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Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue Announced

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Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
Re: Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue announced

I'm happy with this release. It makes me strongly believe KH3 will come out in 2017.


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
Re: Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue announced

That's what I thought. Can't imagine they'd have an English Chirithy voice actor already.
They had English voice acting in KH3's E3 trailer, not that hard to imagine English Chirithy in a trailer for a game releasing next year.


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
Re: Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue announced

I wonder when the staff will ever make another new section for 2.8 HD final chapter prologue?
We're getting there. The admins are all asleep and I can't do it myself so we're stuck right now.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
This country is just too small
Re: Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue announced

We're getting there. The admins are all asleep and I can't do it myself so we're stuck right now.


Jul 29, 2014
In terms of the name, I don't understand the complaints. Yes it's long, but it's really spot on to what it is. It is between 2.5 and 3 (2.75 rounds up to 2.8) and it is the prologue to the final chapter of the Xehanort saga. It seems like it's the most sensible title except for the numbered games. But I guess some people have to have a reason to complain.


keeps leaving X-mas decor up year-round.
Oct 21, 2011
I saw all the news AS I was leaving for work yesterday and didn't get to relish in it~ Now is the time


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
Re: Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue announced

I don't see why it doesn't make any sense, on one hand Xehanort was already there for multiple reasons outside of time travel mumbo jumbo. It's just as easy to say he came up with his own realm of sleep plot at the time.

Originally, he was just there to send the DI to darkness to create his KH. DDD's retcon became, he was now also there because he was expecting Sora and Riku to come back to that moment, and he would mark them both as recusants, so he traveled there after meeting with YX. The fact that he hadn't met either of them yet is just one hole in this story.

Of course, this is me going off of memory, but I remember that all Xehanort said was that they expected the Keyblade bearer to be there the night the islands fell to Darkness because they specifically sent Kairi to Destiny Islands to lure the new generations of Keyblade bearers out of the world.

YX never said anything, that's my point. He said "Simple," and then didn't answer the question. We see Kairi then, but that's not helpful. And even then, that would only explain why he'd know young Sora would be there, not older Sora from the future.

If Xehanort expected them to save the Sleeping Worlds, and he may have only foresaw Riku doing it at this point, then he'd be waiting for a point when Destiny Islands became one. The honest truth with this one, though, is that no matter what reason Nomura gives - which he may not- it will be weird and contrived.

At least we could close the book on it though.

Either he did or he didn't, it doesn't stop him from attacking his cohorts and building the Organization. What cause all the speculation on this anyway? It seems he legitimately had it up until Ansem's experiments woke him up. Or maybe he really did go a little crazy. Either way, the same result happened, so I for one don't think it contributes anything to the plot.

Unless we're talking about the Joker, or the story is intentionally avoiding giving one, I think it's pretty important for the villain to have a coherent backstory. That was one of the main purposes of a whole game, even, to explain "Memory of Xehanort" from the Gathering secret video. And it did seem like he legitimately had it. But then DDD had to go and suggest the opposite, and confuzzle everything up. That's why all the speculation.

I think 3D's lack of...cohesion was mostly a result of it being unplanned and rushed. The pacing for it and some of its intimate moments were great. I'm hoping that Nomura's been...crafting it better. I think everything we've seen so far bodes well. The lack of story in trailers means they aren't crafting it all early and shoehorning everything else in the middle like they did II.

I hope you're right. Especially since 3 merits a lot more intimate moments than 3D, with all the characters needing rescuing and pending reunions.

Hope so, but the femmes in this series have a recurring issue with VA commitment this side of the Pacific lol. Hayden Panettiere's return is still up in the air, after all.

I hope Hayden sticks with us. Surely, if they got her for one measly "Sora!" and "See you soon" in BBS, a full blown console KH3 should be no problem, right?
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Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
I cleaned up the OP with the HQ logos (beautifully cut by Sign) and the screens released yesterday as well in order to provide a more coherent OP about the game.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Unless we're talking about the Joker, or the story is intentionally avoiding giving one, I think it's pretty important for the villain to have a coherent backstory. That was one of the main purposes of a whole game, even, to explain "Memory of Xehanort" from the Gathering secret video. And it did seem like he legitimately had it. But then DDD had to go and suggest the opposite, and confuzzle everything up. That's why all the speculation.

