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Are you tired of all [spoilers]

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May 8, 2007
Saying I'm tired of Sora's bits would be an understatement. Since I've ranted about it more than a few times. There's been six games, and four have had a form of Sora in them. As well as Kairi's and Xehanorts. Enough!!! If we count original sora, data sora, and antisora it's been all six. When Vanitas took his helmet off that was the last f*cking straw for me. My toleration broke to pieces. When nomura said this was Sora's story who knew he meant goddamn literally with a doppelganger(s) per game.
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New member
Nov 3, 2008
YES. The amount of clones this boy has is beyond ridiculous. I know Sora is the main character, but enough is enough. Vanitas was really the final straw. I liked him as a character, but the fact that he was yet another Sora pissed me off more than you can image.


sans 911
Oct 8, 2008
Xion isn't a Sora clone. She's a clone of Roxas! She was affected by the memories of Sora and Kairi, thus looked like Kairi and, eventually, Sora.

Roxas is Sora, not a clone of Sora.

Ventus isn't a part of Sora originally, only connected to him so he doesn't die.

Vanitas is half of Ventus, who is affected be the connection Sora and Ven had or, possibly, affected Sora to look like him.

Anti Sora is Sora, and possibly is non-canon because it only appears in Gameplay so you don't get power hungry with drive forms, though Nomura was stupid and made it powerful.

Data Sora is a clone of Sora, but, is unimportant for the most part, because he doesn't actually exist.

Thus, the only clones in Kingdom Hearts are Xion and Repliku and Data Sora. Xion is the only one with a connection to Sora. Data Sora has no connection to Sora via. The Heart, so it doesn't even matter.

Allister Rose

French Lover
May 13, 2009
Xion isn't a Sora clone. She's a clone of Roxas! She was affected by the memories of Sora and Kairi, thus looked like Kairi and, eventually, Sora.

Roxas is Sora, not a clone of Sora.

Ventus isn't a part of Sora originally, only connected to him so he doesn't die.

Vanitas is half of Ventus, who is affected be the connection Sora and Ven had or, possibly, affected Sora to look like him.

Anti Sora is Sora, and possibly is non-canon because it only appears in Gameplay so you don't get power hungry with drive forms, though Nomura was stupid and made it powerful.

Data Sora is a clone of Sora, but, is unimportant for the most part, because he doesn't actually exist.

Thus, the only clones in Kingdom Hearts are Xion and Repliku and Data Sora. Xion is the only one with a connection to Sora. Data Sora has no connection to Sora via. The Heart, so it doesn't even matter.

actually, the game refers to her a clone of sora, but slowly taking roxas' power.

anti form was explained by nomura.


Bronze Member
Jul 20, 2008
Xion isn't a Sora clone.
ye she is.
She's a clone of Roxas!
who cares? its basically the same thing. confirmed that roxas looks like sora so xion can be a clone of both but it doesnt matter, still a sora clone.
Ventus isn't a part of Sora originally, only connected to him so he doesn't die.
actually ventus is a clone of sora, period. ventus wasnt made till kh2 so hes a sora clone. im not going timeline wise or kh wise right now. ventus is a sora clone.
Vanitas is half of Ventus, who is affected be the connection Sora and Ven had or, possibly, affected Sora to look like him.
and ventus looks like sora.
another sora clone.

they are all sora clones and it's ridiculous, unoriginal and stupid.

OT: nice sig!


Bronze Member
Nov 29, 2008
ye she is.

who cares? its basically the same thing. confirmed that roxas looks like sora so xion can be a clone of both but it doesnt matter, still a sora clone.

actually ventus is a clone of sora, period. ventus wasnt made till kh2 so hes a sora clone. im not going timeline wise or kh wise right now. ventus is a sora clone.

and ventus looks like sora.
another sora clone.

they are all sora clones and it's ridiculous, unoriginal and stupid.

