Day 7
Sora scraped the edges of his oatmeal bowl as he waited for everyone else to get up. Kairi was late for breakfast today, and Constance was usually late anyway. He wasn't as worried about those two, but he did want to see them. With a small sigh he set the bowl aside and grabbed a plate of fruit instead. Things were not looking well. Part of it may just be the three of them going a bit stir crazy- they really hadn't left the mansion grounds except for church and Riku's asylum visit, and Sora just wasn't use to it. He hadn't had a fight since they arrived either. He chomped through an orange as he thought. There really was only one upside to staying here and that was-
“Constance.” Sora jumped as Riku slid into the seat next to him. “You were thinking about her, weren't you.”
“Yeah, how'd you...”
“Because you get this sappy look on your face and stare off into the distance. The only time- never mind. Look, are you dead set on trying to chase her down? She IS about ten years older then you.”
“I just want to know her better, that's all.” Sora tried to convince Riku, but even with Riku's face hidden as he drank some orange juice, they both knew that was a no go. “Where are the girls anyway?”
“Unlike you and I, they have a more complicated dress ritual.” Riku explained as he dug into his own “flapjacks” (Sora didn't get that, they were simply pancakes! Why give them a new name?) “What's your plans for today?”
“I don't know.” Sora admitted. “ I'm getting bored here, and whatever it is we have to do hasn't shown up yet.”
“Maybe you can go shopping? I need a new dress, and you could use some properly fitted suits.” Sora felt a blush rise on his cheeks as Constance swept gracefully into the hall. She gave Sora a small smile before sitting down and pulling a plate of fruit towards herself too. They both ate fruit! That was so sweet.
“Try to keep your elbows out of your porridge.” Riku whispered, and Sora quickly moved his elbow from his bowls immediate area. “What are you talking about?” He asked Constance. Riku really should be a bit politer, they were guests after all. She had been taking care of them for a week today and it was so nice of her to do this.
“The ball on Sunday? I don't have any dresses beside my black ones and since I'm redebuting a new dress and a new color would be lovely. You two will be my guests and should have a properly fitted suit. And Kairi should have a few new dress too.” She murmured to herself quietly. “So, today, we are going into town for some shopping.” Riku shrugged, but Sora suddenly felt quite excited. He would get to spend some time with her for once! Kairi chose this moment to walk down stairs, curtsy to Riku and himself for some reason, then sit down daintily and began to pick at some fruit of her own.
“I've been waiting for you.” Constance jumped, but relaxed and closed the door to Leota's room behind her. She turned and saw Leota sitting in the seat by the crystal ball. She had her legs crossed like how a man would and her fingers were intertwined around chest high. “Reginald tried to contact you yesterday, but you appeared to be out of the mansion. So he ate your lunch.”
“It doesn't surprise me. Hello George.”
“Hello, Constance. How are you doing? Is the year up?”
“It's up on Sunday. I'm doing fine. How about you?”
“Oh, the afterlife is fine. I just thought I would check up on you and your guests.”
“Why are you interested in my guests?” She looked at the body he was inhabiting “Other then Leota.”
“I'm just afraid of anyone's heart being broken. You know that Sora is interested in you.”
“I know. Is Riku a Seer?”
“What makes you think that?” George gave her a grin. She wasn't sure how to interpret that smile...
“Just how he keeps on seeing things no one else can. And he's seen at least one thing you claimed your Seers saw...” she took a seat across from him.
Sora, Riku, and Kairi stood in front of the carriage as Constance walked down the front steps. She had a thoughtful look on her face that made Sora melt. Riku chatted with Rolly – who was driving – until Constance gave the order for everyone to climb in. As the car went into the city, the four passengers rode in silence.
It was a nice place, a lot busier then home, Sora mused. Back home, the shops weren't this fancy, and the streets weren't as busy. Everyone knew eachother. What would it be like to introduce Constance back home? No, he couldn't, it would break the Order of the Worlds, but then again... it's not like one more person would hurt it. What would it be like to introduce her to his friends? His Parents?
Okay, Riku had a point, his parents would probably be creeped out that he was.... that he really liked a woman so much... she was a woman though. It was more then just how she looked – besides gorgeous and dignified and sexy, even with how she was always wearing those big black dresses- but she also held herself so well, and she was so nice, and she could talk. Well, everyone could talk but she just had a more refined way to go about it. How would she mix with everyone?
Sora paused for a second, imagining how she would be dressed in Destiny Islands... she couldn't wear those black dresses the whole time! Something... Sora stopped. He wasn't sure whether he liked her in a long dress or a short dress? Actually, why was he even thinking of this? She's a women. Women pay attention to clothes, guys don't. Guys just dress in whatever and the women and girls fuss over it.
