threads poisoned by forum drama, and it will not stand here.
4. This forum may host extraneous thoughts that you may have about the game, as long as they are not in-depth takedowns of the concept in thought. This has been a creative dumping ground for me and others precedented for ideas that should not pollute the forum with individual threads, but are nevertheless funny and/or interesting anecdotes about the series. Memes, stinkpieces/thinkpieces, and small fan theories are all welcome as long as they follow these basic guidelines.
If you do not follow these guidelines, I will politely PM you asking you to edit your original post. If your posts contain any form of extreme bullying, I will take action and quietly ask that you either take your original post down or refrain from negativity in the thread from hereon out. If there are more than two instances of an individual violating the bullying policy, I will seek out a site moderator for further action.
Thank you all, and I hope we will all have a great future here!
Original Post:
This thread was primarily created to share & discuss your personal nitpicks of the Kingdom Hearts series; stuff that you noticed that might bother you, but overall is far from the problem with the game you're talking about.
I'll start: I get that Ventus had to defend himself during Aqua and Terra's MoM exam at some point, but did he have to directly participate in the first half? That means Ven participated in, like, 1/2 of a MoM exam right there and Master Eraqus didn't even acknowledge that or tell him to leave it to the candidates.
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