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How would you feel if you learned that God did exist?

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New member
Feb 2, 2009
United States
Read Genesis and then say that that God is the same as the loving all-powerful omniscient God that appears in the New Testament.

Did you read the rest of my post? You cut it out from the quote...God presented a different agreement under the New Testament, that doesn't mean he has changed. Sorry Phoenix, I don't really know your history here, but you needed to be corrected so I did so.


Legendary Member
Dec 17, 2003
Sorry Phoenix, I don't really know your history here, but you needed to be corrected so I did so.

Ah, fun times. You sure corrected me.

NT God is OT God after a month of anger management sessions. Even before Jesus dies, he's all 'love and peace' in the NT. OT God? Oho, no. OT God would kill your children if you so much as looked at him funny.

In fact, how many times is the word "love" said in the OT? Now compare that to the number of times the word "smite" is uttered, or the word "vengeance", or the phrase "oh no, God is sending meteors to blow up my city!"?

NT God: I just want to bring love and joy to the world!
OT God: Die, die, die! All of you are going down!

Lanydx reborn

The Superior Lanydx
Jun 14, 2009
I am a Christian so i do believe in him, i think i would give him a big hug.

For those who ask "why does he let good people die and all the bad stuff happen"
Its simple, because God made us with freewill and with that power we can choose to do good or evil. When people do evil things God can't just stop it, he would be tampering with the freewill he gave us, which makes us us
This but I'd give him a high five.


Legendary Member
Dec 17, 2003
For those who ask "why does he let good people die and all the bad stuff happen"
Its simple, because God made us with freewill and with that power we can choose to do good or evil. When people do evil things God can't just stop it, he would be tampering with the freewill he gave us, which makes us us

You know who else tampers with our free will? Murderers. The victim doesn't want to die, but the murderer kills him/her anyway. Obviously, God doesn't really care much about free will as long as he's not directly responsible.


Lick It Good
Mar 23, 2009
Breaking Stuff
You know who else tampers with our free will? Murderers. The victim doesn't want to die, but the murderer kills him/her anyway. Obviously, God doesn't really care much about free will as long as he's not directly responsible.
I think he cares very much so. He let the murderer decide to kill the victim.


Legendary Member
Dec 17, 2003
I think he cares very much so. He let the murderer decide to kill the victim.

But he didn't let the victim decide not to die. The victim's free will was violated.


Omniversally considered a badass.
Jul 9, 2010
in twilight town watching the sunset
But he didn't let the victim decide not to die. The victim's free will was violated.

Indeed but not by him. The way I see it God doesn't want us living in the world where we have all the answers, where we aren't free to ask why. He doesn't want us to live in fear of him and only do good because we know he's watching.


Legendary Member
Dec 17, 2003
Indeed but not by him.

Irrelevant. Someone gets killed against his will: where's the free will in that? I mean, God cares about free will or he doesn't. If he does, then I assume he'd protect it. If he doesn't, then why bother with such a convoluted master plan?

The way I see it God doesn't want us living in the world where we have all the answers, where we aren't free to ask why. He doesn't want us to live in fear of him and only do good because we know he's watching.

I'm confused. Exactly how would God saying "hey guys, sup, I'm real" make us have all the answers? You think knowing that he exists would make me go "Oh yes Master, I will do as you command Master"? Fuck that, I'd be asking even more questions.

Nyx Winters

The Dawn Fox
Oct 26, 2008
i have the same problem with this god he says have your free will but at the same time in the bible he says follow me or be struck down little harsh huh if gow was real i'd ask him "what the fuck man you come and go as you please say some cryptic crap then leave us with no meaning then starts war in your name and you do shit nothing to stop it people died in wars why didn't you at least attempt an intervention".


Omniversally considered a badass.
Jul 9, 2010
in twilight town watching the sunset
I'm confused. Exactly how would God saying "hey guys, sup, I'm real" make us have all the answers? You think knowing that he exists would make me go "Oh yes Master, I will do as you command Master"? Fuck that, I'd be asking even more questions.

Sure you say that NOW because God hasn't revealed himself. If God did indeed say and show that he existed I am pretty sure that people would have no reason to question him or afraid too. I am pretty sure that no one will doubt anything he says.


Legendary Member
Dec 17, 2003
Sure you say that NOW because God hasn't revealed himself. If God did indeed say and show that he existed I am pretty sure that people would have no reason to question him or afraid too. I am pretty sure that no one will doubt anything he says.

Well, you see, now you're just downright assuming things. Plenty of people doubted and questioned God, even when he showed himself. Adam disobeyed him, what's-his-face questioned him like 5 times over the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Moses disobeyed him once as well. Even the ancient Israelis, after witnessing miracle after miracle, still built a statue of gold after Moses left for like 5 minutes.

