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Clayton's done (took me long enough to get around to it)
I was going to do Dr. Franklestein next, but if Herc is up for grabs I'll totally snag that one. Though I really want to do Jack Skellington if Hypoxium doesn't get around to it. Can there be a time limit on the artist, especially for the more major characters?
Cleo, the goldfish, is finished!
I've pushed back the due date another month as well.
Just want to point out that there are only 29 days in February this year, not 31.
No one call me an idiot for saying 29, it's a leap year, so there are 29 days instead of 28.
Also, not sure if I'll be able to do mine with school and other things I have going on, but I'll let you know when I'm going to have to drop the character I'm doing. I hope I don't have to.