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How's everyone enjoying it?

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New member
Nov 8, 2014
New Jersey
Ok, here are BlazeHeatnix's tips for Critical mode.

First, don't choose the sword. Ever. Not unless you're a KH Expert. Second, I recommend not bothering with Retaliating Slash, Dodge Slash, Slapshot or Aerial Sweep. They just get in the way. Don't equip any Combo Plus's or Air Combo Plus's either, unless you're fighting Xaldin and Xigbar. And if you practice enough, you won't need Magic Lock-On either as most of your offensive magic has a high enough AOE that you usually won't need it. Finally don't equip any "Auto" abilities. Just don't. They're hazardous to your health. Learn to get through your menu quickly.

You have magic. USE IT. Limits, summons, drives, all will help you tremendously. You can't get through the game mashing the X button with the occasional heal anymore. Use Chicken Little when dealing with a lot of mobs, use Genie and Peter Pan for bosses, and use Stitch for the coliseum. Firaga and Thundaga will absolutely WIPE THE FLOOR with mobs and some bosses, don't underestimate them.

Do not equip every single new Keyblade you come across. Unlike KH1 where pretty much every new Keyblade is better than the last, here different Keyblades are better for specific situations while some are just generally good to have. My pattern for the main story is Kingdom Key - Hero's Crest - Circle of Life - Oathkeeper - Rumbling Rose - Decisive Pumpkin. The Ultima Weapon sadly just isn't as good as the Decisive Pumpkin, in any situation. I know it's cool, and feels good to hit stuff with, and it's the friggin "ULTIMA WEAPON" but it's factually an inferior weapon, plain and simple. For TWTNW and Cavern of Remembrance, you may want to swap back to Rose, as it's better suited for heavy mobs than the Pumpkin. When fighting Demyx and Xaldin, use Bond of Flame and Guardian Soul respectively. For the Drives, change Valor form from Star Seeker to Oathkeeper once you get RR, and slap Hero's Crest and Oblivion on Master and Final form respectively.

For Donald and Goofy, as far as customizing them you can leave it on default, and you may not care that much about their armor and accessories as no matter what they're equipped with, they'll die pretty quickly in any major boss battle. But you'll still want to keep them alive, because they serve two important roles now: Limits, and Drives. Donald's Limits are great for mobs, and Goofy's limits are great for bosses.

Now, for Zexion, here's how I beat him, and I did it after just clearing Timeless River. Once the battle starts you'll want to alternate between destroying the books and wailing on Zexion. Freeing your friends should be your top priority, and using fire helps. You'll also want to use Upper Slash on him to get some air combos in. Once you eventually end up in his "domain", go into Valor form and just wail on him. Once Valor form is all used up, even if your drive gauge comes back, I don't recommend using it again.

From now on once you enter his domain, cast Reflect a few times to avoid getting hit by the book's "flash" attack. If your menu gets messed up, repeatedly pause the game with each page turn to check the options. If you don't see anything that might mean "heal" or "release", turn another page and repeat. If you don't see the red book when you immediately enter, look around and find a book that's seems to be controlling the rest. That's Zexion.

Now, the meteors. This is pure luck and tricky to get into the right one fast without Valor form's speed or Dodge Roll. If you don't make it, quickly keep casting Reflect to avoid the meteors or else you're dead. After that, just keep attacking Zexion whenever you can, and don't bother freeing your friends anymore.

To add on to this, if Goofy and Donald are dead when you get free from the book, make sure you cast cure right away so Zex doesn't throw you right back. If they're alive, he targets them first.

Additonally, with Once More, be careful about using Aerial Recovery. During Zexion's third phase, he spams that bomb attack, and if you get hit, you'll most likely be getting combo'd with it. Just chill out and wait for it to be over and cast cure when you can finally control again. Same concept for the meteors.

I had a save at level 25 before this fight I just went back to and did. I did it in my first try, which was unexpected since I feel so gimp without my glide and dodge roll lol but I knew what I did have. Just knowing what your abilities can do helps a lot.

