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Fanfiction ► Fate of A Hero: The Prequel to "The Road to Dawn"

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is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Re: Fate of A Hero

due to the loss of my internet connection, I will not be able to update the story for a long while. Sorry for the inconvenience y'all but as soon as my Internet us up again, I'll be back with the resuming of this story. Same goes for my final fantasy story.



braver by the minute
Jun 9, 2009
Re: Fate of A Hero

Dang, I hope you get your connection back soon!


is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Re: Fate of A Hero

Hey hey hey, BELL IS BACK!

Not. Sorry guys, temporary wifi connection. But heeeeeyyyyy, I've gots a suprise for all of you:)

Day 70



Akira stepped back. It was quite dark, so trying to see what he looked like was a failed attempt. All she could see were the glows of her suit.

"Please, if you will," 'Tron' added with a shakey voice, "I do ask that you turn off your suit."

Akira cocked her head to the side. "Why?" More importantly, how?

"Ah, well you see, MCP's antivirus's and players are on the watch for any newcomers." Tron replied. Akira stared at him, dumbfounded.

"Er, okay. How do I turn it off?" She asked. Tron stepped forward, and only his side was visible in Akira's glows.

"Quite simple, really. There is a small touchscreen button on your neck. It's on the left-" Akira fumbled with her neck- "No, no, down- Wait, there. Feel it?"

Akira nodded. She lightly tapped it, then saw nothing. Tron was gone from her vision-well, at least his shape.

"Okay, you probably are wondering how you are going to see, aren't you?" He asked. He was getting braver and braver by the moment. Akira nodded.

"Alright. Remember how I said there was a small touchscreen button on your neck? The bottom left side of your neck holds the suit's control panel. The button you pressed is the on and off button for the glowing effect. It's useful in duels. Now go farther left, and that controls the brightness.

"Now at your right temple, there is another control. It is your night vision control. The night vision shield, which can also be just a shield, shields your eyes only. You would need an upgrade for a full faced shield. Now, tap at your right temple."

Akira tapped her right temple, and sure enough, something slid out of her forehead. On her eyes, she viewed as a screen opened.

Level 1.
New Game?

"Tron, what do I do?" She asked.

"Answer no." He said.

"No." Akira said in a question format. The screen went away.

Suddenly, data went scrolling through her eyes, and targets were circling around. It stopped after a few seconds, then finally, blinking letters appeared, clearing the rest of the data around.

Night Vision Activated

"It takes a few moments for your system to settle." Tron added. Akira looked up at him.

"What did you mean by players? Is this some sort of...game?"


hope you all enjoyed it! I know, its tiny, I havent been writing much and I know I should. Bleh, but there's more where that came from, whenever there's wifi available for me, I'll have a chapter prepared.

Enough babbling! Haha, back to Wordpad!

(if I still have wifi by the time I'm done with the next update, another chapter may be up in a while!)


is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Re: Fate of A Hero

Okay, well, this will be the last one for today. Hope you all liike:)

Day 70


Xane wandered aimlessly around the streets of the main square, the lonely streets of Twilight Town making her impatient.

"Damn this mission. How am I supposed to find some computer!?" She cried angrily. She stopped. There was a huge crack in the middle of a blank wall.

"That seems ominous," She said sarcastically. Xane walked towards it, putting her head through it.


A forest stretched out over a patch of land, tall trees dwindling in a maze, so dark only the sun peeking from the tops of the trees lightened spots on the ground. Xane stepped through the crack, stumbling over few stray pieces of concrete that had fallen from the crack, and walked. Not clear on where she was going, she weaved through the large tree trunks, her once annoyed face now exchanged with a look of wonder, and for once, she did want to know where this was heading. She was curious.

"Oh crabgrass."

Xane stared in amazement at the old mansion that appeared before her. The large black gates were open wide, and so was the door at the entry. Somehow, Xane got the feeling Akira was here somewhere.

"Alright," Xane mumbled, gripping the small USB in her hands, "I guess I should look in there."