OT: nice sig!
Sora is moreso a Ventus clone. Don't care what you try to think in another way, timeline is the only way to go.


Bronze Member
Jul 20, 2008
Sora is moreso a Ventus clone. Don't care what you try to think in another way, timeline is the only way to go.
okay then. have it your way.

everyone is then a ventus clone. same shit. all of them are ven clones and we're back to square 1. unoriginal, etc.


Bronze Member
Nov 29, 2008
okay then. have it your way.

everyone is then a ventus clone. same shit. all of them are ven clones and we're back to square 1. unoriginal, etc.
Goddammit man, what is your problem. This is a game, why the hell are you making such a deal out of it. Its fiction, nothing is perfect. Just accept it.


KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
Xion isn't a Sora clone. She's a clone of Roxas! She was affected by the memories of Sora and Kairi, thus looked like Kairi and, eventually, Sora.

No, she was a clone of Sora. She was created (or at least, her doll form existed) before Roxas was found by the Org--that was the original replica program, to copy the power of the keyblade master to have it under their control. Then they randomly got Roxas anyway and were stoked.

And I don't understand what your point is with the rest of the post, because even if they aren't literal test-tube clones, they all have his face/came from him/are in him/all of the above.
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Dec 23, 2009
Lost somewhere in time
Ven, Vanitas and Roxas cant be considered as Sora's clone they just have a connection to Sora in some way like what luap had already said Xion is the only clone of Sora

Ven's Heart connect to Sora when Sora was born that was the time when Xenohart wanted to leave Ven to sleep on destiny island as Ven's heart could not cope with the splitting of his heart. Nomura has already confirm this in recent interview so they are not the same person but two different person,
The reasons i could think of that Sora looks abit like Ven are
1. Sora's connection with Ven affected his appearance
2. Ven's may be Sora's elder brother as it was never mention where Ven came from it is not uncommon for brothers to have some look alike

Vanitas = Ven's Darkness hence he couldnt be said as a clone of Sora his appearance could have been affected by Sora as Sora's heart filled the place in Ven's heart where he is supposed to be and vice-versa

Roxas = Sora's Nobody Nobody is the body left behind when a heart leave the body so could be consider as part of Sora instead of a clone reason Roxas looking like Ven is most probably Sora's connection with Ven or Ven's heart was sleeping inside Roxas when Sora free his heart

I find the story rather interesting but complex
i wouldnt mind Roxas, Ven or Vanitas as they make the story more interesting to me XD
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Bronze Member
Jul 20, 2008
Goddammit man, what is your problem. This is a game, why the hell are you making such a deal out of it. Its fiction, nothing is perfect. Just accept it.
why are you only saying that i'm the only making such a big deal about it? a lot of people are disgusted with vanitas looking like sora. that was a HUGE mistake and really stupid.

vanitas could've been done so much better if he didnt look like sora and had way better character development than just being a 1 sided tool character
Ven, Vanitas and Roxas cant be considered as Sora's clone they just have a connection to Sora in some way like what allister had already said Xion is the only clone of Sora

Ven's Heart connect to Sora when Sora was born that was the time when Xenohart wanted to leave Ven to sleep on destiny island as Ven's heart could not cope with the splitting of his heart. Nomura has already confirm this in recent interview so they are not the same person but two different person,
The reasons i could think of that Sora looks abit like Ven are
1. Sora's connection with Ven affected his appearance
2. Ven's may be Sora's elder brother as it was never mention where Ven came from it is not uncommon for brothers to have some look alike

Vanitas = Ven's Darkness hence he couldnt be said as a clone of Sora his appearance could have been affected by Sora as Sora's heart filled the place in Ven's heart where he is supposed to be and vice-versa

Roxas = Sora's Nobody Nobody is the body left behind when a heart leave the body so could be consider as part of Sora instead of a clone reason Roxas looking like Ven is most probably Sora's connection with Ven or Ven's heart was sleeping inside Roxas when Sora free his heart

I find the story rather interesting but complex.
they all look like each other so its basically clones :l


New member
Aug 13, 2009
In Disney Town with Ven.
they all look like each other so its basically clones :l

ven is not a clone.

if anything, everyone if a clone of ven. i.e., sora has ven's personality probably because of ven's heart. vanitas looks like sora, but is actually ven's darkness. roxas probably has ven's heart, hence why he looks like him. xion is the only real 'sora' clone.


