Why do they even make the multiplayer modes?
Is it that popular in Japan that multiple people will actually get together on a regular basis to play?
Fuck, Nomura is the man.
Im glad he isnt a fagg and isnt just a mindless suit.
Because no one uses it anymore. It's kinda an old technology, which they have taken out in the later models of the PSP.
Learn what you speak of PSP has a HUGE infrastructure community.
-Socom FTB 1
-Socom FTB 2
-Socom FTB 3 (coming soon)
-Syphon filter all 3
-MGS portable Ops
-MGS portable ops +
-Killzone liberation
-Medal of Honor
Need I say more?
And these games are highly active.
And the psp has no removed the feature and it not old tech, if that were the case xbox and ps3 wouldnt use it either >_>
I mean, why else wouldn't Pokemon be popular, especially when back in the days, it didn't have wi-fi? The Japanese are obsessed with communication.
Sora, at the end.
So these aren't the best scenes???
So, why wouldn't they go the extra step and have ad hoc and infrastructure?
Yes, I realize that, to date, not an overwhelmingly large amount of PSP games have utilized infrastructure, but if there's a reason why they'd skip over it, I'd like to know. I'd like to know that there's a legitimate reason as to why I'm going to miss out on an entire game mode.
I dont think the sora part at the end is part of the secret ending. Every secret ending thus far has been cgi that part didnt look secret endingish to me. maybe regular ending?
Blame CFW.
PSP is home to every cheat device imaginable.
Thats one of the issues with almost all PSP games is the fact there always cheating and you cant stop it lol unless u release a patch every day >_>
Pardon my stupidity, but how does cfw affect their decision to exclude an infrastructure mode?
To my knowledge, you can still play online with custom firmware. Right?
Nomura said even he had a tough time playing the game which means it has to be hard, yay! I'm happy!