That's most likely Nomura's own little fetish/knack to make things always "surprising" at work again.
He admitted once that the primary thing he looks into when planning the story is to make it "surprising". Sometimes though he tends to get way overboard with this and hurts his own narrative in favor to add three or more new twists were one would have been enough.
It's just like with the initial advice Nomura got from Hironobu Sakaguchi, the original creator of the Final Fantasy series who was sort of a mentor for him.
Sakaguchi advised Nomura who originally planned for a very simple, disney-esque story for the first KH that he wouldn't be able to compete if the story wasn't more complex, yet Nomura seems to have gone overboard here too and followed this advice too far.


Dear Kafka
Nov 24, 2013
to be fair, the naming is god awful.

I agree that the name could have been better, but for some people it seems to be a really big issue, and I don`t understand that or the rage about it in the Internet. There are better things to do than to complain about a name of a video game.

Heh, you are still surprised by that? *ggg*
A good chunk of the casual fanbase were constant KH III whiners from the start who decried everything not named KH III from the get-go back in 2005/2006 (disregarding the fact that there weren't any plans to make a KH III at all until 2012), so this pathetic bitching shouldn't really come as a surprise by now.

Yeah, I know it should not come as a surprise anymore. It`s just that this is the forum that I spent most of my time now(since people are really friendly in here :) ) and I get used to the discussion and the mentality in here. So when I take a peek to other forums, the more negative reactions comes like as slap to the face and as a reminder of those.
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Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
I agree that the name could have been better, but for some people it seems to be a really big issue, and I don`t understand that or the rage about it in the Internet. There are better things to do than to complain about a name of a video game.

Yeah, I know it should not come as a surprise anymore. It`s just that this is the forum that I spent most of my time now(since people are really friendly in here :) ) and I get used to the discussion and the mentality in here. So when I take a peek to other forums, the more negative reactions comes like as slap to the face and as a reminder of those.

The anonymity the Internet provides sadly does often encourage some people to bitch and whine over the tiniest things. I'm already bracing myself for all the coming shit-storms for every single little thing they will change in the FF VII remake as the FF fanbase, especially the nostalgia-turn-based-purists, are in many ways worse than what the KH fanbase pulls off.

Eh, there were times when the mentality and discussion wasn't that civilized on this forum either, as surely some of the members with even older join dates than mine can attest to.
Around here are also quite some harsh critics of several aspects of the KH series, not all of which are unfounded since KH does have some glaring flaws in some fields, the difference is that most of those tend to word their criticism a little more maturely. ;)

Yet still the best thing one can do when peeking into other forums and sites is to keep in mind that each community is different and the comments made on clickbait- or gaming-sites, Youtube and the like are often from more casual fans who do not really have a clue on how the KH series as a whole works beyond "walking through Disney worlds with Donald and Goofy beating up some Shadow monsters".
I'm also often rolling eyes on some of the sheer stupidity in such comments, but tend to dismiss them fairly quickly as I would have a lot to do if I had to take offense at every unqualified statement.


Jan 20, 2009
Ddd hd is pretty cool, I'm still waiting to play unchained key, and kh3 Aqua! This is pretty rad. But I don't think I'm quit as excited as everyone else, unless bbs .2 is a full game, then I'll die of excitement.


baroque bitch
Jun 4, 2010
Eh, there were times when the mentality and discussion wasn't that civilized on this forum either, as surely some of the members with even older join dates than mine can attest to.

The art gallery in 2005 was a Godless place.


New member
Apr 13, 2015
The anonymity the Internet provides sadly does often encourage some people to bitch and whine over the tiniest things. I'm already bracing myself for all the coming shit-storms for every single little thing they will change in the FF VII remake as the FF fanbase, especially the nostalgia-turn-based-purists, are in many ways worse than what the KH fanbase pulls off.

