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Okay, translations of all the cutscenes from TWTNW through to the end of the game are done! (I know some videos of these are floating around online, with and without subtitles, but I haven't had the time to go around collecting links to them - sorry!)
---------------- Sora ----------------
---------------- Riku ----------------
---------------- Ending ----------------
---------------- Sora ----------------
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[Sora lands in front of the skyscraper in The World that Never Was.]
Sora: This is the Organisation's...
[TWTNW title appears.]
Sora: So this world was closed away in sleep, too? But that can't be... I've released the 7 locks, so I should be back in the real world... why am I here?
Xigbar: Are you still half-asleep?
Sora: Who's that? Come out!
Xigbar: This plan was kind of a hassle, but here we'll finish it off.
[Xigbar shoots; Sora dodges. Xigbar jumps down from on top of a nearby building.]
Sora: Why are you --
Xigbar: I'll explain it all in order, Sora, Roxas. First, you originally planned to return to the real world - so why are you in this world? The answer is simple: we invited you here, using the moment you fell into sleep. Since that moment we've been with you, leading you around.
Sora: Right from the start -- Oh! That man in the robe! And the guy in the black coat after that, and Xemnas, and --
Xigbar: Correct! When you cross over time, when you go to the world of the moment you fall into sleep - at that time, in that place, your past self must exist. You met him in the past, didn't you? The man in the robe. Yes, from that time, it was predetermined* that you would come here today.
Sora: Surely that can't be!
Xigbar: That's right... we've gone too far. Nobody could believe a story like that, right? That's why you guys couldn't see through it, and why your plans went wrong. The proof is that even if you return to reality, your form won't return to how it was. You're no longer able to awaken. That is to say, it doesn't matter whether this is reality or a dream.
[Sora summons his Keyblade.]
Sora: I get it. It doesn't matter. But one thing is clear: that you guys are my enemies!
Xigbar: Oh? That's a good glare, same as always. But here we're changing players, thanks to this complex plan.
[Xigbar shoots in a circle around Sora; Young Xehanort and 11 others in black robes appear around him.]
Young Xehanort: Let's go together.
[Young Xehanort's form is briefly replaced by an image of Riku holding out his hand, from KH1]
Sora: What...
[Sora gets dizzy and starts to fall asleep.]
Xigbar: Have a nice dream.
*They actually say "decided" rather than "predetermined", but in context it's very clear that they mean the word in the sense of predestination.
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[Sora wakes up on Destiny Islands; the original younger Xehanort is standing facing the ocean wearing a sleeveless top. A man in a brown robe walks up to talk to Xehanort.]
[The Young Xehanort who's been seen throughout the game, in the black robe, is sitting beside Sora and speaks to him.]
Young Xehanort: That's right, it began here. At this time I still hadn't realised that it was myself - that I would throw away my own form to make myself go on this journey.
Sora: What are you saying?
Young Xehanort: That's Xehanort, who has become only a heart. The man that you have all been calling Ansem.
[Sora looks up and the brown-robed man is staring right at him.]
Sora: Aah!
[Sora falls asleep again.]
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[Sora has a view of the brown-robed man walking into the Secret Place on Destiny Islands.]
Sora: He's...
[Younger Sora runs into the Secret Place.]
Sora: That's...?!
Young Xehanort: That's right. This is the time Xigbar was just talking about.
Sora: That's me, just before this world was swallowed by darkness.
Young Xehanort: In order to cross over time, it is necessary to discard one's body. First Ansem sent me on a journey, and then he came to this place, in this time. With that, everything up until today was predetermined.
Sora: What are you saying? Are you telling me he knew about everything?
Young Xehanort: No. Not everything. After this, Ansem took over Riku's body, and experienced the flow of time like that.
Sora: So... he only knew up until that point? Why was it predetermined that I would come here today?
Young Xehanort: That's...
[An explosion shakes the island; Kairi flies towards Sora.]
Sora: Kairi!
[Kairi vanishes as she reaches Sora, and Sora falls asleep again.]
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[Sora wakes falling through the sky above Traverse Town. He's surrounded by sleeping, falling Soras.]
Sora: This is...?
[He lands and sees the other Soras all doing different things; one falls asleep in front of him and disappears.]
Young Xehanort: You've visited this place many times. Your first journey, the journey through your memories, the journey through data... and the journey through dreams. Over and over, like déjà vu.
[Mickey runs across the plaza past the multiple Soras]
Sora: The King?
[Donald and Goofy walk into view, looking up at the sky like their first scene in Traverse Town in KH1. Then they walk away.]
Sora: Donald! Goofy!
[Sora tries to follow them, but is distracted by Pluto.]
Sora: Pluto!
[Sora chases after Pluto.]
Muffled voice: Sora --
[Sora falls asleep again.]
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[Sora wakes up in The World that Never Was.]
Sora: This is... I've returned?
[Mickey, Donald and Goofy run past.]
Sora: Your Highness... wait! Donald! Goofy!
[He runs after them but sees Naminé.]
Sora: You're... Naminé?
[Naminé runs off.]
Sora: Wait, Naminé!
[He grabs her hand.]
Sora: I had something I wanted to tell you. I thought I'd tell you after everything was over.