Xane stepped into the main room, much like a parlor in a sense, with cobwebs and dirt covering every square inch of the space. She coughed and looked to the left, then to the right. She spotted an open door once more.

"She probably went through there." She whispered, heading for the stairs leading to that door. The stairs were old, as she probably guessed, squeaking and creeking at every step. Xane stopped her sprint upwards as she reached the adjacsent door. She peered in slowly, then stepped back.

The whole room was a library. But the floor was gone.

"Okay, this is getting stranger and stranger." Xane whispered to herself. But as any person would do, she stepped in, and found a step under where her foot should have gone, as she almost feel. The stairs at the foot of the door led down to some sort of basement, and Xane was not going to hesitate.

She quietly entered the mysterious basement.


"Damn it, open!"


The door slid open from left to right, making Xane stumble in. She rubbed her temples, her eyes to the floor, when suddenly, a beeping noise interrupted her thoughts.

Xane's eyes widened. She smiled.

"The computer..." She said, barely a whisper, stepping forward, USB in hand. She circled it from afar, then saw a seperate piece of machinery that connected to the computer. On the side it read: USB Port.

"Found it." Xane smirked and uncapped the USB, placing it in the port gently, fastening it into place. She stepped back slowly, waiting. Suddenly, the computer spoke.

"Status. Mission. Mission: Collect MCP's hard-drive, bring back any valuable information in a USB."


"On side, collect twenty hearts. Press the 'Return' button to proceed."

"Well that sounds pretty easy." Xane flipped her blonde braid back, then looked down at the bright keyboard, searching for the return button. She finally spotted it, and without hesitation, she pressed it.

"Proceeding. Please remove USB from port."

Xane did so, taking the USB in one yank. Suddenly, the computer started to beep a loud alarm.

"Alert. Rogue system attempted hack. Hack. Hack. Hack."

Xane fell back, eyes wide. "What?!"

"Alert. Alert. ALERT."






is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Re: Fate of A Hero

Woo! Another one:)!

Day 70

"Crap..." Xane mumbled, feeling the cold floor under her face. She put her arms in push up position slowly, pushing herself up. She positioned herself to sit on the side of her bum, eyes wincing at how hard she hit the floor. Did she even fall?

"Aw, who knows..." She grumbled angrily. Finally, she opened her eyes and looked up, building up to her sudden awe.

She mouthed the word 'wow' and panned her vision from right to left, her green eyes large in confusion.

Before her was a cityscape, glowing with flourescent blues and vermillions, a strange mix of orange and red. In front of her was a long bridge, straight and floating over no water or dirt, just data. The cold floor she sat on was black, with poorly glowing blue strips.

Xane stood and dusted herself off, then stopped. Her organization cloak was gone. She looked down at her legs and midsection, to see she was in a black suit, covering her from toes to shoulders. She had a halter top with no sleeves, revealing only her shoulders and upper arms. From the elbow down, she had some type of gloves, black as well. The entire suit was black, glowing in strips with that dark vermillion color, and very formfitting. She examined herself, and for once didn't feel her long braids weighing her down. She reached for her head and felt the suit covering her cranium as well. She patted the back of her head, and felt a lump. her hair was in some sort of bun.

Xane looked down, the dark marble enough to act as a mirror. Xane's mouthed dropped open as she watched herself.


As she fumbled with her right temple, some sort of shield popping down to cover her eyes. Xane gasped.

"What the-"

A screen appeared before her eyes.

Level 1.
New Game?_

Xane stared, her eyes somehow cross-eyed.

"Er, yes?" She said uncertainly. Suddenly, the screen dissapeared, with big red letters blinking in her face.


Xane swayed a bit backwards. She looked around, when suddenly, the red letters were gone. She stayed still for a thousand moments.


Xane scratched her elbow. "Yeah?" She answered, once again uncertain.

Suddenly, the screen in front of her eyes scrolled down data, numbers and statistics, when finally, a voice spoke into her head.

"Opponent name, Akira Sairi. Status, Level 1. Newcomer. ID number eight six seven four five five five nine one."