Eh, there were times when the mentality and discussion wasn't that civilized on this forum either, as surely some of the members with even older join dates than mine can attest to.
Around here are also quite some harsh critics of several aspects of the KH series, not all of which are unfounded since KH does have some glaring flaws in some fields, the difference is that most of those tend to word their criticism a little more maturely. ;)

Yet still the best thing one can do when peeking into other forums and sites is to keep in mind that each community is different and the comments made on clickbait- or gaming-sites, Youtube and the like are often from more casual fans who do not really have a clue on how the KH series as a whole works beyond "walking through Disney worlds with Donald and Goofy beating up some Shadow monsters".
I'm also often rolling eyes on some of the sheer stupidity in such comments, but tend to dismiss them fairly quickly as I would have a lot to do if I had to take offense at every unqualified statement.

Good way to help put some insight to how the internet works when it comes to giving out things like that. There's always going to be a group of people who'll find something they dislike in any type of media and complain about it even if that certain media is done very good. Also I've known and been to fandoms that have some people who give out criticisms in such a blunt and almost mean spirited manner that'd you think they'll full of Nostalgia Critic clones. lol Compared to them, the criticisms here in KH Insider is very tame.


Dear Kafka
Nov 24, 2013
The anonymity the Internet provides sadly does often encourage some people to bitch and whine over the tiniest things. I'm already bracing myself for all the coming shit-storms for every single little thing they will change in the FF VII remake as the FF fanbase, especially the nostalgia-turn-based-purists, are in many ways worse than what the KH fanbase pulls off.

Eh, there were times when the mentality and discussion wasn't that civilized on this forum either, as surely some of the members with even older join dates than mine can attest to.
Around here are also quite some harsh critics of several aspects of the KH series, not all of which are unfounded since KH does have some glaring flaws in some fields, the difference is that most of those tend to word their criticism a little more maturely. ;)

Yet still the best thing one can do when peeking into other forums and sites is to keep in mind that each community is different and the comments made on clickbait- or gaming-sites, Youtube and the like are often from more casual fans who do not really have a clue on how the KH series as a whole works beyond "walking through Disney worlds with Donald and Goofy beating up some Shadow monsters".
I'm also often rolling eyes on some of the sheer stupidity in such comments, but tend to dismiss them fairly quickly as I would have a lot to do if I had to take offense at every unqualified statement.

The FF-fandom can be quite toxic. I only recently started to play the older FF titles, and feel in love with the series. But oh boy what a shock it was when I started to follow some of the FF discussions on a variety of forums. The smile that the games had created vanished quite quickly, and especially discussions regarding to FFXV are really stormy some times. But coming here, I have had really interesting and fun discussions about the game, ones that could never have been achieved in the previous forums I used to visit to. I was so glad that I finally found a place where the talks weren`t just chained up to topics how the characters are emo, gay or the new battle system will ruin the series forever. Of course people here and I of course too express concerns about the game, but they discussions are not(at least in my opinion) drowned in overwhelming pessimism and negativity.
The FFVII Remake talks terrify me also. :(

About acknowledging the faults of the series, it is different in here. Hmm, how should I describe it? In here it runs on a rather deep level, and we understand how the story and the gameplay mechanics work, and we want to understand things. But that dosen`t makes us blind about the the faults that the series has. I`ve been on places where sometimes I have felt that the discussions are related only in general stuff and it is not really deep. Only some of the aspects of the games are talked about and discussions about topics like "What was Xemans doing in the Chamber of Repose?" can`t really be started since some people think the story is silly and talks about the matter die pretty fast. Or people don`t have enough info about these things, or just are interested about KHIII and it`s release etc..... (Or questions like "Do you play KH" get an reply like this: "No, because I am not gay".....) I have had some small interesting topics talked about, but no way near as the level of that has done here.
Anyway, I don`t want to be too harsh here on other forums.

I need to start thinking the same about some more general site, and not be so sensitive. Sephiroths words if wisdom have been spoken again. :)

That I don`t derail this thread too much, jojo56830 made an rather hilarious comic about 2.8:






Jojo has really funny KH-comics. :D


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
Re: Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue announced

I'm on team #It'sanumberedtitlesoSquarewillpayforCelebritytalent

I'm on team #13XehanortsBillyZaneCanBeOne

That's most likely Nomura's own little fetish/knack to make things always "surprising" at work again.
He admitted once that the primary thing he looks into when planning the story is to make it "surprising". Sometimes though he tends to get way overboard with this and hurts his own narrative in favor to add three or more new twists were one would have been enough.
It's just like with the initial advice Nomura got from Hironobu Sakaguchi, the original creator of the Final Fantasy series who was sort of a mentor for him.
Sakaguchi advised Nomura who originally planned for a very simple, disney-esque story for the first KH that he wouldn't be able to compete if the story wasn't more complex, yet Nomura seems to have gone overboard here too and followed this advice too far.