[Naminé turns, and suddenly she's Xion.]
Sora: Huh? You're -- who are you?
[Xion says nothing, and Sora sheds a tear.]
Sora: Huh? Why?
[Xion runs away.]
Sora: Wait!
Muffled voice: Wake up --
[Sora presses his hand to his forehead, looking distressed.]
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[Sora runs up to a figure in a black coat.]
Sora: Hey, wait! Who on earth are --
[The figure lowers its hood to reveal Roxas.]
Sora: You're -- Roxas -- If you're here too, is this a dream?
[Roxas shakes his head.]
Sora: Say something, answer me!
Roxas: It was probably a good thing that I met you.
Sora: Huh?
Roxas: But it has to be you.
Sora: What do you mean?
Roxas: In your heart, many hearts are connected. Because of me, you're carrying my memories too.
Sora: No... Roxas is Roxas, you're different from me. I wanted to tell you - Roxas, you should exist as yourself.
[Roxas smiles.]
Roxas: Sora... that's why it has to be you.
[He takes Sora's hands. Roxas' memories fly through Sora's mind for several seconds. Afterwards, Roxas is gone, Sora's hands held by empty air.]
Sora: Again... Is this their doing, too? What do you want to show me!?
Muffled voice: Sora... you mustn't chase the dream... if you keep chasing within your dream, you'll reach the abyss and become unable to wake up...
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[Sora is running towards Kairi and Riku, who have their backs turned.]
Sora: Riku! Kairi! I finally found you!
[Sora pants for breath. Riku and Kairi turn around, and blur and reappear as Terra and Aqua.]
Sora: Huh? Who are you?
Terra: Ven.
Aqua: Ven.
[Sora suddenly has Ventus' appearance.]
Sora in Ven's form: Huh?
[Terra and Aqua reach out their hands. Sora-as-Ven reaches out instinctively, then flinches and steps backwards. Terra and Aqua turn and walk away, their forms blurring back into Riku and Kairi. Sora is himself again, and tries to run after them, but can only move in slow motion.]
Sora: What's this --
Muffled voice: Sora, don't follow them! Wake up, Sora!
[Riku and Kairi fade away, and Sora finds himself running towards the skyscraper in The World that Never Was, still in slow motion.]
Sora: Wait!
[A bright light appears and Sora reaches out towards it.]
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[Young Sora and Riku run along the shore of Destiny Islands at sunset. They meet Aqua, and the scene where Aqua meets Sora and Riku in BbS replays silently. The scene fades into Xemnas standing on the shore.]
Sora: This is...
[Xemnas looks backover his shoulder at Sora; Sora yells in surprise and is flung backwards out of the scene.]
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[In The World that Never Was, a bright light falls from the sky and lands next to Xigbar.]
Xigbar: That was close! Even though you've finally fallen asleep for a second time, you were about to be woken!
[The light fades to reveal Sora, crouching in front of Xigbar.]
Sora: Like I thought... you guys are the ones who've been showing me illusions!
Xigbar: Nope. What you've been seeing is dreams, not illusions. We just gave you the opportunity to sleep. We didn't participate that far. Try asking that heart thing that you believe in.
Sora: Yeah... my heart felt pain. That's why I followed it here.
Xigbar: Ooooh. So thanks to your heart, everything has gone according to our plans? Those heart things really are trouble!
Sora: You guys, don't you have hearts? Axel, and Roxas, and Naminé -- and that girl -- in the emotions I felt from Roxas, everyone was laughing, and angry -- and sad. The tears they cried are proof of that.
Xigbar: Heh. You've finally realised.
[Xemnas appears behind Sora.]
Xemnas: Yes. We weren't without hearts.* There's some individual variation, but there were those for whom it seemed hearts were about to be born inside them. A heart is something that can sprout, and be nurtured. The experiments that gave birth to the Heartless were experiments where by controlling the mind we could induce abandonment of the self. By doing that, even if we induced loss of the heart, people could use those bodies as vessels to carry* a heart many times. We were also split into heart and body - into Heartless and Nobody - but we knew that we could once again carry hearts.
Sora: But if that's true... if that's true, why did you lie to them and say they had no hearts?!
Xigbar: Xemnas, Xehanort's true goal when creating the Organisation was to act as an intermediary for Kingdom Hearts - to plant the same heart and consciousness in husks that had been made to abandon their hearts. To make all the members of the Organisation into Xehanort.
Sora: To make everyone into Xehanort... you would deceive your allies like that? To lose your own self... you would wish for something like that?
[The shot zooms in on Xigbar's yellow eye.]
Xegbar: I'm already half Xehanort.
Sora: What's that --
Xemnas: But there were those whose power wasn't sufficient, those whose thoughts could not be unravelled, those who plotted rebellion -- almost all those we chose for the Organisation were unsuited for our goals, just as I thought. But that was also taken into consideration. Knowing the foolishness of the heart, I was able to achieve my other objective. And now, this will be the last mission of the Organisation.
[Sora summons his Keyblade.]
Sora: Stop messing around! Hearts aren't tools for your experiments or plots! Things like the feelings that are born when you connect with other people -- no matter how far apart you are separated, when you love one another, that's a bond that can connect you! That's where my power comes from!