Combo Pluses... I disagree. 100%. Keep them. They are useful for killing that book. If you need a finisher right away, just press Square. I forget which ability does that, but you should have it by level 25 if you chose shield.
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Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
Ah yeah I can see what you mean by that. Personally I don't mind because I feel there's a decent enough balance. You want more enemies to fight just run through cavern of remembrance.

I think the main reason people are saying critical is so difficult is that other games critical/proud modes aren't nearly as challenging as KH2FM is and because of the high damage taken by general mobs and bosses in general, I don't know if you've played any other ones but personall out of every other KH game i've played that has critical (Minus DDD) This is the hardest, again this is most likely due to me playing vanilla KH2 on Beginner/Standard. Furthermore this was even harder for me because I did a dumb move early on and chose the Sword (meaning I had very very little defence).

I actually chose the sword too. I always go with the sword because I like being able to beat heartless up fast. I've played every other KH game, always on the hardest difficulty (as I assume that's the easiest way to get secret videos). I found KH3D and KHBbS to be the hardest games when on the hardest difficulty. But, I guess to each his own. Maybe I'm just really good at KH and didn't realize it before? I mean I've never seen anyone else play KH besides myself, so I can't really judge on what a 'good' player of KH is.

But yeah, I just wish that the worlds weren't so linear and direct (even cutscenes are dedicated to telling you where to go) then the way there is pretty lacking of heartless.

OathkeeperRoxas XIII

Silver Member
Feb 15, 2009
Destiny Islands
I beat Zexion, after so many tries and Stitch really helped. I have to say, that was the hardest one I've completed, so far normal bosses I got through okay, but AS fights are hard and that was just Zexion and Larxene I've battled.
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New member
Oct 13, 2013
To add on to this, if Goofy and Donald are dead when you get free from the book, make sure you cast cure right away so Zex doesn't throw you right back. If they're alive, he targets them first.

Additonally, with Once More, be careful about using Aerial Recovery. During Zexion's third phase, he spams that bomb attack, and if you get hit, you'll most likely be getting combo'd with it. Just chill out and wait for it to be over and cast cure when you can finally control again. Same concept for the meteors.

I had a save at level 25 before this fight I just went back to and did. I did it in my first try, which was unexpected since I feel so gimp without my glide and dodge roll lol but I knew what I did have. Just knowing what your abilities can do helps a lot.

Combo Pluses... I disagree. 100%. Keep them. They are useful for killing that book. If you need a finisher right away, just press Square. I forget which ability does that, but you should have it by level 25 if you chose shield.

Combo Pluses get in the way. Pressing Square in the middle of a combo will activate either Upper Slash or Horizontal Slash, not a finisher. If you're talking about Finishing Leap, that's not a finisher and can only be done at the end of a combo, not in the middle. No Combo Pluses means you get to use Magnet Burst, Guard Break and Explosion sooner, and allows you to get more finishers hitting the boss while he's vulnerable. Trust me, they're a waste. That being said, Negative Combo is a no-no. If you want a bigger combo, use Upper Slash or Horizontal Slash.

Keep in mind, this is less about "bad" abilities and more about sacrificing some to equip much more useful ones, since you won't have unlimited AP.
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New member
Nov 8, 2014
New Jersey
They act as a finisher to get the final hit off. Just did it with my Zexion AS run.

I beat Zexion, after so many tries and Stitch really helped. I have to say, that was the hardest one I've completed, so far normal bosses I got through okay, but AS fights are hard and that was just Zexion and Larxene I've battled.


The next toughie is Lex, then Marluxia. If you wait too long, Vexen will be cake (I saved Vexen for last). Not sure how to gauge his difficulty because that's what I did.


Silver Member
Sep 8, 2014
I ended up beating Data Axel, it was just mere I guess. Now, I'm onto Demyx. I actually ended up getting through him. Until he summons those 99 replicas and once I was about to get my Wisdom Form; I go into Anti-Sora Form...and lost the battle.


