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Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue Announced

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Mar 9, 2008
That I don`t derail this thread too much, jojo56830 made an rather hilarious comic about 2.8:






Jojo has really funny KH-comics. :D

The accuracy....it's painful but so so hilarious. haha


Hell yeah
Jul 5, 2015
My god, this Jojo's comics are the best. And the greatest part about that one is that it's hardly satire.

Originally, he was just there to send the DI to darkness to create his KH. DDD's retcon became, he was now also there because he was expecting Sora and Riku to come back to that moment, and he would mark them both as recusants, so he traveled there after meeting with YX. The fact that he hadn't met either of them yet is just one hole in this story.
I used to wonder about this, but I got an answer a few days ago that goes with your following point...

YX never said anything, that's my point. He said "Simple," and then didn't answer the question. We see Kairi then, but that's not helpful. And even then, that would only explain why he'd know young Sora would be there, not older Sora from the future.

Remember the Ansem Reports? The original ones from KH1 way back when? One of them answers how Kairi ended up in Destiny Islands: Ansem SoD knew that, since she was a PoH, setting her adrift between worlds would eventually cause her to end up wherever the Keyblade wielder would be. He did that exactly for that purpose.

In a sense, this isn't a retcon. Mr. Robe Guy was at Destiny Islands because he had followed Kairi there. KH1 never explicitly stated that he showed up at DI for the sole purpose of sending it into darkness, but it does state his reason for setting Kairi adrift: to find the Keyblade wielder. Either way, that's exactly what happens.

The only thing about it that I have some trouble believing is that Xehanort actually had the foresight to predict exactly how the MoM was going to be carried out or how Sora and Riku were going to access the Sleeping Worlds. I'm still thinking it was more of a matter of convenience rather than some crazy chess master plan. Maybe Mr. Robe Guy was in the right place at the right time an just so happened to notice Sora and Riku setting off on the raft, then saw the exact same people running about later. Which makes no sense, unless... time travel!!

I mean, chess masters think ten steps ahead and all, but even they have to adjust their strategy when something doesn't go as planned sometimes. Using either Sora or Riku as a vessel wasn't Xehanort's go-to plan... heck, I don't think it was even plan B or even C.
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Nov 22, 2014
Remember the Ansem Reports? The original ones from KH1 way back when? One of them answers how Kairi ended up in Destiny Islands: Ansem SoD knew that, since she was a PoH, setting her adrift between worlds would eventually cause her to end up wherever the Keyblade wielder would be. He did that exactly for that purpose.

In a sense, this isn't a retcon. Mr. Robe Guy was at Destiny Islands because he had followed Kairi there. KH1 never explicitly stated that he showed up at DI for the sole purpose of sending it into darkness, but it does state his reason for setting Kairi adrift: to find the Keyblade wielder. Either way, that's exactly what happens.

The only thing about it that I have some trouble believing is that Xehanort actually had the foresight to predict exactly how the MoM was going to be carried out or how Sora and Riku were going to access the Sleeping Worlds. I'm still thinking it was more of a matter of convenience rather than some crazy chess master plan. Maybe Mr. Robe Guy was in the right place at the right time an just so happened to notice Sora and Riku setting off on the raft, then saw the exact same people running about later. Which makes no sense, unless... time travel!!

I mean, chess masters think ten steps ahead and all, but even they have to adjust their strategy when something doesn't go as planned sometimes. Using either Sora or Riku as a vessel wasn't Xehanort's go-to plan... heck, I don't think it was even plan B or even C.

But hasn't it been confirmed somewhere that it was the magic Aqua did on Kairi was the reason she went to DI in the first place and it was nothing to do with Ansem trying to trace and likely neutralise the next Keyblade Wielder by using Kairi? Granted, where Kairi ended up did lead Ansem to the next Keyblade Wielder... Riku. Actually... how could he have predicted Sora being a Keyblade wielder? He wasn't meant to be... So... did any of Xehanort's plans involve Sora at all originally? Or was it lucky chance they could be easily adapted?

I could be getting myself confused (I haven't actually played DDD yet but have read up on it and watched different cutscenes)... but you mentioning the possibility that neither Sora or Riku was plan A, B or C for a vessel... well that got me thinking. It is stated in DDD that Riku was the original intended 13th vessel. This is clear by Ansem ensuring Riku ended up at Hollow Bastion and then prying at his weakness before being able to possess him. So he knew Riku was the keyblade bearer he had been looking for... I think Riku was Plan A but that failed...hence moving down the list to Roxas and then Sora.


Hope Remains
Oct 28, 2006
United States
But hasn't it been confirmed somewhere that it was the magic Aqua did on Kairi was the reason she went to DI in the first place and it was nothing to do with Ansem trying to trace and likely neutralise the next Keyblade Wielder by using Kairi? Granted, where Kairi ended up did lead Ansem to the next Keyblade Wielder... Riku. Actually... how could he have predicted Sora being a Keyblade wielder? He wasn't meant to be... So... did any of Xehanort's plans involve Sora at all originally? Or was it lucky chance they could be easily adapted?

