no problemo, the cookies are my way of saying thanks

well, i'm not sure about king mickey at the moment, you'll have to read the chappy first before you decide! i'm not entirely sure what you'll think of it, but here it is anyway!
Chapter Twenty-Five
"Here, sit down, Sora," the King said, pointing to a chair next to the bed. He seemed nervous and shaky. He waited for Sora to sit down, then continued. "Did you tell Kairi about our conversation this afternoon?" He questioned. "About the Keyblade?"
"Yeah," Sora confessed. He couldn't lie to his friend. "That's ok, isn't it?"
"Oh..." the King sighed heavily, massaged his wrinkled forehead. "It would have been."
"But... what?" Sora asked, a little suspicious.
"Well, it's just that.." King Mickey looked up at him. "I've done some re-thinking. I don't think she should be allowed to wield one." He then avoided Sora's eyes.
"What do you mean?" Sora was confused.
"For one thing," King Mickey explained, "the Keyblade must choose its master. It seemed very likely that a Keyblade would choose Kairi, but after today's events-"
"What about them?" slightly angered at how Kairi had been messed around, Sora interrupted the King.
"It's just that..." this seemed very difficult for the King, who was now shaking. "She shows a great deal of fear in these situations. She's showing signs of weakness."
"Fear? Weakness?" Sora still had no idea. "Your Majesty, in these situations, it's perfectly understandable! I mean, she was attacked by a Heartless!" Sora was defending Kairi as much as possible.
"I know, it's only natural." King Mickey seemed strained, his face was pale, and he was continually wiping his palms. "But I watched you help her fight that Heartless today. I know she fought back, which showed her strength, but after only a short time, she gave up. She gave in to her own fear. That can't be allowed to happen. Think about it. What would you do in that situation?"
"I'd fight it," Sora said quietly. "But I'd have a Keyblade."
"What if you didn't have it?" King Mickey was reinforcing his point.
"I'd still fight it," Sora repeated.
"See?" King Mickey went on. "You would never give in like that, regardless of wether you had a Keyblade or not. Even before you had a Keyblade, you'd fight, no matter how inexperienced or scared you were." He stopped, to let Sora think it all over. After a moment, his head in his hands, he responded.
"Her heart is strong and pure," he argued. "You could never deny that."
"I know," the King sighed. "She's someone special, her heart is good and kind. But she's too fearful. Her body language said it all when she was in here earlier. She was all hunched up in the corner, pale and shaky. I know it would have been a traumatic time for her, but I think she would need to be much braver." He put one hand on Sora's shoulder, his voice quivering. "I know this sounds mean, but the last thing I want is for Kairi's feelings to be hurt by all this. I just think that her fear would cloud the Keyblade's judgement of her heart, and I would hate for her to feel so rejected... so weak..." he trailed off, his voice quaked.
Sora looked up at King Mickey, his blue eyes seeming to pierce the King.
"How do you think she'll feel now?" he asked sarcastically, angered at the fact that Kairi was going to be hurt by this. He knew King Mickey was right, but he was frustrated at how she would feel.
"I know," King Mickey croaked, a genuine streak of sadness and regret in his voice. He truly did regret having to do this, he was clearly upset by what he had to do. "Believe me, if there was another way, I would find it, but... I don't think a Keyblade would choose her... I don't want her to be hurt, I know how much she means to you."
Sora did not respond, he just sat quietly, contemplating everything King Mickey had told him. He knew King Mickey was right. Kairi had been showing a lot of fear, and these situations, like being attacked, were only going to become more frequent and more violent from now. He'd accepted that this would affect the Keyblade's judgement of her. Deep down, he knew it may reject her. That would be horrible for her, he hated the fact that this would hurt her feelings. Sparing the young girl's feelings was the priority at this point. He looked up at King Mickey, whose head was hung. Clearly shaken, he was upset at what he'd had to do. Sora knew that King Mickey would only do something like this if there was no other way to resolve the situation.