Xigbar: That's it! You were able to bring forth that power because of your connection to someone's heart. You yourself are not a vessel that can use a Keyblade. But relax - we welcome you as a fellow vessel.
[Sora looks at his Keyblade.]
Sora: It doesn't matter if I myself don't have the power to use a Keyblade. It's fine for everyone's hearts to become power by passing through me. That's the power of the Keyblade -- those connected hearts are my power!
[The shot zooms out to Sora standing with all his friends behind him.]
Xigbar: No matter how strong you get, you're already -- it's okay. No matter what power you have, in this place -- Xemnas! I'll leave the last bit up to you!
[Xemnas prepares to fight Sora.]
*Most literally: "We were not in a state of having lost our hearts."
*The verb used here is yadosu, which I've translated as 'carry' but can also mean keeping a guest. So the connotation is of the heart being looked after by a host body.
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[Sora collapses, dark mist flowing from his body. Young Xehanort appears beside him]
Sora: You... again...
Young Xemnas: You're too obedient. You might have intended to win, but the moment you dived this far, you lost. You've fallen into the abyss of sleep, and become this exhausted; now you cannot return to the real world.
Sora: What do you mean?
Young Xehanort: Didn't I tell you? You didn't come here because you were led by the keyhole of sleep. We were leading you from the beginning. You were in our hands. The mark of heresy engraved on your chest is proof of that.
[Sora reaches up to the large white X across his chest.]
Sora: What's that?
Young Xehanort: That's right. Thanks to that mark of heresy, we could always know your whereabouts. You questioned it yourself, didn't you - why we were following you around. That's because we need you, Sora. Rather, to be precise, your empty shell: the 13th vessel of darkness.
Sora: Wh... at...
Young Xehanort: Why was it predetermined that you would come here today? You followed your own path, and in doing so, we saw and knew everything that would happen up until this point. Even if you travel across time, you cannot change the facts. Here, today, are gathered the selves that changed the shape of all time... and we welcome you as the 13th. Everything was predetermined.
Sora: What's... going to happen?
Young Xehanort: I only know up until now. All my selves are gathered here. I can't see what will happen in the time after this. Soon I too will return to my former time, and continue through the proper flow of time. Even though my self that exists in this time knows, when I return once more to my former time, these memories and experiences will return to nothing. But the path I must follow will remain as a friend in my heart. As a heart, I will journey into the outside world.
Sora: Riku...
Young Xemnas: Your heart will sleep in the darkness for eternity. Your body will become a new one of my vessels. Light has fallen into darkness. Goodnight, Sora.
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[Sora sits on one of the big white seats in Organisation XIII's meeting room. The camera zooms out as he falls asleep.]
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[Sora falls through a dark sky; a light approaches him and hovers over him as he is swallowed by darkness. The light grows brighter, and after a flash of light Ventus' armour appears on Sora. He falls to rest on a giant stained glass depiction of Sora, looking at a distant light high above.]
---------------- Riku ----------------
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[Riku lands in The World That Never Was.]
Riku: What is this place? Why am I here? I thought I opened the 7 keyholes - why haven't I returned to the real world?
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[Riku walks into a big open plaza to see Sora hovering within a bubble, surrounded by swirling dark energy.]
Riku: That's... Sora? Sora!
[He runs over, and through the bubble sees images of himself and Kairi, as well as Pluto, all walking away. He grabs Sora's hand.]
Riku: Sora, don't follow them! Wake up, Sora!
[He tugs, but Sora's arm doesn't budge. The darkness swirling around Sora peels off and coalesces into a figure in a black coat with glowing red eyes.*]
Riku: Have you trapped Sora in a nightmare?!
[Riku draws his Keyblade. As he does, the same symbol as on the back of Riku's shirt appears on the back of the figure in the black coat.]
Riku: If you're a nightmare... I'll eat you whole!
[Riku prepares to fight the figure in the black coat.]
*This enemy is called the "Anti Black Coat", and is described in the Reports section as "a Nightmare wrapped in a black coat".
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[The Anti Black Coat is defeated and disintegrates into dark mist. Riku runs over to Sora, who's still in his bubble.]
Riku: Sora... you mustn't chase the dream... if you keep chasing within your dream, you'll reach the abyss and become unable to wake up...*
[Sora and his bubble fade away; the skyscraper in The World That Never Was fades into, and then out of sight.]
Riku: This is -- the world where Sora is is trembling? Why won't Sora wake up?! Has the nightmare not disappeared?
Ansem: That's right.
Riku: Ansem!
[He spins around but there's nobody there.]
Ansem: Sora can no longer awaken. No matter how many of Sora's nightmares you consume, those who have fallen into the abyss of dreams can not awaken from sleep.
Riku: What?!
Ansem: Memories become dreams, dreams exist within sleep, and that sleep exists within darkness. Sora's heart has fallen into darkness.
Riku: You think I can believe that Sora's heart would fall into darkness?
Ansem: You should be feeling it too. This world, and the abyss of darkness within the nightmare... why haven't you returned to the real world?
Riku: That's... this is...
Ansem: A dream of a dream; a nightmare within a nightmare -- this whole time, you've been travelling within Sora's dreams. And now, like this, you will fall into the darkness within the darkness.