“Sora” a sweet voice echoed in his ear. With a jump, he realized that they stopped in front of a store with dresses and suits in it's window. Constance gave one of her incredibly sweet and rare grins. “Time to go.”
“Y-yeah...” Sora blushed and slid out of the carriage.
“Miss Constance Hatchaway! I see you are preparing for that party...” There was a tall red headed woman running the shop, her green eyes sparkling behind a pair of glasses. “And who are your guests?”
“Hello Miss Blair. These are my guests, who shall also be receiving new clothes.” Constance pushed them forward slightly. “This is Kairi Damati, Riku Soulstice, and Sora Lockheart.” Kairi curtseyed, Riku bent over in a bow and kissed Miss Blair's hand, and Sora blushed and shook her hand. “Shall we get started?” The new lady smiled, and ushered Riku back first.
“Yes, this is how my hair actually looks.”
Kairi was next. Riku hadn't take that long, but Kairi was getting a lot of fuss. There were discussions over her hair. Not just what color worked best with it, but how she was going to wear it. Then came the colors that went with it, and then the style... It was at least an hour and Sora was really bored. Riku was too, but he was smart and got permission to escape into the city.
“Umm.. Miss Hatchaway...” Sora finally spoke up. “May I?”
“Of course.” Constance smiled. “I'll send Kairi out when she's done.” Sora ran out. “And Gentleman don't run!” drifted out behind him, but he barely heard it.
He found Riku sitting on a bench holding a bag of chocolate. Sora slumped down next to him.
“If you want to say 'Women' I'd suggest waiting.” Riku mused before offering Sora a piece. Sora accepted it.
“I'm bored.” Sora finally managed to spit out, then tilted his head back. “Why can't we fight?”
“If that's all you think about you won't get any girl.” Riku chided. “And we wouldn't be good guests if we picked fights. By the way, have you talked to Kenneth at all? According to Rolly and Harriet he's a really good story teller.”
“No, not really... he doesn't talk to me.”
“That's why you talk to him. You just have to be subtle.” Riku looked into the bag again. “Maybe I should have gotten pretzels.”
“How did you get these anyway?”
“Didn't Constance give you some money?” Riku asked, glancing at Sora. Sora shook his head. “Oh, well then. By the way, don't daydream as obviously.” Sora silently smirked. “And I know you were dreaming about Constance.”
“Oh, come on!” Sora shouted, but quieted down when he got some weird looks. Riku was looking pensive.
“Sora, do you like her?”
“Yeah, a lot.” he finally admitted. “I mean, she's... I feel like she's perfect.”
“No one is perfect, but I'll let it slide now. Today is too nice.”
“What do you mean?” Sora asked.
“For once there's not a cloud in the sky, we're outside of that abominable mansion, the clothes... aren't as nice but at least we can walk to the sea later.”
“I've missed that too.” Sora admitted after a minute.
“MIST- SORA!” Kairi was walking across the street to where the two boys sat. “Constance says she wants you inside. You're up.” Kairi was blushing and looked excited about something. She grabbed Riku's arm and pulled him into a shop. Sora looked after them for a minute, then walked back into the clothing store. Well, maybe he could try to impress Constance. She must be so used to people complimenting her, and she must be so well read. He HAD to make an impression. But back home...
“You owe me.” Riku growled. Currently he was sitting in yet another shop, a hat shop. And he was Kairi's model as she worked with the... whatever you called people who made hats. He'd ask Rolly later. “Why can't you just use a fake head for a model?”
“It's one of the first straw hats of the season.” The hat person chided. “I have yet to figure out how it will sit on a human head.”
“You're making fun of my hair again, aren't you.”
“Yes!” Kairi cheerfully admitted, before picking out a pink ribbon and tied it around the... not brim part. As much as Riku hated to admit it, he would probably need Harriet's help too for the terminology.
“Con- Miss Hatchaway?” Come on, come on, be polite, be gentle, compliment her sincerely... Sora really should ask Riku for dating tips sometime. Granted, Riku had never actually gone on a date either, but he WAS a year older and should know more, right? Why was he talking to himself like this?
“Sora? Oh, there you are. What do you think of this dress?” Constance walked slowly into the center of the shop, wearing a blue dress that fell to her feet with a slight train. It had a square neckline that hinted at her bosom and frills manifested themselves on the neckline and skirt. The ensemble was topped off with a pair of matching blue opera gloves. Both the dress and the gloves were accented with a white ribbon. Sora was speechless. “I'll take that as a yes. I do have some more dresses to pick out though for after the ball, would you like to help?”