Bronze Member
Jul 20, 2008
ven is not a clone.

if anything, everyone if a clone of ven. i.e., sora has ven's personality probably because of ven's heart. vanitas looks like sora, but is actually ven's darkness. roxas probably has ven's heart, hence why he looks like him. xion is the only real 'sora' clone.
they are still alone clones or look alikes. still exactly the same. they may not be categorized as 'clones' but they are look alikes and its ridiculous.

since im not going by real kh timeline wise im going by timeline wise of the game development. we first had sora. there was no such thing as ven, terra, aqua, master xehanort, nor even a xehanort at this time then eventually the clones came up with first roxas then ven then xion and now freaking vanitas that ruined everything on vanitas when i saw him.

my reaction:
"o wonderful another sora look alike. BORING."

either way if your going by kh timeline wise then everyone is a ven lookalike. no originality and stupid.
maybe next time if there is an engima like vanitas they wouldnt waste him by making him look like a sora and making him looking like a mixture of riku and sora. of course he wasnt gonig to be a new character but why ANOTHER sora look alike? screw that.


New member
May 26, 2007
Mount Vernon, Indiana, United States, North Americ
I'm fine with it all. Even Xion. Yes, I like Xion, and I like the idea of what she is. Piss off.

Anywho, mainly the reason I don't mind is because of what Nomura has stated since the very beginning. KINGDOM HEARTS IS SORA'S STORY. Yeah, maybe a LITTLE variation would be nice, but every single part of the story somehow has to link to Sora. So no, the amount of "clones" doesn't bother me.

And for anybody who it does bother, quit your whining, because you'll be getting a new series with someone else as the focus, so there.

Hamster Lord

Atrocity Exhibition
Sep 27, 2008
Neo Kobe City
ikr! besides riku sora is my fav character anyway. I wanna play another game with sora as the main playable character again. its been like 4 yrs


New member
Nov 3, 2008
I'm fine with it all. Even Xion. Yes, I like Xion, and I like the idea of what she is. Piss off.

No need for rudeness.

Anywho, mainly the reason I don't mind is because of what Nomura has stated since the very beginning. KINGDOM HEARTS IS SORA'S STORY. Yeah, maybe a LITTLE variation would be nice, but every single part of the story somehow has to link to Sora. So no, the amount of "clones" doesn't bother me.

I get that KH is Sora's story. That doesn't make the clones any less annoying for some people. There are plenty of ways to tie him into the story without creating seven alternate versions of himself, which frankly reeks of unoriginality.

And for anybody who it does bother, quit your whining, because you'll be getting a new series with someone else as the focus, so there.

Thank God.


Bronze Member
Nov 29, 2008
they are still alone clones or look alikes. still exactly the same. they may not be categorized as 'clones' but they are look alikes and its ridiculous.

since im not going by real kh timeline wise im going by timeline wise of the game development. we first had sora. there was no such thing as ven, terra, aqua, master xehanort, nor even a xehanort at this time then eventually the clones came up with first roxas then ven then xion and now freaking vanitas that ruined everything on vanitas when i saw him.

my reaction:
"o wonderful another sora look alike. BORING."

either way if your going by kh timeline wise then everyone is a ven lookalike. no originality and stupid.
maybe next time if there is an engima like vanitas they wouldnt waste him by making him look like a sora and making him looking like a mixture of riku and sora. of course he wasnt gonig to be a new character but why ANOTHER sora look alike? screw that.
Something like this was bound to happen. It was no big problem.
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