A picture of Akira's body covered in a suit much like Xane's-only white-swirled on the screen.

Xane shut her eyes in exasperation. Why does Akira always get in the way of things!?

Suddenly, a large black motorcycle zoomed to her side, awaiting to be ridden by Xane. She cocked her head to the side.

"A race?"

In her head, the robotic voice spoke. "Level 1. Challenge type, duel. Challenge, race."

Xane grinned. "Do ho ho, this is going to be good."



Pie Equals Friendship in YO FACE!
Jul 3, 2009
Re: Fate of A Hero

LOL Bell u are such a nerd ;P


i liked it!!


is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Re: Fate of A Hero

Day 70

"You wanted to speak to me, superiors?"

Roxas looked down, his hood on all the way. Vexen toyed on his rather large computer screen, looking at data scrolling in and out of windows. Zexion and Xemnas turned, expectant looks on their faces. Roxas looked up, his eyes uneasy.

"She's regressing." Zexion said, walking towards him. He began to circle him slowly. "Do you think you;ve been doing your job well?"

Roxas looked around nervously. "Er...you tell me."

Zexion stopped behind Roxas. He got close enough to hear a whisper in between them. "Roxas, would you like to see your little friend gone? Would you like to feel that pain again?-oh, pardon me. We can't feel. Is that why you can't seem to reel her in?"

Xemnas stepped forward. "Akira and Xane's mission were to hack into Namine's computer, where-as we suspected- it was located in Twilight Town. And once again, we are correct. Namine has been responsible in the regression of Akira's memory.

"We believe if we are able to watch over Namine's work, or even stop the process completely, we can keep Akira here, and she will help us toward our ultimate goal."

"Kingdom Hearts," Roxas answered. Xemnas nodded.

"Your job was to help her remember." Zexion said, arms crossed.

"But, she is!" Roxas defended. Zexion neared Roxas's face.

"But not what we want her to know."

Roxas stared at him in disbelief. "You mean, you don't want her to remember?"

Xemnas sighed. "We do, Number Thirteen."

"What we mean is," Vexen said from afar, "Is we want her to-how should I put this?"

"You're implanting the wrong memories." Roxas answered once again, eyes wide.

"Exactly." Zexion added, grinning.

"B-but,'' Roxas continued, "Isn't that what Namine is trying to do?"

Vexen stepped back from the computer, his face thoughtful and tone distant. "Hm...I suppose so. But her acts are not in our favor. Then again, she isn't doing this exactly. Implanting fake memories is only a backup plan, just in case she remembers."

All four stayed silent for a while. Roxas was the one to break the silence.

"So," He challenged, "What exactly did you want from me?"

Zexion grinned. He walked away from Roxas and stared at the screen. Finally, he spoke.

"We need you to get closer. Much, much closer."

"And how do you expect me to do that?" Roxas challenged once more. Zexion chewed a thought over for a minute. Finally he turned to look at Xemnas.

"Will it be alright if we, bend the rules a bit?"



is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Re: Fate of A Hero

Yay dawn rebirth replied!

haaha i was in need of a reply:) And thanks.

(Inspiration: YouTube - Daft Punk - Around The World)

Day 70

"Is this some sort of...game?''

Tron opened his mouth to speak, then suddenly closed it, looking to the side of the alley way in which he brough Akira in.

He looked back at Akira urgently. "We need to leave this place. MCP's players are everywhere!"

He grabbed Akira by the wrist, then led her to open view, a street in between buildings. They seemed to be alone until-

"MCP Challenge. Accept?" someone shouted behind them. Tron dared not look back.

"No. No no no no no!" He said. Suddenly, he let go of Akira, pushing her forward. Akira stopped staring at Tron and looked in front, to see the end of the road, much more of a cliff.

"Tron, are we-"

"JUMP!" He shouted as they reached the end. Akira did so and braced herself.

"Put your arms out!" He shouted, doing the action. Akira did so, and looked at Tron.

Suddenly, under him pieces of data materialized, revealing itself to be a motorcycle. Akira's mouth dropped open as she looked down at herself, where a smaller motorcycle was digitalizing into place.