[The ground gives way under Riku, and he starts sinking into darkness.]
Riku: What?!
[He tries to pull his legs free as he sinks.]
Riku: It's no good... I can't break free!
[Riku is swallowed by darkness.]
*These are the same lines Sora hears in a muffled voice throughout his own scenes in The World That Never Was.
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[Riku and Ansem are floating in featureless darkness.]
Ansem: When this journey began -- when you left on your adventure from that small island -- when you saw my robed form, you instantly sensed something abnormal. And while you were unconscious, you dove into Sora's dreams. And, in accordance with that symbol on your back, you have protected Sora from nightmares, taking the role of a Dreameater.
Riku: I'm... a Dreameater?
Ansem: That's right. But you were unable to protect Sora. Once, you wished for the power to protect what was important to you. But you've done nothing but shut away the powers of darkness it took so much trouble to obtain.
Riku: But this isn't the end, yet. I will save Sora.
Ansem: Then you've obtained your answer. You should release the power of darkness once again, and save your friend.
Riku: Ansem - no, Xehanort -- you were once a Keyblade user too. But you lost your heart to darkness, and lost your Keyblade too. And so, on this journey, I wanted to make sure... whether it's appropriate for me, who carries darkness in my heart, to use a Keyblade. Even though I shut the darkness away in my heart, you still appear like this. With this journey, I've learned something. I'm going to stop shutting the darkness away in my heart.
Ansem: So you've finally accepted it.
[Ansem holds out his hand towards Riku.]
Riku: For some reason, when I confront you I remember a secret promise - a faint memory from when I was young. When I started dreaming of journeying to the outside world... that man....
Ansem: Hm?
Riku: My journey begins here.
[Riku summons his Keyblade.]
Riku: I'll return to the real world, and save Sora.
[Ansem withdraws his hand.]
Ansem: Is that your answer?
Riku: Yes. If that's my purpose, I'll consume the darkness, and dissolve it into light.
Ansem: You overestimate yourself.
[Swirling darkness appears below them, and Ansem prepares to fight Riku.]
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[Riku and Ansem float down and land in an area surrounded by twisted tendrils of darkness.]
Riku: Ansem! Become a part of my heart, and become light!
Ansem: You still don't understand? You will always be in the hands of darkness!
[Ansem crosses his arms, and a dark monster grows around him, with Ansem in its belly. Riku prepares to fight it.]
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[Ansem's dark monster disintegrates around him. It reaches out for Riku, and Riku holds his Keyblade in front of him. The monster dissolves into thin air and sparks of light. Riku sighs.]
Riku: The power to protect what is important.
[He lowers his Keyblade and smiles.]
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[Riku stands before the skyscraper in The World That Never Was.]
Riku: This is... was I able to break out of the world of dreams? Sora and I have been divided ever since we began our journey... that was all part of Ansem -- no, Xehanort's plot. We strayed from the Mark of Master exam Yen Sid set us... Anyway, Sora should be here. I need to look for him.
[TWTNW title appears.]
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[Riku approaches the edge of a cliff; across a vast chasm is The Castle That Never Was.]
Riku: The path ends here? I've returned to the real world, but I can still use the power of Dreameaters... as I thought, Sora still hasn't woken up. Where are you, Sora...
[A squeak is heard; Riku looks around, holding a hand to his ear. Over in the distance, at the entrance to the Castle, he can see... Wonder-nyan!]
Riku: A Dreameater? Is Sora over there? How can I get across --
[Koumori-bat appears and lands on Riku's shoulder, grinning and chirping in his ear. Wonder-nyan wiggles and squeaks and rolls around on the far side of the chasm. Riku grins.]
Riku: Okay... I get it!
[He reaches up to pet Koumori-bat]
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[Riku enters Organisation XIII's meeting chamber, looking around at the chairs, and sees Sora in the 13th seat.]
Riku: Sora!
[He runs over, but Young Xehanort appears out of a dark portal, and sends Riku flying backwards with a gesture. Riku lands painfully in the centre of the room.]
Young Xehanort: Do not touch the new vessel.
[Riku slowly gets to his feet.]
Riku: Vessel?
Young Xehanort: Yes. At first we intended to use you, but in your heart you had a resistance to darkness. So just like the Keyblade, we chose the next option. Roxas -- he was an existence appropriate for a vessel. But he had too much awareness, and returned to Sora. The original purpose of Organisation XIII was to divide Xehanort's heart into 13 vessels. We knew we would lack several vessels, thanks to all of you. But now we've compensated for that. Now that we've obtained Sora, the 13th vessel, it is complete.
Riku: 13 Xehanorts?
[Riku gasps and looks up as ten figures in black coats appear in the other seats around the chamber.]
Riku: This is --
Young Xehanort: The new Organisation XIII.
Riku: Organisation XIII?
Young Xehanort: Among these, I am the first past Xehanort. My task was to gather here today, in this place, all the selves that my self from recent times has separated and fused in different worlds.
Riku: From the past?
Young Xehanort: There are many restraints to travelling across time. The first time you cross, you must discard your body. Before crossing over, your self must exist. After crossing over, you can only proceed in one direction, in accordance with the flow of time. One cannot rewrite the facts of what happens in that time.