It sounds like the George Lucas effect of going overboard.

Around here are also quite some harsh critics of several aspects of the KH series, not all of which are unfounded since KH does have some glaring flaws in some fields, the difference is that most of those tend to word their criticism a little more maturely. ;)

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New member
Apr 13, 2015
The FF-fandom can be quite toxic. I only recently started to play the older FF titles, and feel in love with the series. But oh boy what a shock it was when I started to follow some of the FF discussions on a variety of forums. The smile that the games had created vanished quite quickly, and especially discussions regarding to FFXV are really stormy some times. But coming here, I have had really interesting and fun discussions about the game, ones that could never have been achieved in the previous forums I used to visit to. I was so glad that I finally found a place where the talks weren`t just chained up to topics how the characters are emo, gay or the new battle system will ruin the series forever. Of course people here and I of course too express concerns about the game, but they discussions are not(at least in my opinion) drowned in overwhelming pessimism and negativity.
The FFVII Remake talks terrify me also. :(

About acknowledging the faults of the series, it is different in here. Hmm, how should I describe it? In here it runs on a rather deep level, and we understand how the story and the gameplay mechanics work, and we want to understand things. But that dosen`t makes us blind about the the faults that the series has. I`ve been on places where sometimes I have felt that the discussions are related only in general stuff and it is not really deep. Only some of the aspects of the games are talked about and discussions about topics like "What was Xemans doing in the Chamber of Repose?" can`t really be started since some people think the story is silly and talks about the matter die pretty fast. Or people don`t have enough info about these things, or just are interested about KHIII and it`s release etc..... (Or questions like "Do you play KH" get an reply like this: "No, because I am not gay".....) I have had some small interesting topics talked about, but no way near as the level of that has done here.
Anyway, I don`t want to be too harsh here on other forums.

I need to start thinking the same about some more general site, and not be so sensitive. Sephiroths words if wisdom have been spoken again. :)

That I don`t derail this thread too much, jojo56830 made an rather hilarious comic about 2.8:






Jojo has really funny KH-comics. :D

This is so spot on to the fandom. lol


New member
Jul 24, 2013
Mirage Arena
The anonymity the Internet provides sadly does often encourage some people to bitch and whine over the tiniest things. I'm already bracing myself for all the coming shit-storms for every single little thing they will change in the FF VII remake as the FF fanbase, especially the nostalgia-turn-based-purists, are in many ways worse than what the KH fanbase pulls off.

Eh, there were times when the mentality and discussion wasn't that civilized on this forum either, as surely some of the members with even older join dates than mine can attest to.
Around here are also quite some harsh critics of several aspects of the KH series, not all of which are unfounded since KH does have some glaring flaws in some fields, the difference is that most of those tend to word their criticism a little more maturely. ;)

Yet still the best thing one can do when peeking into other forums and sites is to keep in mind that each community is different and the comments made on clickbait- or gaming-sites, Youtube and the like are often from more casual fans who do not really have a clue on how the KH series as a whole works beyond "walking through Disney worlds with Donald and Goofy beating up some Shadow monsters".
I'm also often rolling eyes on some of the sheer stupidity in such comments, but tend to dismiss them fairly quickly as I would have a lot to do if I had to take offense at every unqualified statement.
My biggest freaking pet peeve, I can't even go on the kingdom hearts Facebook page, the comments are almost all complaining about 3, ugh they have no idea what the story is, and they have no idea how SE is developing the games, and they're all SO ANGRY about not having kh3 RIGHT. FREAKING. NOW. I love the hardcore fanbase because we understand what's going on and we appreciate all the games for what they really are, not side games. The only side games are kingdom hearts mobile and vcast really, and the people shitposting about kh3 haven't even heard of those, I guarantee. Some of the casual fans are cool and see all the remixes for what they're intended to be, a way to catch everyone up, provide fun for long-time fans, and to attract new fans. But so many of them just make me wanna slap them lol
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