Actress/Healer in Persona: Icebound
Aug 29, 2012
Okay, I really need your help, people! I'm in the Cavern of Remembrance on LV 67 with Kingdom Key and I barely made it past the Dusks/Samurais, Gunslingers/Berserkers/Dice guys after hundreds of tries. Now the only thing stopping me is the third one which is the Dragoon/Kickers/Card guys..

These are the worst of the worst mob I ever have been in. Would anyone recommend me tips how to beat that last area?


New member
Nov 8, 2014
New Jersey
You just need to clear your Anti-Form points. Going into Final Form will reset it.

Okay, I really need your help, people! I'm in the Cavern of Remembrance on LV 67 with Kingdom Key and I barely made it past the Dusks/Samurais, Gunslingers/Berserkers/Dice guys after hundreds of tries. Now the only thing stopping me is the third one which is the Dragoon/Kickers/Card guys..

These are the worst of the worst mob I ever have been in. Would anyone recommend me tips how to beat that last area?

You may as well level up some at TWTNW. Preferably to level 99. Simply because you will need it for the Data battles. But, if you are stubborn, make use of Final Form and Limit Form and use items and limits. With limit form, abuse MP Rage and take some hits before you deplete MP so you can get more MP and sonic blade some more. Don't spam attack, evade first and take them down one at a time. Glide around and wait for your chance.


New member
May 29, 2013
Roughly three more weeks till i get to play it for my birthday. been waiting since christmas, ugh~!


Actress/Healer in Persona: Icebound
Aug 29, 2012
You just need to clear your Anti-Form points. Going into Final Form will reset it.

You may as well level up some at TWTNW. Preferably to level 99. Simply because you will need it for the Data battles. But, if you are stubborn, make use of Final Form and Limit Form and use items and limits. With limit form, abuse MP Rage and take some hits before you deplete MP so you can get more MP and sonic blade some more. Don't spam attack, evade first and take them down one at a time. Glide around and wait for your chance.

Oh, and I'm on Critical Mode my first time. Not bad for a newbie on that one? x3

I have been thinking about leveling myself up, but does the area itself reset once I leave? That's what making me not wanting to leave right away.


New member
Nov 8, 2014
New Jersey
Not bad at all! You honestly don't NEED 99, you can probably do it at that level, but perhaps like 5 or 10 more levels wouldn't hurt. It's worth it to level to end the frustration. I believe in you!

No, it won't reset, so you can come back and do that last one at any time. I know because I had to leave to save the game.


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
67 is a pretty good level to go through it, especially on critical. I did it on 62 I think. It REALLY helps if you summon Stitch and have the ability which increases your drive gauge when you hit an enemy.


Silver Member
Sep 8, 2014
You just need to clear your Anti-Form points. Going into Final Form will reset it.

You may as well level up some at TWTNW. Preferably to level 99. Simply because you will need it for the Data battles. But, if you are stubborn, make use of Final Form and Limit Form and use items and limits. With limit form, abuse MP Rage and take some hits before you deplete MP so you can get more MP and sonic blade some more. Don't spam attack, evade first and take them down one at a time. Glide around and wait for your chance.

You're right! I've yet to try that. Demyx is actually really easy. This time, I got him on 0 HP, I kept combo attacking him. He didn't go down but he still had to go through his second wave of replicas on me. And when that happened, Anti-Form came on the wrong time.

Precursor Mar

New member
Dec 17, 2014
On the Hydra's back
Okay, I really need your help, people! I'm in the Cavern of Remembrance on LV 67 with Kingdom Key and I barely made it past the Dusks/Samurais, Gunslingers/Berserkers/Dice guys after hundreds of tries. Now the only thing stopping me is the third one which is the Dragoon/Kickers/Card guys..