Riku: What are you going to do?
[Young Xehanort indicates the highest chair, which contains only a swirling black mist.]
Young Xehanort: Soon, the very first me will return here. When that happens, each time will return to its former flow. I too will abide by the rules of the flow of time from my original time. You should ask him.
[Riku looks at the chair. With a sudden spark of light, something shoots down from the sky to land in the middle of the room. Young Xehanort is thrown backwards.]
Mickey: Stop gun!
[Young Xehanort freezes mid-flight, and the whole meeting chamber is encased in a bubble of magic. Riku looks up to see Mickey turn to face him.]
Mickey: Looks like I made it in time!
Riku: Mickey!
Mickey: In any case, let's hurry up and get Sora home! They won't stay stopped for long!
Riku: Got it!
[Something fast-moving appears behind Mickey and knocks him flying with a shout.]
Riku: Mickey!
Young Xehanort: I thought I told you not to touch?
Riku: How can you move?
[Young Xehanort summons his Keyblade, No-Name.]
Mickey: No... that can't be...?!
Young Xehanort: Begone!
[The world goes dark as he prepares to fight Riku.]
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[Riku faces Young Xehanort in an arena surrounded by giant polyhedral hourglasses, each with a different coloured sand. They both raise their Keyblades and prepare to fight.]
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[Mickey bounds over to Riku in the middle of Organisation 13's meeting room.]
Mickey: Are you okay, Riku?
Riku: Yeah. And you, Mickey?
[Mickey nods. They both look around as Mickey's Stop spell begins to fade. Mickey looks up and gasps.]
Mickey: Master Xehanort! As I thought, it was you!
[Master Xehanort has appeared in his chair, above all the others.]
Master Xehanort: Everything until now was predetermined. Like this, welcomed by my 12 other selves, I am revived here as a person. What happens from here is a world yet unseen.
Mickey: Why have you done this!?
Master Xehanort: In the distant past it was believed that light was a blessing from the unseen Kingdom Hearts. Kingdom Hearts was protected by its antithesis, the χ-blade. But the Keyblade Wars occurred, over control of the Kingdom Hearts of light. In those violent battles, the χ-blade was smashed to pieces, broken into 7 lights and 13 darknesses. And the true Kingdom Hearts was swallowed by the darkness. Once, I hoped to use pure light and darkness as substitutes to complete the χ-blade, but that ended in failure. Swept along by opportunity, I had lost sight of the correct method. I realise that I was too hasty.
[Mickey visibly trembles with rage.]
Mickey: And so it's your fault - at that time, you changed the fate of those three young people!
Master Xehanort: There is no chance in fate.* Their fate was also inevitable. One person became a failed χ-blade. One tried to save their friends, and fell into darkness. And one person became my vessel. Those were their fates.
Mickey: So I couldn't have saved them... but I thought that thanks to them, your plan had fallen apart -- I was so naive. When Maleficent first started to collect the 7 hearts of pure light, I should have realised.
Master Xehanort: Yes. It was all my plan. I used the witch to collect the 7 hearts of pure light, while on the other hand I prepared 13 vessels in order to pour pure darkness into them.
Riku: It's such a shame, that Sora thwarted all of those plans.
Master Xehanort: Yes, by that ordinary little boy over there, who is a far cry from a Keyblade user. But my plans haven't finished yet. The 7 people who safeguard the light, and the 13 people who pursue the darkness --
[Xehanort laughs.]
Mickey: 7 people who safeguard the light - the Keyblade users are me, Riku, Sora, and those three people whose whearabouts are unknown, which makes 6 people - plus one more. And the 13 people who pursue the darkness --
[Mickey looks up and around at the figures seated around the room.]
Master Xehanort: That's the King, for you - telling it like it is. But Sora and one more person of two people* belong to this side. Which means the light is lacking three. But don't worry; those who safeguard the light will be chosen naturally. And then the 7 chosen lights and the 13 darknesses will collide, and in the end will give birth to...
Master Xehanort and Mickey: The χ-blade.
[Master Xehanort stands up on his seat and summons his Keyblade.]
Master Xehanort: First of all, let's complete the 13 darknesses. The seats have all been filled. I'll split my heart into the final vessel!
[At a gesture from Master Xehanort, Sora's seat begins to grow, raising him up.]
Mickey: Oh no!
Riku: Sora!
[As Mickey starts leaping between the pillars of the seats, trying to reach Sora, the other Xehanorts jump in to intercept him. One catches Mickey by the throat; another tackles Riku and shoves him face-down onto the floor. Neither can move as Sora's chair reaches the same height as Master Xehanort's, directly across the room from him. Xehanort laughs, and fires a blast of energy from his Keyblade at Sora -- which erupts into a cloud of fire and smoke right in front of Sora's face.]
Mickey: Just in time!
Xehanort-holding-Mickey: You're --
[Lea stands on Sora's chair, wreathed in flames, chakram in one hand and Sora's unconscious body under his other arm.]
Xigbar: Axel!
[Riku looks up and gasps.]
Lea: Axel? Nope. I'm Lea. Got it memorised?
Xigbar: Why are you here!?
