thank you both sooo much for all those great comments, you guys are great! that's so sweet!
oh, and dd, i'm busy figuring a way to change the next few chappies after what you pointed out

thanks for your comments, i would have completely forgot about that stuff if you hadn't mentioned it! and of course i'll read your fanfic dd, i can't wait to see it ^-^ and no, i haven't really thought of a title yet, i'm gonna think about that overnight, i should think of a couple. if i get a few of them, ill put them up here tomorrow and let you guys decide, cause i'm not so good with titles...

i was kinda thinking of just "Square-One" but i'm not so sure...
yeah, like dd said, don't force your poem L337. it's better to wait a little while until you're feeling more creative than to force something not so good. thanks for your great comments though, i appreciate them!^-^
Chapter Nineteen
Sora followed her out. He wrapped his arms around her, also looked out over the breathtaking view.
"What are you thinking about?" he asked quietly, seeing Kairi was lost in thought.
"Square-One," she sighed. The gentle breeze caressed her skin, danced through her hair.
"What about it?" he gently eased her back so that she was leaning against his chest. He kissed her head.
"It's gonna be dangerous," she whispered. "Why else would King Mickey be trying to get me a Keyblade?"
"I see what you mean..." Sora nodded in agreement.
"I'm starting to think..." she hung her head. "We might... not make it back. The edges of the letter were all burnt," she remembered, "so it could be really hot there."
"Kairi," Sora said quietly, "don't think about that."
"I know that," she replied, "but I just think it'll be scary. It's gonna be really hard there, isn't it?"
"Well..." Sora looked over her head, sighed heavily. "It's probably gonna be the hardest thing we'll ever do." Kairi's eyes widened. If even Sora thought it was going to be hard, then it would be terrible for her. She was nowhere near as strong or as brave as the others. True, by then she'd have a Keyblade, but would it be enough? She'd gone into sheer panic facing a heartless before, and if Sora was right, it was only a small one too! She'd never cope with a bigger one, it would send her running away like a coward!
She felt like she'd be a complete burden to everyone. They'd never even
find Riku with her around to slow them down. She couldn't stand the thought of Riku's prolonged suffering caused by her hindering the group's progress through Square-One. She just had to do something. She couldn't just let her own poor qualities stop the others from finding Riku in time. She had to stop this happening.
By now, the moon had ascended to a higher point in the twilight sky. The bright, friendly blue sky of the daytime had been covered by the thick, dark blanket of the evening. The first, brightest of all the stars had begun to twinkle, decorating the blanket of the sky with billions of tiny, shimmering diamonds. The friendly moon smiled down upon the castle, watching the precious time slipping by.
Sora took every moment and held it in his heart. He didn't want any time with Kairi to be wasted, didn't want it to be taken for granted. Watching the stars begin to dot the black spaces in the sky, he saw the wisps of the distant worlds swirling billions of miles away, not knowing that someone, somewhere was watching. Perhaps someone else was looking back, on some faraway planet. It made him feel... small. Still, Kairi made him feel bigger. Happy. Like nothing could stop him, nothing could take him away, and nothing could stop him from being with her. He pulled her closer to his chest, feeling her warmth radiating into him. Around her, he felt truly happy. At ease with everything. In a state of bliss. Too bad it wouldn't last a little longer. He felt her shaking a little in his arms. Felt her taking a huge gulp of air.
"I... I don't think I should be coming with you..."
sorry for the shortness, i wanted to end on another cliffhanger, sorry

the chapters after this one are longer. i promise ^-^
thanks for all the comments, i know i keep saying it but it really does mean a lot to me! i didn't think anyone would even read this ^-^
oh and dd, good job you can keep reading this, cause i'm gonna be writing for a long time at this rate!
let me know what you think!
<3 <3