"HOLD ON!" Tron shouted. Akira gripped the black handle, and suddenly, she and the motorcycle lit up in blue strips once more. As they touched the ground, they left some sort of blue trail behind them, twisting and curving in any direction the bike went.

"Over here!" Tron shouted from her right, and Akira went to join him.

''I must explain now, for I doubt there will be any time for you to settle down and understand completely."

"Alright." Akira said, keeping her eyes on the road. They were somehow still in the city. Who puts a cliff in a city?!

''This is, in fact, a game. A game of five levels.

"Each level is one on one, no multiplayer, unless requested by player as a mini-game. Games are determined by level of difficulty, players' statistics, and level alone.

"Level four is the mega level, as some have-um-not made it past level four. Level five will get you to MCP. There, as some say, he will give you the ulimate prize."

"MCP?" Akira asked, suddenly revving the silent engine. "I'm looking for MCP."

"Then if you are, you must go through all four levels, winning all of them. Unless you want to redo them?"

Akira shook her head. "So how do I start this level?"

"You accept the Level 1 Challenge, accept a challenge from an opponent, or challenge someone yourself."

Akira stayed silent for a while as she put herself slightly behind Tron, to his side, as to not hit the strip of light. Tron came to a slow, around another alley, and Akira followed.

"I think we can stop now." He said, "We lost them."

"Why are we running from MCP's players?" She asked, still kind of confused.

"Because." He said quickly, "All I can say is that if you get a challenge request from one of them, there's no way to say no."

Akria hopped off the strange motorcycle, then leaned against it, her hand on her forehead. She closed her eyes and tried to catch her breath.

"Tron, I need to get to MCP." She said, eyes closed. Tron didn't look at her.

"Please, Tron. Will you help me?"

Tron straddled his motorcycle. "We'll meet during the game. You're on your own, miss."

He sped off, leaving Akira behind his Electric Blue dust. She stared in disbelief, mouth adjar.

"Didn't he want to help?" She whispered angrily, crossing her arms. Suddenly, a screen blinked in her face.
New challenge.
Accept challenge?

Akira thought this over for a few seconds. It couldn't be MCP, the information didn't say it was him. And besides, she did need to get to Level 5.

"Yes." She stated firmly.

Challenge accepted.

"Er, no." She said uncertainly. She waited as the screen cleared out in front of her eyes. All of a sudden, a mechanic voice spoke, ringing in her ears.

"Level 1. Challenge type, duel. Challenge, race."

"A race...?" Akira trailed off, looking towards her newfound transportation. "Huh-"

Woosh! Akira was pixelated away, leaving nothing behind but the sound of her gasp.




is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Re: Fate of A Hero

Day 70

Level One
"This should be interesting," Xane said, grinning. Soon she was gone, whisked off to the racing field.


Akira's motorcycle guided her to her starting point, the strips of light turned down, almost invisible. She waited.


"Challengers ready?" A female voice called. Akira nodded.

Akira looked to see a black speck in the distance, making its way to be in front of Akira. Akira tapped her temple to flip the shield over her face away, to see her challenger.

The black speck stopped, now a full shape in view. The rider of the black motorcycle was thin and mysterious, a shape of almost a girl.

Akira took off her headpiece, and it materialized as a helmet in her hands, her black hair falling into place.

The rider in front did so as well, and she shook her wavy blonde hair away from the helmet in her hands.



They stared at eachother in surprise, Akira more than Xane.

"This is my mission!" Akira shouted.

"Not as long as I have this!" Xane took out the USB disk in her possession. Akira narrowed your eyes.

"Where did you get that?" She demanded. Xane smirked.

"Oh, you don't have one? Shame. I guess I'll be winning this test." Xane smiled and put her helmet on once more, taking its shape as it was before, and revved her engine, like a challenge.

Akira scrunched her nose in anger, then put on her headpiece again, tapping her temple. She revved her engine as a response.

"Everything goes, Akira." Xane whispered, her hand on the clutch.


VROOM! Both bikes sped off, and away they went.

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