Lea: Because unfortunately I made a promise - that I'd bring him back, every time. Is that something you didn't anticipate? You did know everything, right? But you hadn't read this far. So! What's your next move?
[Xigbar slams his fist on the arm of his chair, and looks up at Master Xehanort.]
Xigbar: Old man, what do we do? There's no time!
[Master Xehanort grins, and a hooded figure leaps at Lea, his staff-like weapon materialising in mid-air. Lea blocks the blow with his chakram, and the impact blows the figure's hood back to reveal Saïx. Lea gasps in recognition.]
Lea: Isa --
[Saïx's face is completely emotionless as he bears down on Lea with the weight of his claymore. Lea slips away and leaps from the chair. Mickey escapes from his captor's grasp. Riku rematerialises his Keyblade in a reverse grip and strikes up at the Xehanort holding him. The three of them stand together to face the various Xehanorts.]
Riku: Why is Axel here!?
Lea: No, you see, I said, it's Lea -- aah whatever, Axel is good too. Anyway, let's hurry up and get out of here!
Mickey: Ok!
[A dark monster bursts out of one of the Xehanorts and swoops down to grab Mickey and Riku. Suddenly there's shouting from the above, and a burst of light falls down, swerving all over the place. Donald and Goofy fall out of it and hit the dark monster on the head before falling to the ground. The monster fades away.]
Donald: Did we get it?
Goofy: I think so...
Mickey: You two came for us!
[The Xehanorts start fading.]
Master Xehanort: The time has come. Light and darkness are lacking, so we will each return to our own places. But the hour that the 7 and 13 will be complete is near. Then in the event that the light and dark are complete, let us meet again in that place!
[Master Xehanort and all the others disintegrate into dark scraps that scatter away from the room.]
*This is the same line that was seen in one of the very first BbS trailers.
*Okay, I had some trouble finding a good way to phrase this one in English, so just to make it totally clear: Master Xehanort is explicitly saying two people are one person. In Japanese, MX says ソラともう一人の二人, which sounds utterly bizarre because he's using a counter that grammatically means "one person" to refer to "two people". The most literal translation would be something like, "Sora and one more two-people person."
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[The camera pans over the Mysterious Tower. The Mysterious Tower title appears.]
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[The scene begins inside the Mysterious Tower. Yen Sid, Riku, Mickey, Donald, Goofy and Lea are there, with Sora slumped unconscious against the wall.]
Yen Sid: 7 lights, and 13 darknesses -- Master Xehanort went that far --
[Donald and Goofy are obviously distressed about Sora's condition. Mickey and Riku look on as well.]
Mickey: Sora... has your heart fallen asleep too?
Yen Sid: No, King. This time the situation is different.
Riku: Is there something we can do?
[Donald and Goofy look up expectantly. Lea looks over to Yen Sid, too.]
Yen Sid: During this Mark of Mastery Exam, the 7 keyholes were opened. Because of this, the worlds enclosed by sleep were awakened, and we have learned the means to release sleeping hearts. Riku, within Sora's dreams you have opened the 7 keyholes. Which means, if you can use that power, there is a possibility you can awaken Sora's heart.
Mickey: He's going to dive into sleep again? Sora's heart is in the deepest abyss of darkness. If something goes wrong, this time Riku will be trapped together with Sora. I will go.
Yen Sid: I'm sure that as King you could also do this. Only, since he has actually dived into Sora's heart, there is no-one more suitable than Riku.
[Mickey sighs. Donald and Goofy look at their feet. Riku looks over at Sora's sleeping form and smiles.]
Riku: Mickey, thank you for worrying about me. But I'll go to wake Sora.
Mickey: Riku --
Riku: When he's asleep, his expression is totally carefree... even though he's making everyone so worried. It was the same back then - we said the three of us would build a raft together, but Sora was always just napping on the beach. So, I'll go and pull him out. I'll say, "Even though you're taking your Mark of Mastery exam, you're sleeping?" I have to go. Sora saved me - and I'm sure he's called for me. I want to go.
Mickey: Yes. We are connected by strong bonds. Even if the way before you is dark, if you follow those bonds, your thoughts will definitely get through!
Goofy: We're connected too!
Donald: It's a bond!
Lea: And even if you fall into darkness, I'll go to meet you -- because, well, it's my speciality.
Riku: Thank you, everyone. I'll definitely bring Sora back.
[Riku stands and bows to Yen Sid. He summons his Keyblade, and as he points it at Sora, they both begin to glow. A portal appears between them. With everyone's encouragement, Riku opens the portal.]
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[Riku awakens lying on rippling darkness. He gets to his feet.]
Riku: Is this the abyss of Sora's dreams?
[Something bulges out of the liquid darkness underfoot; Riku gasps in surprise. The liquid falls away to reveal Ventus' armour with a Dreameater symbol etched over the front of its helmet.* It prepares to attack.]
Riku: What!?
*This enemy is called Nightmare Armour Ventus. The description in the Reports says, "This form is the armour someone clad Sora in to protect him against the corrosion of darkness, concealed by darkness. The darkness makes the armour move and attack Riku."
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[Defeated, the armour of Nightmare Armour Ventus cracks all over, then breaks away to reveal Sora, who falls to the ground. He drops the dark Keyblade that Nightmare Armour Ventus had been using.]
