They had people playing the game on the XL at Japan Expo, I believe.
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Yes pre-ordered and paid off at gamestop but I could not get the MoM edition my heart sank when the clerk said they whernt excepting any more preorders for it as well what are you going to do that what I get for waiting to long to pre-order.
You should have ordered it online instead xD That is the only place you can now (unless you get lucky) xD
Well my moneys all ready spent so its to late for me and I was so looking fowered on puting that nice case on my 3DS, congrats to the people who did get it though.
You'll probably find the case on ebay eventually. Some people buy these editions just to sell the contents xD
I can't wait to pick it up July 26th~
hey at least I'm not from Europe.why rub it in chaser, why
I can't wait to pick it up July 31st~