That's really, really good! I couldn't even tell that it wasn't the real one. You should do more of these if you ever feel like it. 
Wow, good job.
Think I'll post this on the main site.
if you dont want to download you can listen to it here
YouTube - Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - Enchanted Dominion battle music
Hey all, I was excited for Birth by Sleep, so I decided to put together Enchanted Dominion's battle music from the preview videos.
This was done specifically from the video with Terra fighting around in Enchanted Dominion.
The videos did not contained every single moment of the song, so I had to guess quite a bit, however I feel it gives a good sense of the song.
Download Link >>Enchanted Dominion Battle.mp3
It's not arranged exactly the same as Yoko Shimomura's version, but it should sound very similar to how it will when the game comes out.
Yeah, that was me back then too.By any chance, have you done something like this in the past?
I recall a member on either KHV or KHU posting up his rendition of Namine's theme and Scythe of Petals. They were mind blowingly professional.
If I didn't know any better, I'd say you extracted the BGM directly from the video and removed any extraneous audio. It sounds dead on.
Thanks for the comments everyone.
I actually might try to do Castle of Dreams next, then possibly the spinning wheel boss fight after.
Dunno how long it will take, but I hope to get it done soon.
Glad you all enjoyed it.
In case you are wondering what I did, was that I listened to the videos and "recomposed" the song using Fruity Loops Studio.
I first started by writing down all the notes using MIDI then I applied the nice synths to each track.
The synths are called Garritan Personal Orchestra and East West Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra Gold (they have really long names...).
I think trying to balance everything took the longest, but that's how the preview was put together.
Sadly there is no way to filter out specific sounds in a video, everything has to be redone.
It's like baking a cake, you can't all of a sudden remove all of the butter and egg from a finished cake.
Yeah, that was me back then too.
I took a long break and learned how to use the synths better.
So hopefully this sounds a lot better than back then.
Thanks for the comments everyone.
I actually might try to do Castle of Dreams next, then possibly the spinning wheel boss fight after.
Dunno how long it will take, but I hope to get it done soon.
Glad you all enjoyed it.