Riku: Sora!
[As Riku runs towards him, Sora begins sinking into the darkness. Riku tries to catch hold of him, to no avail. The darkness gradually shrinks away, leaving Riku alone on his hands and knees, on the giant stained glass image of Sora. He looks over at the Keyblade Sora left behind, and it fades from black into the Kingdom Key.]
Riku: I understand, Sora.
[He picks up Sora's Keyblade, and a keyhole appears in the middle of the stained glass. Riku leaps into the air, opens it with the Keyblade, and is surrounded by light.]
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[Riku opens his eyes on Destiny Islands, looking out to sea at the sunset. He turns and sees Roxas.]
Riku: Roxas --
Roxas: What are you so afraid of?
Riku: Huh?
[Riku can answer with one of three options.*]
- That I might be trapped in the darkness.
- Of hurting someone's heart.
- Of losing something important.
[Riku answers, and Roxas fades away. Riku walks along the beach and meets Ventus.]
Riku: Roxas -- or maybe not?
Ventus: What is the most important thing to you?
Riku: Huh?
[Riku can answer with one of three options.]
- The hearts of light I'm connected to.
- My precious friends.
- The power to protect.
[Ventus fades away.]
Riku: What's going on?
[Riku looks up, and sitting on the palm tree in the distance, he sees a silhouette.]
Riku: Sora!
[Riku runs over, but when he reaches the palm tree, he finds Xion sitting on it.]
Riku: Who are you?
Xion: Riku, what do you want to do?
Riku: Another question? That's right --
[Riku moves over to lean against the palm tree.]
Riku: I want...
[Riku can answer with one of three options.]
- To return to the world and protect everyone.
- To take back what is important to me.
- To heal the sorrows of the past.
[The scene fades to white. Riku sighs, and opens his eyes standing on the shore. He sees a bottle floating towards the beach, and picks it up when it reaches him.]
Riku: This is...?
Ansem the Wise: It's hard to believe, that you would come here.
Riku: DiZ!? No... Ansem the Wise. Why are you here?
Ansem the Wise: Maybe I intended to atone. I know that no matter how much I apologise, I can't be forgiven. I thought if I could at least leave something behind... I turned that research of mine into data, and hid it inside Sora.
[Riku looks at the bottle in his hand.]
Riku: This is... data?
Ansem the Wise: That's right. Maybe it will be a clue for you all, to bring back your lost allies. The heart is something that can be born, and nurtured. To touch the light, to feel nature, to connect to people... the accumulation of these things gives shape to the heart. It's the same even for Nobodies who do not have hearts.
Ansem the Wise: Sora is unique; even though he returned to his own body, he allowed his Nobody to exist as it was. That is the strength of the thoughts of the people connected to his heart, the strength of his heart's connections. I dare say that even if he were to lose that heart, those he is connected to could, with just those vanished hearts and existences, bring it back.
Ansem the Wise: One's treasured things, a silent doll, trees in the forest, flowers that sway in the wind... anything has the potential to carry a heart. You don't need any special ability. That light of the heart that everyone had when they were a child - simple, honest thoughts - that is the strength of a pure heart, in which Sora believes and cannot doubt.
Ansem the Wise: If someone feels a heart there, a heart exists. Even if a heart is lost, maybe it can once again be connected. Up to this point, he has felt, accepted, and saved many hearts. And now the many hearts that sleep within Sora's heart have fallen into darkness, been stolen by darkness, sleep in darkness. The hearts dissolved in Sora -- to save them, you must act as Sora has up until now, move forward as a heart in order to succeed. His thoughts are the only way. Or to be precise, what is within them.
[Riku looks at the bottle again.]
Riku: I understand. I'll look after this. Thank you.
Ansem the Wise: It's nothing. By the way, why are you here?
Riku: Uh... to wake up Sora...
Ansem the Wise: Has he fallen asleep again?
Riku: Yeah... what can you do about guys like him?
Ansem the Wise: Indeed.
[Ansem the Wise and Riku laugh.]
Ansem the Wise: Sora is alright.
Riku: Huh?
Ansem the Wise: He's not here. You should already have saved the Sora who was wrapped in nightmares.
Riku: Oh? That Sora wrapped up in black darkness?
Ansem the Wise: And after that, you should have come here and been asked three questions by those young people.
[Riku flashes back to the questions he was asked by Roxas and Xion.]
Ansem the Wise: That was the last lock of awakening. Sora is now awake. So, return home.
Riku: Is that right. Thank you.
[Riku summons the Kingdom Key; a keyhole appears in the sky and he unlocks it and begins to float towards it.]
Ansem the Wise: That's right - I still haven't asked for your name.
Riku: It's Riku.
[Riku flies off into the light in the sky.]
*One of the criteria for unlocking 3D's Secret Movie is giving the correct answers to each of these questions. The correct answers are, "Of losing something important," "My precious friends," and, "To take back what is important to me."
---------------- Ending ----------------
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[Lea, Mickey and Yen Sid are seen looking over Riku's unconscious form. Riku begins to open his eyes.]
Mickey: Riku!
[Riku looks up at the three of them, then suddenly sits up.]