Sora found himself admitting he thought she would look stunning in green.
“Are you alright?” Riku finally managed to ask Kairi. She had finally decided on a hat -and a few bonnets- and had treated Riku to a lunch time tea at a – Riku had to admit- nice cafe on the street. She picked at her pastries while Riku felt guilty for being more enthusiastic about his. “You're... you're just so polite with us these last few days. Will you stop calling me 'Mr. Riku' please? It makes me feel like I'm fifty or something.” Kairi gingerly switched to fruit. “Look, if you're scared of me, don't invite me out to eat. I appreciate the gesture – more then you know – but this only works if we both talk.”
“Do you think I'd make a good wife?” Riku almost fell out of his chair. In all the hullabaloo from yesterday he had forgotten about one of Constance's missions, to get Kairi a husband.
“Kairi... look that's a loaded question. But...” Riku scrunched up his hair in his hands as he tried to figure out exactly how to say this. “I am sure you would make a wonderful wife to someone... the way you're asking that makes it sound like you want to be MY wife though, and – though I love you as a friend- I don't want that. Okay? I'm just... having trouble picturing it.”
“I understand.” Kairi... was she moping? But before Riku could attempt to repair the damage – or make it worse- Constance walked up with Sora behind her.
“Are we ready to go?” Constance finally asked. “Unless there is anything you want to see.” Riku glanced at Kairi – who still stared at her fruit – and Sora, who was simply gazing at Constance with a look of adulation- so Riku said nothing about the sea. He had seen the true asylum, and didn't want to push his luck. Constance simply nodded to the silence and walked back to the carriage.
An hour or so later, Sora and Kairi sat in front of a fire place while Riku paced. The daily storm did hit, and Sora and Kairi enjoyed watching the storm as it died out. Riku... felt anxious. Something was off, something was very VERY off. He just didn't know what. They were fine, Claude hadn't harassed him in a few hours, and Rolly and Harriet were off enjoying some time together. Riku still wasn't sure why they had made it a big deal when he had walked in on them making out when the shopping day was over. So, they liked each other. Unless servants had a no dating contract it shouldn't be an issue. He needed to leave.
“Riku?” Kairi finally asked as she noticed him leaving. He glanced back at her. “Er, thanks... for today. I...”
“No problem.” he waved his hand. “I meant what I said.”
“Oh... good.... am I weird for-”
“That's Selphie's business, not ours.” Riku cut in. “Look, I'm just going for a walk. I'll see you at dinner.”
“Sure.” Kairi said with a smile, but she lost it as she sunk back into her chair. She was changing, and she knew it. Before she would have never cared about... well, she was raised to be polite but she never go into these mini panic attacks over whether or not she should curtsey to her best friends, or who she should be married too. Yes, she had thought and dreamt about it like any other girl, but they way Constance was so serious about it... it unnerved her.
Riku walked past the library, before doubling back. Constance was sitting in the rocking chair, sewing something.
“Um... Miss Hatchaway” This was something Riku had to say. “I-”
“What is it, Riku.” Constance looked up.
“I... I just wanted to thank you.” He walked into the library and started to tap his feet against the floor in embarrassment. “You took us into your house without question... and you kept me out of that asylum when you saw how I was acting. I” he picked at his clothes, and then looked up at Constance. “I really mean it when I say Thank you.”
Constance gave a smile. “You're quite welcome, Riku. It may be Southern Hospitality, but I have grown fond of you.”
“Mister Sora.” Sora jumped as Kenneth's voice echoed behind him. “What would you like for dinner?”
“Oh, er, I'm not that... “ Sora paused for a second. “Um... I heard you were good at telling stories. And, well, I'm a little bored and I bet Kairi is bored too and” he cut himself off. Kenneth walked forward into the firelight, a small smile playing around his lips.
“You've talked to the negro Rolly again?”
“No, I talked to Riku.” Sora shrugged. Kenneth sighed and stood up straighter.
“Have you ever heard the story of the New Orleans Privateer, Jean Lafitte?”
“Oh God.” Riku fled from Leota's room. He just wanted to talk, he didn't... “DAMN IT!” He barely made it five feet before he fell to his knees and threw up.
Leota Toombs was dead. He had walked into her room to ask about her reading his palm when he saw her sprawled on the floor, but that wasn't the worst part.
She had been decapitated. He could still see her neck exposed like that to the air, her esophagus and spine so twisted in an- Riku wretched and emptied more of his stomach's contents on the floor. It wasn't the worst part.
No, the worst part was how her head and been displayed, eyes blank and distorted inside her fake crystal ball, blood gathering at the bottom of it and turning her hair red.