I know Aqua's spell was meant to protect her and "lead her to the light of another", but does casting said spell destine her to be brought to Destiny Islands? I thought it was more of a "If you ever get in trouble, this spell will send you somewhere safe", and hence then both explanations would be correct. Aqua's spell was what caused Kairi to be protected, but Ansem was the one who sent her off in the first place. Also, since Riku was originally the Kingdom Key's owner, she would still have washed up on Destiny Islands either way. Doesn't matter if Sora was meant to be the wielder or not, since Riku was and they're both on the same island.

Deleted member

How he'd know the Older Sora/Riku would need to enter the Realm of Sleep has to do with him having the foresight to know that in order for the opposition to save the people from torment they would need powers from the Realm of Sleep. That's why Sora and Riku go into the RoS in the first place.


Hell yeah
Jul 5, 2015
Actually... how could he have predicted Sora being a Keyblade wielder? He wasn't meant to be... So... did any of Xehanort's plans involve Sora at all originally? Or was it lucky chance they could be easily adapted?
I'm going with the "lucky chance" idea. Xehanort himself has called Sora "a Keyblade wielder unlike any [he] had ever seen" because of how ordinary he was, so it's likely that Xehanort's original plans never even considered Sora as a factor. Plans can be adjusted, of course. Having his Heartless half annihilated by the kid was probably a major wake-up call.

I could be getting myself confused (I haven't actually played DDD yet but have read up on it and watched different cutscenes)... but you mentioning the possibility that neither Sora or Riku was plan A, B or C for a vessel... well that got me thinking. It is stated in DDD that Riku was the original intended 13th vessel. This is clear by Ansem ensuring Riku ended up at Hollow Bastion and then prying at his weakness before being able to possess him. So he knew Riku was the keyblade bearer he had been looking for... I think Riku was Plan A but that failed...hence moving down the list to Roxas and then Sora.

Hrm. I guess I should've clarified: they didn't consider time-traveling, dream-delving Sora or Riku as plans A, B or C. I figured that Neo-Org probably kept DDD-era Riku as an option (hence why they even bothered to send Ansem SoD after him) but eventually gave up on that idea. Of course, it's also possible that they gave up on Riku altogether post-Reverse/Rebirth.

In any case, Xehanort's plans have always been a matter of convenience. If there's an option, he won't just take it, he'll exploit it to all hell. Yet if it doesn't work out, no big deal to him, he can just find another way.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
But hasn't it been confirmed somewhere that it was the magic Aqua did on Kairi was the reason she went to DI in the first place and it was nothing to do with Ansem trying to trace and likely neutralise the next Keyblade Wielder by using Kairi? Granted, where Kairi ended up did lead Ansem to the next Keyblade Wielder... Riku. Actually... how could he have predicted Sora being a Keyblade wielder? He wasn't meant to be... So... did any of Xehanort's plans involve Sora at all originally? Or was it lucky chance they could be easily adapted?

I could be getting myself confused (I haven't actually played DDD yet but have read up on it and watched different cutscenes)... but you mentioning the possibility that neither Sora or Riku was plan A, B or C for a vessel... well that got me thinking. It is stated in DDD that Riku was the original intended 13th vessel. This is clear by Ansem ensuring Riku ended up at Hollow Bastion and then prying at his weakness before being able to possess him. So he knew Riku was the keyblade bearer he had been looking for... I think Riku was Plan A but that failed...hence moving down the list to Roxas and then Sora.

That was not was Aqua's magic was for at all. That Kairi ended up on Destiny Islands was coincidence, not something fated. Aqua's spell is meant to lead Kairi to someone who can protect her when in danger, aka a Keyblade Wielder or a potential one. After Ansem SoD threw Kairi out into the sea of between there was a danger and thus Aqua's spell acted. It sought out a potential wielder and protector for Kairi. It could have been anyone meeting those conditions, but the choice eventually fell on Riku, thus leading Kairi to Destiny Islands.
And no, Xehanort's plans never originally involved Sora. The kid was not even a single blip on the man's radar until the backup-plan of DDD.

Plan A was the whole set of schemes that Xehanort made in Birth by Sleep.
One of Xehanort's traits is not only that he makes super complicated plans and schemes, backup plans for those and even backups for the backups, he's also immensely curious and likes to try things out just to "see what happens".
Stealing Terra's body was a long-time plan A made by him after he dismissed Ventus as unsuitable for a vessel so he could extend his lifespan, yet creating Vanitas and use him and Ven to create the X-blade was Xehanort starting an "experiment" and see if he could take a shortcut to his goal. In DDD he then not only admits that the shortcut didn't work, but that in his hasty curiosity to see if it would work he forgot about the true way.
Or in short, Xehanort's own curiosity got the better of him because he wanted to get results faster.
Although all three of the BBS-Trio end up in fates that can be considered worse than death at the end, Xehanort's plans are derailed in some areas.
Then comes up Xehanort's backup plan B which in involves the whole stuff with the Heart experiments, splitting into Ansem SoD and Xemnas and thus the events of KH 1, CoM/Days and KH 2. Both parts of plan B get foiled by Sora and co., which Riku actually throws directly in Xehanort's face during DDD's finale.
Hence Xehanort moving on to backup plan C (which was pursued concurrently to the othe plans just in case thanks to the time travelling) which is showcased in DDD.