Riku: Sora!
[Behind Riku, Sora, Donald and Goofy are sitting around a table with teacups, a huge cake, and other snacks.]
Sora: Hey! Donald, you're being too greedy!
Donald: Sora, you'll be fine just drinking tea!
Goofy: A-hyuk! This is delicious!
Riku: Hey!
[Sora turns around, and he's wearing ridiculous glasses with a fake nose and moustache. He takes them off.]
Sora: Riku -- I'm so glad, Riku!
[Sora tackles Riku with a big hug.]
Riku: No, that's my line... and now you're throwing a party?
Sora: I'm so glad, Riku!!
[Sora hugs him again.]
Riku: Aah, whatever. More importantly, are you okay?
Sora: Yeah. I'm okay. No matter what was happening, when I was dreaming in my sleep, I could always hear your voice. Thank you, Riku. And everyone else, too - thank you!
[Everyone grins back at Sora. He looks up at Yen Sid, who is standing over them stroking his beard.]
Sora: Oh yeah! What about the Mark of Mastery exam!?
Yen Sid: Hmm. You've both done admirably to return as you have.
[Sora and Riku grin at each other, then jump up, knocking Sora's chair over in their excitement. They stand at attention in front of Yen Sid's desk. Yen Sid clears his throat.]
Yen Sid: First, above all I am grateful that you have returned safely from within Xehanort's plot. Also, I am grateful for the strength of Lea's actions. And I want you to forgive me for the the exam being so dangerous because I could not see through their strategy.
Yen Sid: Many truths have come to light. From here on, the battle with darkness will probably become more and more violent. To prepare for that, here we recognise a Keyblade Master who has new power. Sora and Riku, this title would be appropriate for either of you. But it is Riku, who at the very end once again released the keyhole of darkness, and admirably brought Sora back, who will be recognised as a Keyblade Master this time.
[Riku seems too stunned to move. Sora's eyes widen.]
Sora: You did it, Riku!
[Sora jumps up and grabs Riku around the shoulders.]
Sora: I knew you'd be able to do it, Riku! I'm so happy!
Goofy: Sora, you're acting like you passed yourself!
Donald: I had thought it was still too early for Sora.
Sora: Hey!
Riku: I'm... a Keyblade Master...
[Riku looks at Sora; Sora smiles and nods. Mickey, Donald and Goofy walk over to them.]
Mickey: Congratulations, Riku!
[He holds out his hand, and Riku kneels down to shake it.]
Riku: Thank you, Mickey. Thank you, everyone.
Lea: Well, I'll be catching up with you soon.
Sora: What? Axel, a Keyblade Master?
Lea: Yeah. I came here to learn how to use a Keyblade.
Sora and Riku: Whaaat?
Lea: What! You guys are pretty rude! This time I planned to be all cool and show up with a Keyblade! But I haven't been able to bring one out after all. It's not as easy as I thought it would be...
[Lea sticks out his hand, and a Keyblade appears, surprising Lea himself.]
Lea: Oh.
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[Riku, Mickey, Donald and Goofy stand on the steps outside the Mysterious Tower.]
Goofy: Are you really going?
[Sora stands on the grass, facing the open sky.]
Sora: I was sleeping, wasn't I? So there's still something left to do.
Donald: Will you be okay by yourself?
Sora: Yeah. I'll be back soon.
Mickey: Take care.
Riku: Don't do anything rash.
[Sora looks back over his shoulder and grins.]
Sora: Okay. See you later!
[Sora summons his Keyblade, opens a keyhole in the sky, and is engulfed in light. The credits roll.]
[The first part of the credits involves names appearing on the top screen, and images from various parts of the game on the bottom screen. They end on an image of Sora and Riku's KH1 selves looking out over the ocean.]
[After the first part of the credits, a minigame based on the Diving parts of the main game begins, in which Sora can collect points by flying through the names in the credits. Every now and then a single letter will be highlighted in gold; collecting these letters sends them to the bottom screen where they spell out, "Secret Message Unlocked". If you get all the letters, you unlock a secret message* in the Reports section.]
[The next part of the credits has names scrolling down the screen while characters from the game appear with big blue letters, one at a time. Gradually they spell out, "This leads to KINGDOM HEARTS". Finally Sora and Riku's current forms are seen walking towards a light in the distance, and the game's title logo appears one last time.]
*The Secret Message says, in English:
The past will be reawakened as a new number
In never-before seen detail
Prepare yourself for the awakening of the next number
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[Sora wakes up lying in the plaza in Traverse Town.]
Sora: Oh good - like I thought, this world still hasn't vanished. I wonder if they're still here?
[Sora looks around; the plaza is empty. Just as he's looking like he's given up, there's a squeak from behind him. Sora perks up and spins around. Wonder-nyan is bounding full-tilt towards him.]
Sora: You're here!
[Wonder-nyan bounces up and tackles Sora, knocking him into Kuma-panda behind him. Suddenly other Spirit Dreameaters start appearing around Sora, until the plaza and sky above are full of them.]
Sora: Everyone -- Thank you, everyone!
[The scene shifts to an outside view of Castle Oblivion, then a pan over Ventus, still asleep inside it, before fading to black.]