"What do you think?" King Mickey asked quietly. The atmosphere was tense.
"You're right," Sora nodded. "I just don't want her to get hurt."
"I know," the King said. He sat on the edge of his bed.
"She had a dream before, too..." Sora mused.
"A dream?" King Mickey seemed intrigued, leaned towards Sora.
"Yeah," Sora nodded. "It sounded like some sort of vision." He then proceeded to tell King Mickey all that she'd seen. Donald. Goofy. King Mickey. Himself. The dark figure.
"That does sound like a vision..." King Mickey said thoughtfully. "I think you're right, the New Generation
could be involved. I guess that accounts for part of her fear... but she can't let them intimidate her like that."
"Yeah," Sora spoke softly. He'd thought it all over. "I guess it's for the best in the long run... it spares her feelings. She was thinking of not coming before, she seemed terrified. Poor Kairi..." He avoided King Mickey's gaze. He felt terrible about it all. He wanted her feelings to stay intact, he didn't want to hurt her. King Mickey was right though. Although even she herself had doubts over wether a Keyblade would choose her, she would still feel hurt by it. She'd be completely devastated and humiliated if the Keyblade rejected her. At least this way, he could break it to her gently and spare her emotions. It was for the best. He stood up and readied himself to leave.
"Sora, please try to understand what I mean," the King begged. "I can't just let anyone have a Keyblade. The Keyblade chooses it's own master, not me. I'd hate for Kairi to feel rejected. Her fear is the only matter in the way of her being able to wield a Keyblade. Her heart is good and pure, Sora." This was King Mickey's last attempt at reassuring her. "I don't want her to be upset, Sora."
"I know," Sora nodded. "I better go. It's late, and Kairi's waiting." He bowed to King Mickey before leaving. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight," the King replied quietly. Sora left the room, and Goofy and Donald returned to King Mickey. They saw the look of sadness on his face, and so thought it was best if they remained quiet.
King Mickey sat quietly for a few minutes. Thought it all over. He knew it was the right decision, the kindest thing to do in that situation. He still felt awful about it though. He hoped Kairi wouldn't take it personally. That would be terrible, and he felt guily enough already. Trying to take his mind off it, he turned to Donald and Goofy.
Meanwhile, Kairi and Sora had finished the long walk back to their room. Kairi climbed back into bed, exhausted by the eventful night. Sora was stood by the windows, looking out over the dark land, thinking over all King Mickey had said. Lost in his own world, he hadn't realised Kairi was calling to him. He jumped as she gently touched his hand.
"Come on," she smiled. "You'll need your rest for tomorrow."
Sora nodded as she led him back over to the bed. His bright blue eyes were dull now, ringed with a dark tint. He looked exhausted as he wearily climbed into bed next to her.
"Goodnight, Sora," she yawned, kissing his cheek softly.
"Sweet dreams," he replied quietly.
Within minutes, Kairi was fast asleep. Sora wasn't so tired. He lay awake, staring at the ceiling. Kairi breathing heavily next to him, blissfully unaware, he felt numb, unsure of how to feel. He thought of the New Generation. Why were they after him? He thought of Riku, missing him, worrying about him. Most of all, he thought of Kairi. He, too, knew it was the kindest option, and that it would spare some of her feelings.
"So why does doing the right thing feel so... wrong..." he thought to himself, lying awake.
"What if this hurts her?" It had been hours since Kairi had drifted off to sleep. The night was lasting much longer than usual. He knew tomorrow was going to be busy, he knew he had to get some sleep, no matter how difficult it was going to be.
After a while, he'd drifted away, without knowing it. At least some sleep would rest his weary mind. It had been an exhausting night.
hope you like it, i'm not so sure about it myself... it's my personal least favourite chapter so far
i hope i described mickey well, i wanted certain emotions to be convyed through him andi don't know if it worked ^^; let me know what you think, wether it's good or bad!
<3 <3