I know Aqua's spell was meant to protect her and "lead her to the light of another", but does casting said spell destine her to be brought to Destiny Islands? I thought it was more of a "If you ever get in trouble, this spell will send you somewhere safe", and hence then both explanations would be correct. Aqua's spell was what caused Kairi to be protected, but Ansem was the one who sent her off in the first place. Also, since Riku was originally the Kingdom Key's owner, she would still have washed up on Destiny Islands either way. Doesn't matter if Sora was meant to be the wielder or not, since Riku was and they're both on the same island.

Your thought is correct. Aqua's spell was triggered by Ansem SoD's actions and that Destiny Islands was the first choice was not destiny but coincidence. Riku was simply the very first potential protector the spell detected and thus acted on it.

How he'd know the Older Sora/Riku would need to enter the Realm of Sleep has to do with him having the foresight to know that in order for the opposition to save the people from torment they would need powers from the Realm of Sleep. That's why Sora and Riku go into the RoS in the first place.

This one, the truth he speaks.

I'm going with the "lucky chance" idea. Xehanort himself has called Sora "a Keyblade wielder unlike any [he] had ever seen" because of how ordinary he was, so it's likely that Xehanort's original plans never even considered Sora as a factor. Plans can be adjusted, of course. Having his Heartless half annihilated by the kid was probably a major wake-up call.

Hrm. I guess I should've clarified: they didn't consider time-traveling, dream-delving Sora or Riku as plans A, B or C. I figured that Neo-Org probably kept DDD-era Riku as an option (hence why they even bothered to send Ansem SoD after him) but eventually gave up on that idea. Of course, it's also possible that they gave up on Riku altogether post-Reverse/Rebirth.

In any case, Xehanort's plans have always been a matter of convenience. If there's an option, he won't just take it, he'll exploit it to all hell. Yet if it doesn't work out, no big deal to him, he can just find another way.

Correct, Xehanort did not consider Sora a major factor until DDD. Even in KH 2 when he was used by Xemnas and the original Organisation, he was seen as nothing more but a mere tool and thus Xemnas had no concern whether Sora survived it or not. Even the whole affair in Castle Oblivion and all parts concerning Xion were done only in order to secure the power of the Keyblade, not because they considered Sora himself as a major factor.

They didn't really completely give up on Riku, not until circa half-way through DDD itself. In terms of vessels, Sora was actually third choice after Riku and Roxas.

Exactly, you got Xehanort's main modus operandi right on spot. Due to his immense curiosity, Xehanort won't just take a possible option, he will explore it in and out just to see what happens. If the outcome is favourable to him, great, look into the next step, if the outcome is not to his liking, meh, who cares, let's try something different.
The scary thing however is of course that all of Xehanort's faulty exploits also leave behind a bunch of destroyed lives and suffering left and right.


New member
Jun 30, 2013
I love the title personally. It's whacky, but that fits Kingdom Hearts at this moment in time.

What do you guys think they will do with the touch-based gameplay? Remove it entirely and rework it to buttons somehow or just take advantage of Dualshock 4's touchpad.


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
I love the title personally. It's whacky, but that fits Kingdom Hearts at this moment in time.

What do you guys think they will do with the touch-based gameplay? Remove it entirely and rework it to buttons somehow or just take advantage of Dualshock 4's touchpad.
They should take advantage of the touchpad, gyroscope, companion app / vita screen.


Dad of Boy
Jun 30, 2008
please lower the affinity level. or let me raise it in combat.

Deleted member

random, but do you guys think KH3D might have a new secret ending (or that 2.8 in general will have a secret ending) like 2.5 did?


Dad of Boy
Jun 30, 2008
they need to zoom the camera out. BbS FM felt so fucking claustrophobic. and abilities should either A. be permanent or B. have extra perks depending on the dream eater.


Mar 9, 2008
they need to zoom the camera out. BbS FM felt so fucking claustrophobic. and abilities should either A. be permanent or B. have extra perks depending on the dream eater.

Permanent would be better. Having to keep them for those abilities is dumb. Or they should at least make certain abilities permanent while having other "support" ones specific. *like null sleep/poison etc*

Deleted member

Permanent would be better. Having to keep them for those abilities is dumb. Or they should at least make certain abilities permanent while having other "support" ones specific. *like null sleep/poison etc*
They... did? Only certain abilities are tied to having the Dream Eater in your party. The others are permanently unlocked regardless.


May 21, 2014
They... did? Only certain abilities are tied to having the Dream Eater in your party. The others are permanently unlocked regardless.
You still need to have a guide or something to know what those ones are. I'm on my third NG+ playthrough (starting from scratch with 2.8 is going to be soooo hard with regard to DEs and abilities...) and I've only just found out one or two more I didn't think were permanent (that actually were) on this run.
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