Krexia you are an amazing translator, I feel you don't get told that enough (No matter how many people say it). At this rate Riku's conversation with DiZ is assured to be understood. As a person who makes theories, you provide us with material to work with. (Hope that doesn't sound bad
This is how I interpret things: One cannot time travel without leaving their body behind, which doesn't mean a person has to become a heartless to do so, but rather leave their vessel behind in said point in time for the whole trip. Anything experienced, become memories pushed to the bottom of the heart, thus the person returns without a single idea of what happened during said journey in time. Thus history is not altered through any means, in the past I've questioned Numora's ideas, but KH3D puts all doubts to rest. The man's a story writing genius! First with TWEWY, and now at the current point in process of KH.
My understanding of the order of the Original Lights:
The current lights are:
Kairi-She's filling-in
Donald-Same as Kairi
Goofy-Same as Kairi
The reasons being there needs to be someone, if there are, to fill-in the spots. And I know how so many people want YS to be a part of that, but here's my understanding of why not. 1) YS sadly doesn't possess as good of magic reaction time as MX does (He has enough tricks to be able to kick any normal person's a**? I have no doubt, but I the hands he uses to cast move so slowly). 2) He doffed the mantle for a reason, he's old. No offense to YS, but he can't move as fast. Take MX and compare him to his younger half, the speed and power differences are unbelievable. Anyone who has fought MF in BBS knows exactly what I'm talking about.
3) I've had this suspicion, and note it lacks some foundation, but I've had this suspicion that YS gave Mickey his Keyblade. If keyblades are all different at the core, then that kinda leans toward it. Mickey gained the KK of the RoD, it's reffered to as a Keyblade, rather than a Keychain, taking into consideration that Mickey was using Star Seeker in Re:Coded somewhat makes me believe my suspicion true(Although it could just be a SS made out of data :/ ). And, though it might yeild absoluetly no evidence but at the end of BBS Mickey gives both SS and the Star Shard to YS, almost as if they both originally belonged to YS (Though it could be just that Mickey felt unfit to weild his Keyblade and so gave it over to YS).
4)If the third the is true, YS on top of being past his prime, has no weapon to aid him. As far as I've seen, he's more a valid and indispensible source of wisdom than anything, and that in itself give him a great amount of worth to the side of light(Without someone like him, they'd be lost, Mickey wouldn't have even known that they weren't done with Xehanort yet. Lea would have helped, but I think Mic would have had less time to prepare and formulate some appropiate course of action. Along with the fact he'd just be going by a hunch than really knowing what might happen, what with his 'I think' lines in the past.)
Known/Probable 13 Darknesses:
MX-New Superior
Vanitas-Seen alongside YMX
Braig-Might be #2, tough call
Xaldin-Pointed ears, strong, stood for the original Org XIII's cause, and disconnected with emotions.
YMX-It hasn't been said that he's decided to 'return' just yet.
Repliku-(When Riku sees a younger him its followed by a Re:Cap of CoM, plus RR ... Insinuation if I ever saw one)
Xehanort- MX said he has one of the lights, insinuation of Terra, who is the vessel of this timeline's MX.
Only ten people were there, Xehanort even said both light and darkness were lacking. He also mentions, according to the translations, that they'll return to 'their own places' in their own timelines, I'm forced to assume at this point. The place he mentions they'd meet could mean the 'Keyblade Graveyard', or I suppose just the 'Badlands' if Aqua's inaccessibility is any idication of what happened to the world thanks to the Death-Blade's destruction (And that she could only enter that area of the world to face VS). As it is reffered to as 'that place' rather than 'here, within the world of the woken'.
Metaphorically, I can't wait for the translations to DiZ and Riku's conversation