God showing himself =/= losing your free will.


sans 911
Oct 8, 2008
I wouldn't be surprised, because I already know that he exists. I'd just be happy to be in his presence so soon.
But God wont come down to us, because that would disrupt everything that was taught in the Bible. An event like that wouldn't teach us to believe in him, but would just confirm his existence for the non-believers. But those non-believers wouldn't just go to God and trust him. It'd be the opposite for a lot of them. Some would be like the demons, who know God is real, but don't follow him, and some would just reject him like they do now, because they cannot stand the truth because the truth is not what they want, even though it's what they need.
It'd be like when Jesus was resurrected and Christianity was born. Not all the Jews that saw Christ had risen from death were baptized into Christianity. Most rejected the truth. They couldn't accept that the Messiah wasn't a Godly Warrior that would lead them, but a human who was actually God, born into the body of man, who gave his life for our sins: Jesus.

If I may correct you, God is the same God throughout the entire Bible, he has never changed. The difference however, is in the agreements of the old and new testament. The old agreement was with Abraham and the law given through Moses, while the new agreement with Christ is the one that stands today.

That's not exactly it.
The old covenant still exists, it's just fulfilled. It was fulfilled by Jesus.
We are still to try our hardest to not sin, and resist temptation, because we are capable of doing so. But God knows how sinful we are, because Jesus was filled with sin when he died on the cross and asked, "God, why have you forsaken me?"
God knows that it's to hard for us to resist every temptation, so when we do, he forgives us. He already forgave us. He forgave us the moment Jesus died, because that's when he himself, experienced sin, and learned that we aren't capable of resisting every time we are tempted with sin.
He just asks us to pick a side: Christ or Satan; Good or Evil; Love or Sin; Hot or Cold? He doesn't want Lukewarm, and if you are, he'll spit you out. And if you pick Sin, then he'll gladly let go of you, and let you you have eternal death.


Omniversally considered a badass.
Jul 9, 2010
in twilight town watching the sunset
Well, you see, now you're just downright assuming things. Plenty of people doubted and questioned God, even when he showed himself. Adam disobeyed him, what's-his-face questioned him like 5 times over the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Moses disobeyed him once as well. Even the ancient Israelis, after witnessing miracle after miracle, still built a statue of gold after Moses left for like 5 minutes.

God showing himself =/= losing your free will.

Indeed they did. However, you do realise those are examples are of 'special' people not exactly your kingdom hearts, forum guy like yourself.


Legendary Member
Dec 17, 2003
Indeed they did. However, you do realise those are examples are of 'special' people not exactly your kingdom hearts, forum guy like yourself.

I like how you assume I wouldn't ask him any questions and would, instead, grovel in fear. Without, you know, knowing absolutely anything about me. It makes your point really stand out.


Omniversally considered a badass.
Jul 9, 2010
in twilight town watching the sunset
I like how you assume I wouldn't ask him any questions and would, instead, grovel in fear. Without, you know, knowing absolutely anything about me. It makes your point really stand out.

Hey i'm just going on what i see. You seem to be all talk, no action IMO.
I don't think you'll grovel in fear because i don't want to believe God is like that but i think you will have to accept it.


Legendary Member
Dec 17, 2003
I don't think you'll grovel in fear because i don't want to believe God is like that but i think you will have to accept it.

Accept what? That he exists? No shit, the topic is called "how would you feel if you learned that God did exist". I'm saying that simply knowing that he exists won't make me go "HAIL OUR LORD, CHRIST, GLORY BE TO HIM", I'm saying I'd be more like "So, those babies in Africa dying of Malaria. Mind explaining?".

Your argument is basically that knowing that he exists takes away your free will, as if simply knowing something means you lose your power to decide. This is downright ridiculous, made even moreso by the fact that you haven't backed this up with anything. Knowing something doesn't affect free will.


By the way, I like how you try to work in your little insults.

"However, you do realise those are examples are of 'special' people not exactly your kingdom hearts, forum guy like yourself. "

"Hey i'm just going on what i see. You seem to be all talk, no action IMO."

You see, what happens is that when someone is losing, or thinks he's losing, a debate, if they're immature about it, they resort to petty, childish, passive-aggressive ad hominem attacks to make themselves feel better about the hurt ego. The problem with this is that that really doesn't help your point at all. In fact, it actually hurts it.

But hey, I'm a nice guy, let's see here.

However, you do realise those are examples are of 'special' people not exactly your kingdom hearts, forum guy like yourself.

Check my join date. I've been part of the forums since 2003. I don't post in the KH sections; I don't even play KH anymore. I'm here because of the community, and because of this section. Because I find this ever so fun.

Hey i'm just going on what i see. You seem to be all talk, no action IMO.

You're actually whining about me being no action... in an internet forum? A place where the only thing you can do is talk? Because it's the internet?

You know what, though? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. What exactly do you even mean by this? Action towards what? Do you expect other, better spiritually qualified people to take "action" in a specific way? On the internet? How? Why? Did you even think about what you were posting before you clicked "Post Quick Reply"?


New member
Feb 26, 2006
I would feel nothing because I'd be dead.
The only time I could believe that there is a god is if I saw one so... I'm assuming in death.
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