These are the worst of the worst mob I ever have been in. Would anyone recommend me tips how to beat that last area?

I feel your pain, I was stuck on that last wave for almost 2 hours. It just wouldn't end, but I was able to develop a strategy which helped make things easier.

First, make sure you have Combo Master and Magnet Burst equipped, they are essential to surviving this wave. Second, stay airborne as much as possible, it will keep you from getting killed by Dancers and Dragoons. Magnet Burst will stun-lock the Dragoons as well as damage other Nobodies on the ground, don't let up on them. If the Dancers start glowing use Combo Master to stay in the air until they stop following you or until Magnet Burst cancels their attack.

If they gang up on you use Limits as they make you invincible and do plenty of damage, you can use either Limit Form or recovery items if you need to afterwards. Once the Sorcerers show up take care of them as soon as possible, I recommend drawing its cubes away and then attacking it while it's open. Use Limits if there's more than one of them.

Even with these tips it might take you a few tries, but it should help you out.


Phantom Gigaplex
Feb 10, 2012
In regards to how I am enjoying it, I am. I've never played any of the Final Mixes so it's definitely made the experience better for me. I haven't had any issues with KHIIFM or ReCoded (haven't played BBS yet). The scene where Xemnas appears above the Great Maw looked and played fine on my end. I did have some issues with using Reversal at the very end but I read that this problem existed in the original. I've never experienced it and I was worried that I would't be able to beat him lol.

Oh man these Data Battles are intense! I didn't really have a problem with any of the Absent Silhouettes, but I'm seriously starting to wonder if I can beat (any of) them. I don't know that grinding up to lv 99 will really help me all that much. Maybe more Buster Bands. I just run out of Potions and Ethers and can't finish. Well, and some of them I can't even get that far into the battle haha (Saix). I'm wondering if I should just move on to playing BBS. But it would hurt my kingdom heart if I couldn't ever beat them.


Jan 13, 2012
I'm at the end of KH2, before last Xemnas battle. I've maxed Valor, Widsom and Trinity, defeated all the Absent SIl and trying to go trough Cavern of Rem.
I'm really disappointed about loading time (but thank you for the pause trick), but everytime i launch the game i have so much fun and nostalgia that i forgot about those bugs.
I'm mentally preparing for LW as i beated him in the ps2 version!


Silver Member
Sep 8, 2014
In regards to how I am enjoying it, I am. I've never played any of the Final Mixes so it's definitely made the experience better for me. I haven't had any issues with KHIIFM or ReCoded (haven't played BBS yet). The scene where Xemnas appears above the Great Maw looked and played fine on my end. I did have some issues with using Reversal at the very end but I read that this problem existed in the original. I've never experienced it and I was worried that I would't be able to beat him lol.

Oh man these Data Battles are intense! I didn't really have a problem with any of the Absent Silhouettes, but I'm seriously starting to wonder if I can beat (any of) them. I don't know that grinding up to lv 99 will really help me all that much. Maybe more Buster Bands. I just run out of Potions and Ethers and can't finish. Well, and some of them I can't even get that far into the battle haha (Saix). I'm wondering if I should just move on to playing BBS. But it would hurt my kingdom heart if I couldn't ever beat them.

Tell me about it. And I'm playing my first playthrough on Beginner mode. I have never felt anything too intense before. This is even my first time playing the Final Mix version of the game.


Actress/Healer in Persona: Icebound
Aug 29, 2012
Not bad at all! You honestly don't NEED 99, you can probably do it at that level, but perhaps like 5 or 10 more levels wouldn't hurt. It's worth it to level to end the frustration. I believe in you!

No, it won't reset, so you can come back and do that last one at any time. I know because I had to leave to save the game.

Okay, that's good to know. ^_^

@Everybody: Thank you all for the tips and I have decided to level up to 99, both for that third horrible mob and the trophy as well. I will take all of your tips to my heart and hopefully, I'll be able to finally beat those punks and move on to the Data Battles.
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